Excerpt from the diary of Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov about his conversation with Polish envoy to t...

Title Excerpt from the diary of Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs M. Litvinov about his conversation with Polish envoy to the USSR J. Lukasiewicz about the attitude of Poland to the note of Soviet People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs G. Chicherin [to Lithuanian Acting Foreign Minister M. Sleževičius on 28 September 1926] regarding the renewal of the Soviet-Polish non-aggression pact. Original. Mark: “My archive. J. Stalin” – autograph of J. Stalin.
Dates 5 April 1934
Notes Original. Litter: "My archive. I. St [alin]" - autograph of I. V. Stalin
Text language Russian
Call number РГАСПИ. Ф. 558. Оп. 11. Д. 359. Л. 21-24
Original location Russian State Archives of Social and Political History
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