Решения уголовного кассационного департамента
Решения уголовного кассационного департамента
Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate. 1884
Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate. St. Petersburg: Type. Ruling. The Senate.
1884. 1885.
1884. 1885.
Библиотека АП РФ
Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate. 1910
Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate. 1910. Moscow: Typo-lit. "Moscow", 1910.
Библиотека АП РФ
Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate .... for 1897
Russia. The Senate. The Criminal Cassation Department. Decisions of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Governing Senate ... Ekaterinoslav: LM Rotenberg, 1910-1912.
for the year 1897. 1911.
for the year 1897. 1911.
Библиотека АП РФ
An alphabetical index of issues resolved by the Criminal Cassation and General Assembly of the Cassation Departments of the Governing Senate, 1866-1876
Trakhtenberg, Herman Isaakovich (1840-1895).
An alphabetical index of issues resolved by the Criminal Cassation and General Assembly of the Cassation Departments of the Governing Senate, 1866-1876.
St. Petersburg: type. F. S. Sushchinsky, 1878.
St. Petersburg: type. F. S. Sushchinsky, 1878.
An alphabetical index of issues resolved by the Criminal Cassation and General Assembly of the Cassation Departments of the Governing Senate, 1878-1893
Trakhtenberg, Herman Isaakovich (1840-1895).
An alphabetical index of issues resolved by the Criminal Cassation and General Assembly of the Cassation Departments of the Governing Senate, 1878-1893.
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1895.
St. Petersburg: Type. M. M. Stasyulevich, 1895.
Index [on] legal issues resolved by the Criminal Cassation and General Assembly of the Cassation Departments of the Senate
Trakhtenberg, Herman Isaakovich (1840-1895).
Index [on] legal issues authorized by the Criminal Cassation and General Assembly of the Cassation Departments of the Senate.
St. Petersburg: M-in., 1874.
St. Petersburg: M-in., 1874.