West of European Russia
West of European Russia
The Instruction of the commission established for the analysis and return of fugitives from Russia to Estland, and from Estland to Russia, in Narva Commission, according to which it has to act
The Instruction of the commission established for the analysis and return of fugitives from Russia to Estland and from Estland to Russia, in Narva Commission on which it has to act.
[Moscow: Pecs. under the Senate, September 11, 1744].
[Moscow: Pecs. under the Senate, September 11, 1744].
The outskirts of Russia.Ser.1. Russian Baltic Pomorie
Samarin.Yuri Fedorovich.1819-1876.The outskirts of Russia.Berlin: B. Behr's buchh.(E. bock), 1878.Ser.1: Russian Baltic Pomorie.Berlin: B. Behr's buchhandlung (E. Bock), 1876.
Тамбовская ОУНБ
Page from the history of serfdom in the XVIII-XIX centuries.
Dovnar-Zapolsky, Mitrofan Viktorovich (1867-1934).
Page from the history of serfdom in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Moscow: Type. T. ID Sytin, 1906.
Омская ГОНБ
Russian peasants under the rule of Lithuania and Poland
Turtsevich, Arseniy Osipovich
Russian peasants under the rule of Lithuania and Poland.
Vilna: Type. AG Syrkin, 1911.
Vilna: Type. AG Syrkin, 1911.