Report of the USSR People's Commissar of Internal Affairs L.P. Beria to J.V. Stalin on the statements of the 1st Secretary of t...

Title Report of the USSR People's Commissar of Internal Affairs L.P. Beria to J.V. Stalin on the statements of the 1st Secretary of the German Embassy in the USSR G. von Walter about Moscow's attitude to the conclusion of the Triple Pact and the possibility of a personal meeting between Hitler and Stalin in Berlin
Dates October 1, 1940
Notes Original document. Published: "Bulletin of the Archive of the President of the Russian Federation. USSR - Germany. 1932-1941". Moscow, 2019, pp. 416-417
Text language Русский
Level Document
Call number РГАНИ. Ф. 3. Оп. 64. Д. 674. Л. 198-199
Original location Russian State Archive of Contemporary History
Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина
Digital copy source Federal Archival Agency
Display format