Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov a...

Title Report from the Head of the Red Army Intelligence Directorate S. Uritsky to Soviet People’s Commissar of Defence K. Voroshilov about a conversation between Minister President of Prussia H. Goering and Inspector General of the Polish Armed Forces E. Rydz-Smigly regarding Polish-German military cooperation, the construction of a railway and motor highway through the Polish Corridor, the fate of Danzig, and war against the USSR. Original.
Dates 25 February 1937
Notes Original
Text language Russian
Call number РГВА. Ф. 33987. Оп. 3а. Д. 1036. Л. 131
Original location Russian State Military Archives
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