Directive of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command of the Wehrmacht V. Keitel to the Commander-in-Chief of the occupati...

Title Directive of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme High Command of the Wehrmacht V. Keitel to the Commander-in-Chief of the occupation forces in Norway on his tasks in accordance with the "Barbarossa Plan"
Dates April 7, 1941

The documents were submitted by the former Wehrmacht general A. Jodl to the commission of Major General N. M. Trusov in June 1945

Copy. Russian translation

Level Document
Call number РГАНИ. Ф. 3. Оп. 58. Д. 460. Л. 16-21
Original location Russian State Archives of Contemporary History
Cataloguing source ПБ им. Б.Н. Ельцина
Digital copy source Federal Archival Agency
Display format