Title |
Cipher telegram of the TASS representative in Bucharest M.S.Sharov to the head of TASS Y.S. Khavinson on the resignation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania G. Hafenk and the appointment of I. Dzhigurt to this post |
Dates |
June 4, 1940 |
Notes |
Certified copy |
Text language |
Русский |
Level |
Document |
Call number |
АВП РФ. Ф. 059. Оп. 1. П. 318. Д. 2191. Л. 124-125 |
Original location |
Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation |
Cataloguing source |
ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина |
Digital copy source |
Federal Archival Agency |
Display format |
Collections |