From the application materials for the invention "Device for Enhancing the Cooling of Jet Engines". AG Kostikov

Title From the application materials for the invention "Device for Enhancing the Cooling of Jet Engines". AG Kostikov
Dates January 16, 1941
Notes Originals A.s. No. 4144. Description of the invention dated May 11, 1940 Drawing. The decision to issue an inventor's certificate dated January 16, 1941. Letter from the NKO of the USSR to the Bureau of Inventions of the State Planning Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the registration of the invention dated December 19, 1941.
Text language Russian
Call number РГА в г. Самаре. Ф. Р-1. Оп. 49-5. Д. 2366. Л. 1-3, 5-6
Original location Russian State Archives in Samara
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