Reform preparation
Reform preparation
Serf population in Russia according to the 10th national census
Troinitsky, Alexander Grigorievich (1807-1871). Serf population in Russia according to the 10th national census. St. Petersburg: in the type. Karl Wulf, 1861.
Herald of Europe. G. 46 1911, [book. 2], February
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 46 1911, [bk. 2], February. 1911.
G. 46 1911, [bk. 2], February. 1911.
Herald of Europe. G. 46 1911, [book. 3], March
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 46 1911, [bk. 3], March. 1911.
G. 46 1911, [bk. 3], March. 1911.
A. Popelnitsky. The Secret Committee in the Peasants’ Emancipation of Serfdom. Pages 127-153 (scans 129-155)
Collection of resolutions on the organization of the life of the landlord peasants, for the years 1857 and 1858
Russia. Laws and regulations. Collection of resolutions on the device of everyday life of landed peasants, for 1857 and 1858 years. St. Petersburg: Komis. for status. Regulations on the peasants, 1859.
Collection of legal acts on landlord peasants
Potapovich, Avksenti Avksentievich. Collection of legal acts on landlord peasants. St. Petersburg: type. V. Bezobrazova, 1859.
Legislative materials collected for the development of the draft Regulations on the peasants: Part 1 - Introduction. On the peasant laws ...
Russia. Law drafting commission
Legislative materials collected for the development of the draft Regulations on the peasants: Part 1 - Introduction. On the peasant laws ....
[B. g.].
[B. g.].
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. [Period 1], part 1
Russia. Editorial commissions for drafting provisions on peasants emerging from serfdom
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. [Period 1], Part 1. St. Petersburg, 1859-. 1859.
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. [Period 1], part 2
Russia. Editorial commissions for drafting provisions on peasants emerging from serfdom
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. [Period 1], Part 2. St. Petersburg, 1859-. 1859.
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. Period 2, part 4
Russia. Editorial commissions for drafting provisions on peasants emerging from serfdom
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. Period 2, part 4. St. Petersburg, 1859-. 1859.
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. Period 2, part 5
Russia. Editorial commissions for drafting provisions on peasants emerging from serfdom
The first edition of the materials of the Editorial Commissions, for the drafting of regulations on peasants emerging from serfdom. Period 2, part 5. St. Petersburg, 1859-. 1860.
A. Popelnitsky. The Secret Committee in the Peasants’ Emancipation of Serfdom. Pages 48–70 (scans 72–94)