Дела Секретариата Президиума ЦИК Союза ССР за 1925 г.

Identifier 695fbc83-70c9-44d4-9de9-10349b3c2ddf
Title Дела Секретариата Президиума ЦИК Союза ССР за 1925 г.
Dates 1925
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number ГА РФ. 3316 / 18
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Extent 953 единиц хранения
Creator СССР. Центральный исполнительный комитет
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 1. Правила внутреннего распорядка для служащих ЦИК Союза ССР и ВЦИК
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 10. The greeting of Soviet, trade union, Komsomol and public organizations, general meetings of peasants and peasants in the name of the CEC of the USSR, adopted at meetings of congresses of Soviets, conferences and mourning meetings dedicated to the anniversary of the death of comrade.Lenin V.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 100. О предоставлении полномочий Юреневу и Славуцкому на ведение переговоров с правительством Персии и подписание консульской конвенции
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 101. On the Consular Charter of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 102. On the prints of the emblems and flags of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 103. 103
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 104. On the separation of the functions between the CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 105. Об отпуске Председателю ЦИК СССР тов. М. И. Калинину
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 106. On the education of the USSR CEC of the Committee of Physical Scientists of the USSR Institutes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 107. Report on the activities of the Government of the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 108. The circular of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR CECs of the Union Republics on the sending of reports and other materials
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 109. On the recognition of the Russian Academy of Sciences by the Higher Scientific Institution of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 11. Приветствие от Полтавского съезда учителей, соболезнование по поводу смерти В. И. Ленина
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 110. On the formation of state -owned enterprises of the common -united value called "Atbassar Trust of non -ferrous metals"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 111. Об изготовлении членских билетов для членов ЦИК СССР 3-го созыва 1925 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 112. Об изготовлении значков членов ЦИК СССР (эскизы)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 113. On the introduction to the members of the CEC of the USSR Leitis instead of Morozov;The circular of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee on non -abuse of payment of the commission fee of members and candidates of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee;On the choice of Bogdanov by the chairman of the Crimea Crimea
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 114. О порядке дня 3-го Съезда Советов СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 115. О количестве делегатов на Союзный Съезд от УССР и АМССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 116. О Мандатной и организационной Комиссиях 3-го Съезда Советов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 117. О разрешении на установку киоска и выставку изданий материалов о работе крестьянской газеты в Большом Театре во время Всероссийского Съезда Советов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 118. On vacation 345,000 rubles.for the costs of convening a congress
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 119. About the time, place of convocation and the order of the 2nd Session of the CEC of the USSR of the 3rd convocation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 12. Greeting the CEC of the USSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR from a group of residents of the North Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 120. Приветствие 3-му Всесоюзному Съезду Советов от Б. Владимирского и Кононерского селений Семипалатинской губернии
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 121. On the responsibility of emigrants for crimes committed before restoration of citizenship rights
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 122. О въезде в пределы СССР и выезде из пределов СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 123. О лишении гражданства СССР находящихся за границей бывших военнопленных и амнистированных участников белых армий, пропустивших сроки регистрации
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 124. О въезде инженера Брамидзе в пределы СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 125. About the departure to Bessarabia gr.Makrinich;On the issuance of a foreign passport Arutinova M.P., Obolensky N. L.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 126. Просьба Гаврилова Б. М. о разрешении выезда за границу
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 127. Applications: citizens Reinwald E.A. and citizen of Ulsky N. A. On the entrance to the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 128. On granting the right to labor land use of foreigners
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 129. On the oppression of the citizens of Georgia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 13. Greeting from the teacher of the Northern Autonomous Region of Ossetia, which gathered at the 1st Regional Congress
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 130. Положение о чрезвычайных мерах охраны революционного порядка
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 131. About re -election to advice and instructions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 132. Tambov report 1924-25.Ural report 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 133. Report-placket of the Adyghe-Cherkess region 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 134. Выборная кампания 1925-26 г. РСФСР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 135. Выборная кампания 1925-26 г. Общие материалы центра
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 136. The final results of the election campaign for 1925-26 in the Union of SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 137. О неправильностях при выборах в сельсоветы
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 138. Предварительные итоги перевыборов 1925-26 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 139. Elected campaign 1925-26 (Ukrainian SSR)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 14. Приветствие т. Нариманову в день его 30-летнего юбилея литературной деятельности от Самед Мансур
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 140. Materials according to preliminary results of a transpowering campaign1925-26 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 141. About the wrong re -election of the Council - a letter from Nikolaenko, p.Dmitrievka (Bodai) of the Tsarevodar district of the Berdyansk district of the Yekaterinoslav province
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 142. О перевыборах Советов по Сеннянскому району Ахтырского округа Харьковской губернии
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 143. Материалы по выборам 1925/1926 года
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 144. 1926
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 145. Elected campaign 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 146. Elected campaign 1925-26 of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 147. Elected campaign 1925-1926 of the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 148. Reports of the Uzbek SSR on re -election
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 149. Materials of the Central Election Commission at the CEC of the Uzbek SSR (directives and protocols)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 15. Приветствие от IV Съезда Советов Казахстана
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 150. Заявление гр. гр. дер. Присмак о неправильном проведении избирательной кампании в Кахановском райисполкоме Оршанского района БССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 151. Resolution of the TSSR CEC on the results of 1 campaign on re -rational advice in Turkmenistan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 152. О высылке сводок перевыборной кампании
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 153. Об изменении меры социальной защиты за убийство на территории Грузинской ССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 154. О лишении ордена "Красное Знамя" Батерина Ф. Л.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 155. On restricting the imposition of fines in administrative order
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 156. On the prohibition of imposing fines in administrative order for violation of the rules established by the Regulation on the Unified S.-Tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 157. On restriction of confiscation of property in court
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 158. On the application of private amnesty for violation of the provisions on customs protection to the workers and employees of the Novo-Kolnicskoye
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 159. On the use of the amnesty of the CEC of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the existence of the Tatar Republic to persons convicted by the military tribunal
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 16. Greeting from citizens of the village of Vileiki Berezkovsky s/council of the Bugoml district of the Borisov district of the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 160. О непроведении полпредством СССР в Германии амнистии Немреспублики
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 161. О применении частной амнистии к гр. Киндерману К. Г., Вольшту Т. Э. и Дитмару М. Н., осужденным 3-го июля 1925 г. Верховным Судом СССР за преступления по ст. ст. 61 и 64 УК РСФСР к высшей мере социальной защиты
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 162. Об амнистии на территории Сибири, в связи с 1-м Краевым Съездом Советов Сибирского края
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 163. On the spread of amnesty on the occasion of the anniversary of the formation of the Uzbek SSR to persons convicted by military tribunals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 164. On the claims of the trusts of mass production and Technokani against the liquidation commission for the All -Ukrainian Joint -Stock Construction Society for the Kharkov Gubgorokhoz
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 165. On espionage, about the collection and transfer of economic information that is not subject to announcement
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 166. On the transfer of smuggling objects of military equipment, weapons, explosives and aircraft confiscated by customs institutions, the Tax Code for military and naval affairs and the OGPU authorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 167. On measures to fight violations of the state monopoly on opium
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 168. About war crimes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 169. On the disciplinary charter of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 17. Приветствие от Полторацкого горсовета
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 170. About the change in Art.95th Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Union Republics (for a qualified escape)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 171. Materials of the meeting of the English parliament
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 172. Abstracts for the survey of the Kochachi Unions of Kazakhstan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 173. On the passage in the legislative bodies of the Union of SSR of the estimated and national budget of the USSR for 1924-25
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 174. On changing the punishment of the Supreme Court of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 175. A letter from Otto Molla from Hanover about the invitation of Krupskaya N.K. to be a recipient of his son, to whom he gave the name "Lenin"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 176. The numbering begins from the end of the caseEmbroiderPart of the text in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSRPart of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic way
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 177. On the provision of Veresaev B. B. The rights of life use of the apartment
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 178. About the Armenians-refugees who want to move to the Salsky district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 179. On the settlement of the issue of Russian minorities in national associations;On leaving the issue of transferring the estate in M. Owls.before the arrival of Comrade Lunacharsky (the true letter of Lunacharsky)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 18. Greetings from the Congress of Soviets of the Lenin-Turgensky District
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 180. About the letter of Gr-on a kind of D. N. On the conduct of a land management plan in the village of Malashkovichi
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 181. On the complaint of Gr-on Braychevsky D.M. to the transfer of his hedge
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 182. On the salary of employees of the All -Union Migrant Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 183. On the capture of the Korosten Obluk under the Bazaar Square of the land plots of the peasants of the villages
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 184. On the settlement of the issue of land management of Mr. Chernorudka, Lesseshansky district, Berdichevsky district, Kyiv province
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 185. Petitions: the authorized Admarist Committee of Assistance to the Armenians of Machheleyan and from Novorossiysk from Padaryan on the issue of resolving the Armenians to move from Artvin to the territory of the RSFSR and Ukraine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 186. On the delay of the Poltava District RCI of the check of the complaint of Shcherbeny V.F. and I. D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 187. About the selecting of the land from the village of the village of AmiMijan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 188. On the transfer of the Taganrog Kozhevnoye plant to the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 189. On the exclusion of a Santonin plant from the lists of all -Union enterprises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 19. Greeting from 1 Merv Ring Construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 190. On the distinction between functions and property of growth and TASS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 191. On the abolition of a bill moratorium for cooperative organizations of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 192. On the vacation of the manufactory for the peasantry of Georgia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 193. Processing of the deputy.Chairman of the Society Birlik Ali Mirza to send wheat
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 194. Letter of the Chairman of the Zakhodsky Selkrestkom Kotov A. On the remuneration of employees of the committees of peasant mutual assistance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 195. On the exclusion from the borders of the city line of commercial lands Grozneft
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 196. On the distribution of temporary rules on the conditions for the application of utility wage labor in peasant farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 197. On the impossibility of applying in some places of the Ukrainian SSR decrees on free employment in agriculture
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 198. On the release of the state internal loan of economic recovery
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 199. On the project of the creation of a hydroelectric station in the mountains of the Caucasus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 2. Циркуляры ЦИК СССР за 1925 год
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 20. Greetings from the Turkmen organization in Moscow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 200. On the issuance of Gr-well Dylythnko loans for the construction of an airplane model
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 201. Письмо и ответ на него об изобретении Чернобаевым двигателя
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 202. Regulation on the Scientific Association of Oriental Studies of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 203. Project of the Constitution of the RSFSR and the Regulation on the apparatus of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 204. Об отмене максимума наследования и изменении некоторых статей Гражданского кодекса РСФСР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 205. On the change of surname Kushsh S.V. (there is an autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 206. Petition b.landowners Nosovich and Fiorentini on the suspension of their eviction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 207. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the procedure for publishing the charters of legal entities approved by the highest bodies.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 208. On the procedure for approving the charters of joint -stock companies (share partnerships) and their organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 209. On the participation of the USSR in the International Committee on Physical Constant
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 21. Приветствие от Президиума 1-го Всетуркменского Съезда Советов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 210. Theses of the report of A. Goykhbarg "Marriage and Family"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 211. On the deprivation of former landowners the right to land use and accommodation in the farms belonging to them before the October Revolution
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 212. On simplification of the procedure for registering trusts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 213. The project of the Charter of the Central Bank of Communal Economy and Housing
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 214. On the establishment of gold -industrial joint -stock companies, exemptions from existing legalizations on the amount of fixed capital, etc.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 215. On the formation of the joint -stock company "Crochtorgflot" and the provision of benefits to it
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 216. Regulations on commodity and stock exchanges and the stock departments in commodity exchanges
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 217. About private trade agents
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 218. On the addition of the Civil Code of the Civil Code of the Civil Code by Articles on the Commission Agreement
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 219. On inclusion in the list of state -owned enterprises with all -union value, the northern chemical trust
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 22. Приветствие от 8-й Кав. дивизии
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 220. On the formation of Vladimir cotton trust
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 221. On the formation of the State Gold -Industrial Trust "Aldanzoloto"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 222. On the basics of copyright
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 223. On a change in the Regulation on the Supreme Court of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 224. О рассмотрении постановлений VI Пленарного заседания Верхсуда СССР, внесенных на утверждение Президиума ЦИК СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 225. Ходатайство Узбекского ЦИКа об образовании в Таджикской АССР отделения Верховного Суда Узбекской ССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 226. Protocols of meetings of the CEC of the USSR on the consideration of decisions of the VII Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR and materials to them
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 227. On local arbitration commissions and the establishment of departments for the permission of property disputes between government agencies as part of the district courts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 228. On the implementation of directives of the 3rd Congress of Soviets of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 229. On strengthening work in the areas of the border strip
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 23. Приветствие от 1 Ферганского областного Съезда Советов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 230. Abstracts of the work of city councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 231. On the Foreign Department of the Main Economic Administration of the USSR OSC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 232. On the formation of the interdepartmental body of the NKVT and Supreme Economic Council "Forest Sports Bureau"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 233. On the closure of the Museum of Revolution for visitors to July-August months;On the organization of temporary cartographic bureaus at the provincial executive committees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 234. The title of the case on the folder: On the Regulation on the insurance department of the transport management of the NKVTPart of the text in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSRThe numbering begins from the end of the casePart of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic way
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 235. On the demarcation of 3 controversial volosts of Tashkent district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 236. About Shurakhan district, Volume II
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 237. About the three volosts of the Tashkent district, about the Shurakhansky (Turtul) district, volume III
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 238. On the boundaries of Central Asian National State Organizations (general correspondence about the borders with the authorized service of the USSR in Central Asia)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 239. About the borders between the RSFSR and the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 24. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 240. About the borders of the Uzbek and Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 241. About the borders of the Uzbek and Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 242. On the claims of the Uzbek SSR to some volosts of the Kyrgyz aut.areas.(Limskaya volost and others)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 243. On the reorganization of the highest executive authorities in autonomous regions in accordance with the constitutions of the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 244. Regulations on city councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 245. On the temporary position of the ECUCIC organized department
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 246. Regulation on the constant representative office of the Ukrainian SSR under the Government of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 247. On the assignment of the resettlement committee of the stamp
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 248. On the sending of a message about the attitude of the peasantry to the intended zoning
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 249. On the zoning of the ZSFSR and the accession of the villages of the Ganzhinsky district to the autonomous region of the Nagorno -Karabakh
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 25. Greeting from the 12th Turkmen page regiment
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 250. Zonation of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 251. Zoning of the Uzbek SSR (including the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 252. FundF. R 3316. Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR)InventoryOP.18. Cases of the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR for 1925CaseGA RF.F. R 3316 op.18 D. 252The Central Asian Commission on Zoning (on the organization of the commission, states, work plan, reports, etc. Correspondence of a general nature).06/21/1925 - 07.24.1928IdentifierAC89BEAC-5809-4ABB-8B94-6FBCC2AD0B30The language of the textrusNameThe Central Asian Commission on Zoning (on the organization of the commission, states, work plan, reports, etc. Correspondence of a general nature).06/21/1925 - 07.24.1928Dates06/21/1925 - 07.24.1928Volume510 sheetsLevelCaseOrganization-creator of the recordGA_RFStorage cipherGA RF.P3316 / 18 /252NoteThe heading of the case on the folder: the Central Asian Commission on Zoning (on the organization of the commission, states, work plan, reports, etc. A general correspondence)Part of the text in Uzbek and Kyrgyz languagesThe numbering begins from the end of the caseSheets: 444 - hemdrates after 434;432 - on the right edge of a black spot;196 - Bend after 198Part of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic way
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 253. On the accession to the Uzbek SSR Kelifa Tumen
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 254. Брошюра - "Новое административно-хозяйственное деление БССР"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 255. The ZSSR zoning, different correspondence
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 256. Work plans for zoning
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 257. Combined documents on various issues of zoning in Central Asia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 258. Correspondence of a general nature on the zoning of the BSSR and the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 259. Correspondence of the disputed boundaries between the RSFSR and the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 26. Приветствие
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 260. Report of Comrade Antonov on the results of zoning in the Urals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 261. On the zoning of Siberia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 262. On the expansion of the territory of the Chuvash region and the transformation of the region into the republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 263. On the abandonment of the village of Leskeng within the North Ossetian Autonomous Region and on the relocation of householders who are unwilling to move to other areas
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 264. On the accession of the Semenovsky volost of the Gomel province to Ukraine, on the liquidation of the Sudak district of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 265. On border disputes between the Union republics in Central Asia (general)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 266. Об объединении Северо-Осетинской и Юго-Осетинской автономных областей
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 267. Materials on the zoning of the Far Eastern region
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 268. Results of the zoning of the North Vodinsky province
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 269. Results of zoning of the North Caucasus Territory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 27. A brief translation to the circular and circular in German relating to the beginning and performed litigation in favor of Rakoshi
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 270. О присоединении Баскунчакского района Астраханской губ. к Букеевскому уезду Уральской губернии
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 271. О восстановлении упраздненной Павелецкой волости
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 272. On the composition of the USSR CEC Commission on Zoning
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 273. Всесоюзная конференция по районированию
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 274. On the issues of the Zonation of Turkmenistan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 275. On the addition of debt on loans issued for measures for the development of agriculture from a special fund formed on the basis of the Decree of the SNK of the RSFSR from 2.VI-1918
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 276. On the liquidation of the debt of state institutions and enterprises to peasants
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 277. On the addition of the RSFSR of social insurance debt in the amount of 126,000 rubles
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 278. On the procedure for satisfying the security of credit institutions secured by the pledge
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 279. On the dismissal of Trotsky L. from his position and on the appointment of comrade.Frunze M.V. People's Commissar for Military and Marine Affairs of the USSR and chairman of the USSR RVS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 28. On the enforcement of circulators in the USSR in the NKPS institutions in the NKPS institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 280. On the release from the duties of attending meetings of Komzem Comrade.Litvinova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 281. On the appointment of Quiring E.I. Second Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Economic Council
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 282. On the appointment of Untshlikht M.S. Deputy III Voenmora and Deputy Chairman of the USSR RVS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 283. On the appointment of Comrade Pavlyukevich A. I. Representative to the regional regulation commission at the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 284. On election to the highest government bodies of Turkmenistan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 285. On the composition of the editorial collection of the publishing house "Izvestia CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 286. On the release of Lobachev from the duties of the Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Trade of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 287. On the exemption from the duties of the deputy.Nkputi comradePravdina A. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 288. On the appointment of Postnikova A.M. deputy.People's Commissariat
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 289. On the recall of the member of the Military Transport College of the Verkhosud of the USSR Freudson B. Ya. And on the composition of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 29. Greeting the CEC of the USSR and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR regarding the 200th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences (signed by M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 290. On the approval of the temporarily acting of the Supreme Court of the USSR, Katanaganyan R.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 291. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the approval of the temporarily acting of the Supreme Court of the USSR, Katanaganyan R.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 292. On the appointment of ComradeKarakhan L. M. Third Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 293. On the appointment of the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and the chairman of the RVS of the USSR Comrade.Voroshilova K.E. and deputies of Lashevich M. M. and Untshlykhta I. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 294. Об изменении и дополнении положений о НКПС, НКП и Т, НКИД СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 295. On the convening of the All -Union Turkmen Congress
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 296. Материалы о 1 Сибирском краевом съезде Советов (часть материала из папки Енукидзе - о поездке на Сиб. краевой съезд)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 297. Протоколы VI общекалмыцкого съезда Советов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 298. О производстве выборов на IV Съезд Советов СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 299. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Cic on the order of the day at the IV session of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 3. On the resumption of the mandate comradeOrdynsky on the organization of work to collect claims to Japan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 30. On the composition of the Sakhalin Commission on the adoption
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 300. On the convocation of the 1st All-Uzbek Congress of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 301. On the recognition of the Lyubertsy factory for the manufacture of p.X.machines with an enterprise of all -union value
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 302. О разграничении промышленных предприятий на общесоюзные и республиканские
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 303. On recognition of the Karbolit plant by the enterprise of the common -united value
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 304. On the militarization of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR and its prosecutor's office
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 305. On the addition of the Supreme Court of the USSR with a new article on the conditional liberation of convicts by the military collegium and the special presence of the Upper Sudge of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 306. On the formation of the all-Union Trust "Altai-Polmetall" and on the addition of a list of enterprises of the common-united value
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 307. On the exclusion from the list of enterprises with all -Union significance, the Kizelovskiy enterprise
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 308. On the organization of the trust "Rare elements"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 309. О приеме Коммунистической Академии в ведение ЦИК СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 31. Request to resolve the conference or session of the Koreans Union
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 310. On the procedure for the production of inquiry in cases of damage, loss and lack of state property
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 311. Resolution of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on the transfer of the case of assistance to the demobilized manner of the All -Russian Committee for Assistance to Disabled War
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 312. Заявление узбеков Чимкентской губернии, Аулиэ-Атинского и Туркестанского уездов об образовании самостоятельной единицы на территории Киргизской ССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 313. On the reorganization of the Supreme Economic Council in general and on the inclusion of Glavelectro in the States of the USSR Supreme Economic Council
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 314. On the form and place of payment of members of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 315. The stenographic report of the 1st meeting of the College of the NKF of the USSR together with the NKF of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 316. On the expulsion of information materials in the Central Committee of the RCP (b), a report on the work of the Communist Academy for the 1st half of 25 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 317. Tolokontsev report at the V All -Chigis Congress of Soviets on the international and internal position
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 318. On approval of the report of the Supreme Court of the USSR for 1924
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 319. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 32. On the abolition of the commissions of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR, which completed their work on certain tasks of the Presidium of the USSR CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 320. On the publication of the report of the USSR Government for 1924-25
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 321. Отчет Центральной Комиссии по введению киргизского языка в делопроизводстве госаппарата СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 322. Report on the work of the regional executive committee of the Komi Autonomous Region
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 323. Report on the work of the North Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 324. Report on the state of the Moscow communal economy and the immediate prospects of its development
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 325. Доклад о роли частного капитала в товарообороте Зиновьевщины
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 326. Report on work on the labor market of agricultural and seasonal workers of the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 327. On the provision of service and issuing a temporary loan of Staroselskaya M.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 328. On the provision of work and the provision of material assistance art.Popova-Larman L. On the provision of work in the specialty of Yulovsky Z.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 329. On the provision of a service gr.Kantel G. M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 33. On the work of interdepartmental commissions formed by the resolution of the CEC of the USSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the STS of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 330. Regulations on persons sent to places by central institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 331. On improving life and working conditions of specialists
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 332. Regulations on land schedules in the cities of the Azes SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 333. 332
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 334. On the release of funds for the purchase of a premises for the arena for the Cavamy Division of the VTSIC School
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 335. On direct observation of concessions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 336. On the installation of a book lottery by society "Down with illiteracy"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 337. The petition of the Ukrainian and the Central Committee for permission to finish the holding of a resort lottery
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 338. On the revision of the Union republics of their decisions issued on tax issues - in violation of paragraphs "l."Art.1st Constitution of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 339. On changing the size of the allowances in local funds for state taxes and fees from beer shops
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 34. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 340. On the introduction of a provision on tax collection
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 341. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 342. On the collection for trading registration
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 343. On the collection from steam boilers, devices operating under the pressure of lifts and lifting mechanisms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 344. On the abolition of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky geek of special allowances for taxes and fees established to find funds for the construction of the nardrome
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 345. About the vestment with a special collection of persons who cannot be appointed rural performers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 346. On the exemption from the commercial tax of prosthetic enterprises belonging to the People's Commissariats of the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 347. On the provision of advantages and benefits to the All -Georgian Committee for Assistance to Disabled War, sick and wounded Red Army soldiers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 348. О положении о карантинных и санитарных сборах в портах Черноморского побережья Батум - Гагры
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 349. On the liberation of visitors to state academic theaters from fees in favor of the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 35. On the postponement of the NC and telegraphs of the load on the mailing of the appeal to the peasants, written by M. I. Kalinin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 350. On tax benefits for the All -Uzbek Committee for Assistance to Disabled War
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 351. On the suspension of the proposal of the NKF of the USSR on the abolition of the circular of the NKSR of the Ukrainian SSR on determining the revolutions of cooperative organizations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 352. On the Regulation on Tax Commissions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 353. On the amounts of local taxes and fees, excessively recovered after the entry into force of the temporary provision on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 354. On the limiting rates of local tax from goods transported along the waterways of the message
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 355. On the withdrawal of goods from local taxation with the prints of the press transported by g.d. and waterways of the message
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 356. On the release of sanatoriums, recreation houses and wheelchairs under the jurisdiction of the Central Department of Social Insurance and its local bodies, from some local taxes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 357. On the increase in maximum tax rates for posters from posters, posters, advertisements and registration fees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 358. On the benefits of rural artisans and shrubs for local taxes and fees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 359. About the buildings.the village of transport to be removed from local taxes from buildings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 36. Об издании в общесоюзном масштабе списков лиц, осужденных судебными учреждениями СССР и союзных республик
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 360. On the size of the local tax from goods brought and exported according to the w.d. and waterways of the message
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 361. On the Regulation on the tax from property passing in the order of inheritance and donation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 362. On the establishment of a special military tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 363. Об отчислениях на культнужды
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 364. On the establishment of a special collection from transported according to the w.d. goods by low speed for work by the Central Committee on Transportation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 365. GA_RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 366. On deducting from funds for improving the life of workers of the state.industrial enterprises of the all -Union significance for the construction of working houses
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 367. On targeted apartment tax for the construction of working houses
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 368. On the provision of state institutions and enterprises to workers and employees and employees to hire from individuals the right to be members of the working housing construction of cooperative partnerships
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 369. On tax benefits for city artisans and artisans
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 37. Letter from China from the Society of Education of Tun-Chin County
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 370. On the additional attachment of trade and industrial enterprises to combat measures to combat the consequences of hunger
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 371. On the reduction in the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic 50% of the allowances to the existing resort collection
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 372. On inconsistency with the Constitution of the USSR, the decisions of the Transcaucasian CIK on the rates of the Unified S.-kh.tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 373. Circular about the benefits according to S.-kh.Tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 374. About abuse when levying p.X.tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 375. Regulations on the One S.-kh.Tax for 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 376. On the procedure for the taxation of S.-Kh.the tax of agricultural ownership located within the city line
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 377. Об обязательном окладном страховании в городах ЗСФСР в 1924-25 г. и о перечне городов ЗСФСР, в которых введено обязательное окладное страхование
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 378. Changing the agricultural tax system
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 379. On the provision of the SNK of the Turkmen SSR, the right to change the established provisions on the Unified S.-kh.Tax for 1925-26. Recalculation standards
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 38. Телеграмма на английском языке от Комиссии Национального объединения кантона в Китае
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 380. On the liberation of the areas of Kleshchevina crops from the one by the unified S.-kh.tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 381. On the liberation of reemigrants returning to the Kazak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic from a single village.X.tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 382. On liberation from the one-time S.-kh.tax on 1924-25 the heirs of the writer Semenov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 383. On the liberation from the agricultural bank of Tajikistan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 384. On the liberation of the Various crops of the Bek-Kudinsky and Guzar districts of the Kashka-Darya region from the agricultural bank in 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 385. On the fishing of the production of luxury and trade items
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 386. On the approval of the rules for taxing by equalizing collection of guest stresses and syndicates, joint -stock companies, banks, mutual credit societies and cooperative unions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 387. On approval of the provision of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee on Cooperative Associations of Disabled
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 388. On the overlap with the equalizing collection of oil industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 389. О порядке проведения в Камчатской губернии и в некоторых местностях Приморской губернии в 1925-26 г. подоходного налога взамен единого с.-х. налога
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 39. Конституция СССР на английском и французском языках I и II разделы
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 390. On the provision of benefits to members of the college of benefits for the payment of income tax
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 391. On the equation of newspaper sellers in relation to the state income tax to persons receiving income from personal labor for hiring
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 392. On the provision of the NKF of the USSR, the right to establish benefits for state income tax for certain categories of payers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 393. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 394. On the establishment of a special allowance to the price of the sold bottle of the beer of the Mosselprom plant for the needs of working housing construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 395. On the exemption of taxes and duties of insurance remuneration received from foreign insurance companies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 396. О дополнении ст. 261-й Таможенного устава
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 397. About the change in Art.282 customs charter
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 398. About excise taxes with beer, porter and ale
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 399. On the recognition of silk fabrics with excise taxes, Silkotsk establishments in the Uzbek and Turkmen SSR and the ZSFSR factory, if there are more than 5 working machines in them
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 4. On the publication of the "Soviet Encyclopedia"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 40. On the departure from the USSR.Hufffer Laszlo
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 400. Об акцизе на искусственный шелк и шелк внутреннего производства
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 401. On changes in excise tax on tea
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 402. On changing the excise tax rate on coffee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 403. On the revision of excise tax rates for champagne and wine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 404. On the distribution of benefits provided for by Art.2 Resolutions of the CEC and Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 28.II-1924
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 405. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 406. On the release of rope products produced by artisans from the excise tax, and the raw materials by the state
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 407. On the establishment of excise tax rates and vodka products for the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 408. About excise tax on ethyl (wine) alcohol
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 409. Об изменении акцизного обложения крахмального сахара и патоки в части, касающейся кустарной паточной промышленности
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 41. Petition gr.Efimia Melia about her husband
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 410. On the addition of excise taxes going to the needs of the fish industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 411. On the taxation of the excise tax from abroad textile products
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 412. On the establishment of bets of a special patent fee for the right to trade bread wine, vodka, cognac, etc.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 413. On the establishment of a special patent fee for the production and trade of strong drinks in the territory of the ZSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 414. On the payment by the arms of lease agreements concluded by the communal authorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 415. On the payment by the emergency collection of lease agreements concluded by the communal bodies with housing and art parties
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 416. On the abolition of the office fee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 417. On the time of payment by the stamp fees of contracts to be notarized
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 418. О снятии гербовых обложений с Союзов корейцев
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 419. On the transfer of protocol decisions of the financial commissions of the Union Council and the Nationalities Council of the 2nd session of the USSR CEC of the 2nd convocation
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 42. A letter with a proposal of a new alphabet
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 420. The approval of the composition of the Budget Commission of the CEC of the USSR, approval of the rules for the preparation of firm quarterly budget plans, on the budgetary rights of the Union of the SSR and the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 421. 1898
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 422. On the appointment of the chairman of the budgetary commission, on the procedure and methods of work of the budget commission
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 423. On the 9th Timillion Foundation of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, on the preparation of a firm budget plan for the 2nd half of 1924-25 budget.years, on vacation to the government of the Ukrainian SSR 500 thousand rubles.for the costs of conducting a three -funded management system
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 424. On the 9th Timillion Foundation of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR, on the preparation of a firm budget plan for the 2nd half of 1924-25 budget.years, on vacation to the government of the Ukrainian SSR 500 thousand rubles.for the costs of conducting a three -funded management system
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 425. О расширении единого государственного бюджета СССР на 1924-25 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 426. On the transfer of the beginning of the budget year from October 1 to January 1
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 427. On the procedure for approving the budgets of the Union republics in 1925-26.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 428. О подписании актов по госбюджету 1924-25 г. и об опубликовании их НКФином СССР в ведомственном порядке
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 429. Бюджет СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 43. On a commission for bonus radio installations of rural and volost executive committees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 430. On the consideration of the budget of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 431. О бюджете РСФСР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 432. About the budget of the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 433. О бюджете БССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 434. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 435. About the budget of the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 436. Pomenograms of the meeting of the Presidium of the State Planning Commission from 31/X, 3/1I and 5/1I according to the USSR budget for 1925/26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 437. 1898
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 438. On the assignment of part of expenses to the account of the all -Union budget to satisfy the military units and institutions by all types of apartment allowance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 439. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 44. Condolences about the death of Narimanov, Myasnikov, Mogilev and Atarbekov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 440. 5 sheets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 441. On the deduction of local funds 10% of the total amount from excise taxes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 442. About measures to combat drunkenness
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 443. On the classification in 1924-25 to the state budget of the cost of maintaining orphanages, the salary of pedagogical personnel, police and daffodils in some parts of the ZSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 444. О порядке составления и исполнения твердого годового бюджета на 1925-26 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 445. О предоставлении Высшему Геодезическому Управлению права пользования спецсредствами
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 446. On storage of social insurance funds in institutions of the State Bank
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 447. On the formation of a special provincial fund of 40% of deductions from the profits of economic forest developments
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 448. On payment of "Izvestia of Cyx and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee" of expenses for printing regulations of government bodies and servicing congresses of the CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 449. О порядке заключения действия финансовых смет по госбюджету на 1924-25 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 45. О применении местных языков в филиалах общесоюзных учреждений
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 450. On the composition of the budgetary commission of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 451. Draft Regulation on the budgetary commission of the USSR CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 452. Part of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic wayPart of the text in the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 453. The circular of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee on the most rational consuming of the local budget for the development and strengthening of with.X-va
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 454. On the appropriation of the amounts to honor the 35-year-old service of Ayberg M.S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 455. О порядке производства обыкновенных государственных расходов в 1925-26 г. до утверждения единого госбюджета СССР на 1925-26 г.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 456. On ensuring the timely allocation of subvention funds in accordance with the experience of 1924-25.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 457. USSR budget for 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 458. On the restoration of the economy of the Chechen autonomous region
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 459. On the allocation of the RSFSR 1.530 thousand rubles.for technical personnel and experienced business in the areas of drought
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 46. On the situation of the Russian population in the Shamkhorsky district of the Azerbaijan SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 460. On the distribution of additional appointments on the fund on the S.-kh.Credit for the 2nd half of 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 461. On the release of funds for the overhaul of military buildings and on the harvesting of furniture for barracks in the Bryansk province
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 462. On the construction of a new plant in Ukraine for the development of S.-kh.machines and on the release of funds for forest materials for Ukrselmashtrest
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 463. On the vacation of funds for the completion of the Mathodozh People's House
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 464. On the vacation of funds on excursions of S.-kh.Academy named afterTimiryazeva (there is an autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 465. On the release of funds for an election campaign in the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 466. On the release of funds for the repair of military buildings in the Novgorod province
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 467. On the vacation of funds to the Crimean Council of Physical Culture and for the trip of the sports group to Turkey
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 468. Об отпуске средств на жилищное строительство в Луганске
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 469. About perpetuating memory of Comrade Narimanov Creating a movie
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 47. On the situation of the Russian population in the Shamkhorsky district of the Azerbaijan SSR (material of the commission of Comrade Chalov)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 470. On the output of the Communist University of Workers of the East named after Comrade Stalin to the foreign market for the purchase of foreign literature and textbooks
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 471. On the installation of a loudspeaker on Red Square
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 472. On measures to restore the national economy of the Kursk, Oryol, Voronezh, Tambov, Penza provinces and some counties of the Ryazan and Tula provinces
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 473. Об ассигновании средств на борьбу с неурожаем УзбССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 474. Ходатайство Наркомздрава об отпуске средств на курортное лечение коренного населения национальных образований
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 475. On the allocation of funds for the needs of resort treatment of sick peasants of Ukraine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 476. On the release of funds for assistance to the population of the Akhalkalak district of the Georgian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 477. On preferential lending to the farms of the Red Army soldiers, Krasnoflotsev and persons of the Red Army Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 478. On the eviction from the barracks of persons who are not in the service in the ranks of the Red Army or in other institutions of the NKVOENMOR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 479. On the distribution of profit of state insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 48. On the Kazakh-Iomud dispute in the border regions of the Turkmen SSR and the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 480. On the distribution of p. "M" Art.43 of the temporary provision on local finance on the structure of the state aviation industry trust
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 481. Об изменении ст. 134 Временного Положения о местных финансах (о фонде регулирования)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 482. О положении о местных финансах
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 483. On the addition of Art.139 temporary provisions on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 484. On the abolition of a one -time collection for trading in bazaars, squares and other places reserved for trading
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 485. About the addition of Art.35 and change in Art.36 temporary provisions on local finance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 486. On the assignment to the national budget for the maintenance of the leading and pedagogical staff of the village schools of political gramers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 487. On the provision of the right to establish the right to establish the purpose of the local tax from goods brought and exported according to the railway station.and waterways of the message
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 488. On the unity of the USSR Cashier
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 489. Typewritten and handwritten text
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 49. Regulation on the Committee for Assistance of the North Outskinds
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 490. On the procedure for moving from the paragraph to the paragraph of loans according to estimates of the NKF of the USSR and the NKFINS of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 491. On payment of 70,000 rubles.The North Caucasian Society of Agricultural Credit at the expense of the constituent shares of the State Bank and the NKZEM of the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 492. On the clarification of the budget competence of the autonomous republics on the principles that ensure their initiative and active participation in budget work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 493. On the results of the survey of financial and economic activities of the Houses of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 494. On the control of the execution of local budgets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 495. On the release of the state short -term 5% of the 1925 internal loan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 496. Circular about measures of the implementation of the peasant loan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 497. О мерах содействия реализации 2-го крестьянского займа
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 498. Об издании циркуляра по составлению районных и волостных бюджетов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 499. Decree of the Kharkov Provincial Executive Committee of 05.05.1924 on mandatory subscription to newspapers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 5. The condolences of the Turkish embassy and a military attache to death Comrade.Frunze M.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 50. On the provision of economic and cultural assistance to Syrians
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 500. On the situation of the Mingrelian population in the Georgian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 501. On the allocation of the USSR bookstores according to one copy of books to replenish the library of Belarusian University
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 502. On the issuance of a pass for travel to Hungary Petrac A. A., Sovezin G. G., Lak R.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 503. On the resolution of traveling abroad Ozolin, Shadr-Ivanov I. D., Kobakhidze Yu.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 504. On the eviction from the premises of the Main Directorate of the Military Industry of Persons who are not in the service in the State Unitary Enterprise
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 505. On leaving the photo artists Sakharov M. and Orlova P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 506. Ходатайство инвалидов труда Белоруссии о возвращении в полное их пользование принадлежащих им домов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 507. On the abolition of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on the issue of non -proliferation at the Bureau of the Leningrad Province Commission approved by the NKF of the USSR, the rules for the acquisition, expenditure and surrender of playing cards, Loto and dominoes
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 508. Об оказании содействия в деле помощи медицинскими принадлежностями Азерб. ССР (имеется автограф т. Нариманова)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 509. Материалы Комиссии по похоронам тов. Нариманова Н. Н.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 51. The statement of the peasants of the Kingazovo volost and Kinerrener, the Kokand district about the robberies of Dad-Mirza Khashimov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 510. On the transportation of the body of Comrade Yesenin to Moscow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 511. The death of the death of Comrade Vladimirov M.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 512. About the assistance in the transportation of the body of the deceased Kolotilov from Moscow;about the death of Sklyansky near New York;On the put in the order of the graves of the Decembrists Pushchin and Fonvizin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 513. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 514. Protocols of meetings of the commission on the funeral of V.P. Nogin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 515. Announcements for organizing a funeral and lists of persons intended in an honorary guard at the tomb of Comrade.Nogina
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 516. On the approval of the mandatory resolution of the Tomsk geek on measures to protect rivers from pollution
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 517. Об отмене постановления ВЦИК и СНК РСФСР по установлению сбора со скота на организацию ветеринарного дела в Туркестанской ССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 518. Protest CEC of the Ukrainian SSR for the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of 13.II-1925 on the consistent of measures to combat epizootics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 519. Об упразднении совещания по надзору и оценке работ транспорта при НКПС СССР. Об образовании при НКПС Главной Инспекции и об изменении положения о НКПС СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 52. On measures to ensure the rights of national minorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 520. On measures to improve road business in the ZSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 521. On the installation of the letter printing telegraph apparatus
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 522. On the procedure for calculating between NKPIT enterprises and the Secretariat of the Presidium of the USSR CEC for telegraphic services
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 523. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 524. On the trade of stock and foreign exchange values
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 525. On the suspension in the USSR, the actions of the order of the NKPS of the USSR dated 31.x-1923 No. 11606
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 526. THE USSR.CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 527. On the prohibition from 01.I-1926 on the territory of the Uzbek and Turkmen SSR production and receiving payments in Bukhara Shadow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 528. On documents issued by commodity warehouses in the receipt of goods for storage
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 529. On a constant meeting on the export of Zhivyryr at the NKVT
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 53. About the publication of the magazine "Bulletin of the CEC of the USSR"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 530. On approval of the Regulation on the Cash desks of the NKF located on the territory of the ZSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 531. THE USSR.CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 532. On the provision of material assistance to the Georgian peasant committees of mutual assistance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 533. The title of the case on the folder: on the issuance of the seven -courts of the Dagestan Republic, on the addition of all the arrangements from the peasants for loans taken by the peasants for the development of agricultureThere are telegrams in the casePart of the text is typewritten and handwritten, part is printed in a typographic way
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 534. On the procedure for hiring labor
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 535. On the unconstitutionality of the Decree of the NCT and the Tax Code of the USSR RCH on the labor discipline of employees
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 536. On the release of the NWC for the maintenance of foreign local places
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 537. On the establishment of days and hours of work in Soviet institutions in accordance with climatic conditions, depending on the time of year and with local living conditions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 538. On the suspension of the action on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR of the Decree of the STS of the USSR of 10/X-24 "On the prohibition of payment for the supply of plantator beets with sugar"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 539. Заявление рабочих Петровского сахарного завода об улучшении их материального положения
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 54. On the implementation of national health policy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 540. On the payment of Amiramzhibi S. M. Honorar for conducting court cases to return Russian courts taken by the British
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 541. About the work of peasant women in advice
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 542. About workers - members of the City Councils
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 543. О нормах выработки машинисток и об оплате их сдельной работы
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 544. Об усилении кустарной промышленности и об устранении административных препятствий к мелкой крестьянской торговле
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 545. On the opening of the house of the peasant
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 546. On the provision of benefits for state enterprises for the construction of working houses
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 547. Об инструкции ВСНХ СССР о порядке пользования и хранения фонда по улучшению быта рабочих и служащих
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 548. On the appointment of a pension by Rozhdestvensky E.V. and E. V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 549. On amendments to the rules for the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for air transport organizations in order to ensure the availability of air transportation of passengers from Kaliningrad to the European part of the country and in the opposite direction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 55. Material of the report of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 550. О заработной плате сотрудников Секретариата Президиума ЦИК СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 551. About the change in Art.93 of the Code of Labor Laws
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 552. О заработной плате сотрудников Комитета по земельному устройству трудящихся евреев при Президиуме Совета Национальностей ЦИК СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 553. On special machines consultants of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee and CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 554. On the acceptance of the amounts of premiuming village councils for the collective surrender of agricultural expert at the state budget of the Novgorod.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 555. On the dissemination of the Code of Laws on benefits and advantages of military personnel to persons dismissed from the Red Army and RKKF until the day of this code is adopted
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 556. On the list of posts of the CEC of the USSR and the All -Russian Central Executive Committee, assigned to payment at the tariff of responsible political workers developed by the Commission
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 557. О комиссии по регулированию зарплаты служащим учреждений и отделов ЦИКС и ВЦИК
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 558. Междуведомственное совещание по вопросу подготовки кампании к 1-му мая по ликвидации неграмотности
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 559. The case of government orders abroad in 1899
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 56. Material according to the report of the People's Commissariat of Health of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 560. Об организации в Секретариате Президиума ЦИК СССР органа по упрочению и улучшению работы аппарата учреждений
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 561. On awarding an engineer of fleas for a record figure in the production of leather at the factory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 562. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Karnak I.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 563. О награждении орденом Трудового Красного Знамени работников НКФина СССР Голованова С. А. и Федяевского К. К.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 564. On awarding the Order of the Red Banger of the Bolshevik Air Protection of the Red Banner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 565. О награждении орденом Трудового Красного Знамени VII и XI железнодорожных полков
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 566. О награждении орденом Трудового Красного Знамени 1-й роты 9-го саперного батальона
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 567. On material assistance to facilitate the move of the former soldiers of the White Army, who received permission to return to the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 568. On the establishment of a personal pension to a citizen Ignatov F.G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 569. О назначении персональной пенсии Котовской О. Н.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 57. Material on the report of the People's Commissariat of the Azerbaijan SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 570. Об определении пенсии гр. Абиловой; о получении пособия и наделении землей гр. Гарнье А. А.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 571. On the pension provision of children of Mr. Baginsky and Vechorkevich
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 572. The right of gov ru
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 573. О циркуляре НКТ СССР "О снятии с обеспечения лиц, которые по характеру своей работы не могут быть включены в круг застрахованных"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 574. О назначении пенсии Шмидовой-Клюге Р. Н., Масленникову А. О.; оказании материальной помощи Фаянсову В., Акимову
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 575. Об увеличении размера пенсии семье Чичканова (бывшего председателя Тамбовского губисполкома)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 576. On an increase in a personal pension to a civilian Guseva-Arkhipova N.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 577. On an increase in the pension to Takalaev Dotag (there is an autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 578. On the issuance of a manual Kosyanov A.M. (autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 579. On an increase in the pension of Kalandarashvili H. L.;On pensions for labor disabled people (anonymous letter)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 58. Material on the report of the People's Commissariat of the Belarusian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 580. On the appointment of a personal pension of Donskoy E.G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 581. On the provision of material assistance to civilian Kogan K.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 582. For help gr.Antonov M.N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 583. The petition of Odessa disabled people to improve the financial situation of pensioners of the railway workers of the southwestern railway.D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 584. Letter gr.Fomina about Pushkin's pension pension
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 585. About the pension of Zalmanova S. N. - sister of Comrade Narimanova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 586. On the procedure for the payment of pensions to persons moving from the borders of one republic to another
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 587. About material support of gr.Filipkov E.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 588. On the issuance of compensation for the uvechye gr.Morozov V.F.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 589. On the termination of the issuance of pensions from the Cash desk of Zaktsik to pensioners of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 59. Material on the report of the People's Commissariat of Health of the Georgian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 590. About material support of gr.Filipkov E.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 591. About the manual Gabaev K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 592. О поддержке кооперации в ЗСФСР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 593. О льготах населению Сибирского края
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 594. On an increase for the Pskov province.The marginal norm of land supply and about the increase in s.X tax on low -power farms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 595. О пенсионном обеспечении учителей школ 1-й ступени сельских и городских и др. работников просвещения в деревне
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 596. Appeal of the Regional Union of Tourists Service on the Donation for Monument Repair
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 597. Положение о перевозке войск
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 598. О расширении льгот для военнослужащих национальных частей Узбекской ССР и Таджикской АССР и их семей
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 599. О льготах трудовым с. х. и промышленным эмигрантам и реэмигрантам
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 6. Greetings of the 3rd All-Union Congress of Construction Industry.Greetings of the All -Russian meeting of the Orthodox Russian Church.Greetings to the cruiser "Aurora"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 60. Material on the report of the People's Commissariat of the Armenian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 600. О порядке обеспечения инвалидов войны
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 601. О сроке передачи в ведение органов социального страхования обеспечения инвалидов гражданской войны, а также семейств рабочих и служащих, погибших в гражданской войне
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 602. Об оказании помощи населению Эрзерумского вилайета, пострадавшему от землетрясения
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 603. About the provision of reduced by red disabled assistance and the provision of benefits
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 604. Протест на постановление Малого СНК по вопросу о распределении 500000 руб., отпущенных на борьбу со стихийными бедствиями
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 605. About changing the provisions on all -room post
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 606. О помощи голодающему населению Рубцовского уезда
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 607. For the help of the rural population of the starving areas of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and reemigents
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 608. On the management of the resorts of the RSFSR of national value
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 609. О предоставлении беднейшим крестьянам Абхазии возможного числа коек в санаториях Крыма
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 61. Material on the report of the People's Commissariat of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 610. Об освобождении от единого сельскохозяйственного налога участков земли, отводимых крестьянам, принимающим воспитанников детских домов
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 611. Об образовании Всесоюзного фонда им. Ленина В. И.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 612. The request of the Central Committee for Assistance to Children about 50% of the deduction in favor of the Central Committee for the CCPD from the Vucik from the month for the sale of charitable publications, brands, etc., arranged by the CCPD under the CEC of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 613. On the number of university students under the CEC of the USSR, subject to referral to industrial practice in 1926
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 614. On the expulsion of textbooks in Polish, Radanovsky;On the establishment of a pension in Timiryazevskaya s.X.Academy named afterFrunze
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 615. On the provision of material assistance to the school of peasant youth
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 616. On providing pensions of scientists and their families
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 617. On the abolition of the STO Decree "On Office of Compulsory Insurance in Rural Areas" and on the plan of compulsory insurance in cities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 618. О выгодоприобретателях по договорам личного страхования
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 619. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 62. Material on the report of the People's Commissariat of the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 620. О положении о регистрационно-аттестационном бюро по государственному гарантийному страхованию и правилах регистрации, перевода и увольнения лиц, обслуживающих застрахованные имущества
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 621. Protest CEC of the USSR for the resolution of the NCTRUD of the USSR dated 7.VIII-1924 on insurance of disabled people working for hiring
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 622. On the addition of arrears of 1923-24 from insurers for compulsory salary insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 623. Regulation on the Union Council of Social Insurance at NKTRUD
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 624. About the tariff of contributions for social insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 625. On the unconstitutionality of the clarification of Tsostrakh about the preferential tariff of social insurance contributions for peasant committees of mutual assistance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 626. On the abolition of the Decree of the Presidium of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee in terms of addition from the institutions of the city of Biysk, arrears on social insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 627. On the provision of labor disabled people and members of the deceased or missing insured and labor disabled people in the order of social insurance.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 628. On the procedure for insurance of people employed in the household
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 629. On the tariff of social insurance contributions paid by the institutions of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 63. Materials on healthcare
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 630. On the holding of a salary insurance plan for 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 631. Certificate of awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Selivanova F.N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 632. On a change in the Regulation on the Transcaucasian Council of Social Insurance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 633. Regulation on the Institute of Oriental Studies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 634. On the preservation of the forest institute in Moscow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 635. On the introduction of universal primary education and the construction of a school network on a common -union scale.Volume I
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 636. On the introduction of universal primary education and the construction of a school network on a common -union scale.Volume II
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 637. On educational work among the Ukrainian and Belarusian population of the Union Republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 638. On an increase in the number of sentenced candidates for the 1st year of the Military Medical Academy of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 639. On the transfer of Central Asian State University to the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 64. Protocols and materials for them about the state of healthcare in the Union republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 640. О предоставлении мест Крымской АССР в Московском институте Востоковедения, о приеме Леонида Пучковского в Ленинградский институт Восточных языков; о приеме сына Баранова М. В. в Ленинградский институт Восточных языков
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 641. On the businessization abroad of professors
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 642. A list of objects transmitted to museums from the Secretariat of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR (there is an autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 643. On the transfer of the Ukrainian SSR and the BSSR of archival Ukrainian and Belarusian materials located within the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 644. On the sentence of a representative of Ukrcentrkhiv Atitan to Georgia to collect archival materials regarding Ukraine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 645. The protest of the Prosecutor's Office of the Ukrainian SSR against the order of the People's Commissariat of the USSR on the seizure of archival materials from the Kharkov District and their reference to the NK PIT USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 646. On the transfer of the library of the form.State.Duma in the jurisdiction of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 647. On the transfer of the CEC of the ZSFSR of archival materials located within the RSFSR and related to the history of Transcaucasia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 648. On the formation of the library under the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 649. On the inclusion in the Central Archive of the Azerbaijan SSR of the Aznephti archive
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 65. On the implementation of national policy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 650. On the construction of the Mausoleum Panteon to preserve the bodies of the leaders of the revolution
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 651. Об утверждении сети государственных театров и об отпуске средств на покрытие задолженности академических театров
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 652. On the third of the centralization of state -cademic theaters, on the inclusion of the opera "Tale of the City of Kitezh" in the repertoire of Gabta
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 653. GA_RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 654. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Andreev I.N., Makhmut-Saydulla oglu, Tantrazhansky E. S., Shemshurina A. N., Suleimanova Amal
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 655. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Kuliev, Putovsky V.A., Kapustina S.F., Emelyanova I. I., Shilovsky I. A. Shilovsky
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 656. On the award of the Orders of the Red Banner of Ballara Aronov, Konovalova N.A., Ryabova A.V., Yandieva Z. I., Ostryakova N.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 657. On the award of the Order of the "Red Banner" comradeGulida V.L.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 658. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Verichenko K. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 659. 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 66. On the manufacture of the press of the Presidium of the Council of Nationalities of the CEC of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 660. О награждении орденом Красного Знамени тов. Авдеева И. А. и Угрюмова
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 661. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of N. Voevodov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 662. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade Kononenko, Comrade Moiseeva M.P., Comrade Sorokina Y. V., T. Parshina A. E.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 663. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Lermontov P.N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 664. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade A. Zhuravlev A.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 665. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade ComradeMikhailov-Berezovsky, comradeMuratova M.K., comradeSurdich D.F., Comrade.Krachunova E.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 666. On the award by the Order of the Red Banner of Veletsky S.I., Golubovsky V.S., Skubakova M.F., Yakimova M.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 667. О награждении Почетным Красным Знаменем канонерской лодки "Красный Октябрь". О награждении орденом Красного Знамени тов. Заморова П. М. и 19-го автоброневого отряда
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 668. On the award by the Order of the Red Banner of Shustov S. Ya., Kolesnikova I., Ryapolova T. M. et al., Yakovleva V.S., Rogacheva L. S., Zhuravleva V.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 669. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade ComradeAbramovich, comradeVasilieva P.K., comradeGrushina F. T., Comrade.Babchuk K.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 67. On the allocation of the Turkmen part of the population of the Astrakhan province.in an independent administrative unit
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 670. Plug.From the title page
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 671. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade Kolievetsky G. M., Comrade Baskakova S.I., Shamansurov Shalafur, Karieva Nureretin, Shishko Boris
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 672. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade ComradeBaransky K.S., comradeKlimenko, comradePupko-Firina S. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 673. 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 674. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr-on Pugachev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 675. О награждении участников перелета: Москва - Монголия - Китай т.т. Шмидта И. П., Волковойнова М. А., Громова М. М., Полякова И. К. и др.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 676. About the deprivation of the Order of the Red Banner of Sukhov;On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Participants of the flight Termez - Kabul Kaminsky, Zharkovsky, Bondryuk and Safronov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 677. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Bazyreva G. T.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 678. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Aristov N.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 679. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gutkov P.V., Udar-Aliev
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 68. On the accession of the Aravan volost of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region of the RSFSR to the Uzbek SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 680. О награждении орденом Красного Знамени Абду-Салямова, Балтаева, Ризаева, Атаджанова
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 681. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Glazunova A.S., Nesterova, Malina, Levchenko and the necessary, David P. Ya.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 682. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Safyanov M.E.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 683. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 684. О награждении орденом Красного Знамени Иванова В. И. и др.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 685. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Batylkin, Morozov, Lavrentiev, etc.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 686. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Kobekov, Kash S., Maslova K.V., Kolesnichenko A.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 687. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Belitsky, Fastykovsky Y. R., Popova N. Z.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 688. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Vilman A.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 689. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner E.I. Kovtyukh
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 69. On the work of a member of the Council of Nationalities of the CEC of the USSR Khanyshev H.A.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 690. THE USSR.CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 691. GA_RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 692. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Kashirina I. D., Abolina A.I., Volovoda G. D.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 693. On awarding the Order of the "Red Snowman" of the working people of Chechnya
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 694. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Kuznetsova I. L.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 695. On the deprivation of the Order of the Red Banner of Korobkov P.K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 696. On the renaming of the Wozdgal hydroelectric power station to the Vozhgalsky hydroelectric power station named afterV.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 697. Об изменении в Положении о Народном комиссариате финансов ЗСФСР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 698. Циркулярное письмо Президиума ЦИК СССР от 28.IX-25 года об уполномоченных Комиссии по увековечению памяти В. И. Ленина при областных и губернских Исполнительных Комитетах
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 699. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Shneiderov V.A. and Blum G.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 7. On the implementation of the principles of national policy.Azerbaijani CEC greeting
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 70. Report report of the Autonomous Region of Komi for the 4th quarter
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 700. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Domolazov S.V., Samoshkina Z. B., Dimova A.F.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 701. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Voloshin P. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 702. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Comrade ComradeSuglitsky N.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 703. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of T. Ebralidze
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 704. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Evdokimov, Zhurid-Nicolaev, Kalmykov, Tengizov, Michelson
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 705. О создании Комиссии ЦИК СССР по награждению орденом Красного Знамени
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 706. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner T.T.Messinga S.A., Sharne V.A. and Vyakh P.I. I. I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 707. Decisions of the USSR CEC Commission on awarding the Orders of the Red Banner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 708. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Gr. Chalenko I. T.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 709. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Nedobezhkin P.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 71. Nemarest Report
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 710. О награждении орденом Красного Знамени гр-на Кирьянова В. И.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 711. О награждении орденом Красного Знамени гр-на Самарского Д. И.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 712. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Ratnikov Grigory
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 713. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Antonov P.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 714. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Kondrachev V.F.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 715. 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 716. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Chernyaeva
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 717. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Gurnova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 718. On the award of the Order of the Red Banner of Mr. Ak-Murad Klych Muradov, Sokolov, Lobachev, Mzhelsky, Khabibulin and others.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 719. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.Khojaeva Tursun
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 72. On the allocation of the amounts for the national print in 1925-26
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 720. О праве награждения орденом Красного Знамени и орденом Трудового Красного Знамени
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 721. About the "award token" issued for special differences
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 722. On the creation of a commission for considering issues of awards by the Order of the Red Banner and on court cases
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 723. On the resolution of traveling abroad Rudometova M.I. and Zakrzhevsky
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 724. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 725. About traveling abroad Meyendorf A. B.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 726. On the Regulation on the Revolutionary Councils of the Districts (Fronts, Armies)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 727. On the reorganization of local bodies of the NKVOENMOR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 728. On compulsory military service
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 729. Письма И. Горбунова-Посадова против милитаризации школы
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 73. On the vacation of the Turkmen Republic of funds to help the injured from the non -permeation of water from Persia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 730. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the Regulation on the Revolutionary Councils of the districts (fronts, armies).
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 731. On the provision of NK in naval matters of the right to approve and introduce the temporary disciplinary charter of the Red Army
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 732. Об изменении ст. 3-й постановления об опытных и поверочных мобилизациях
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 733. On benefits for family property for citizens called for actual military service
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 734. On the call for the actual military service of citizens of Buryat-Mongol nationality
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 735. On a call for actual military service of citizens - residents of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 736. On the conditions for recognizing belonging to the Mennonite sect
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 737. Regulations on the military squad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 738. On the introduction of a single military terminology in the national republics
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 739. Report of a member of the CEC of the USSR Schotman on wide broadcasting on the radio (on page 61st Autograph M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 74. On the prospects of popular education of non -public publication in the implementation of universal compulsory training, elimination of illiteracy and the training of national qualified workers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 740. Greetings of the expanded meeting of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky City Council together with members of the First Council of Workers' Deputies of 1905 regarding the twenty years of the 1905 revolution.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 741. Letter ComradeSverchkova M. I. Kalinin on the preservation of the commission to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 1905 (there is an autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 742. 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 743. Telegram from Vinnitsa from the radio, with a request to welcome the radio provincial congress of Podolia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 744. Notification of the death of Sun-Chi-Sen, an invitation to lunch Enukidze by a representative of the Chinese Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 745. On the preservation of the fountain in the square to them.Sverdlova.On the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the Institute of Oriental Studies
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 746. On the plan of work and estimates of the Commission of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR on organizing the celebration of the 20th anniversary of 1905
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 747. О кантате Кастальского и музыкальном произведении Ермолаева
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 748. Letter to Gorky from the secretary of the commission to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 1905
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 749. On the publication of collective history of 1905
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 75. On an increase in the main capital of the State Bank to 10 million chervonets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 750. Request to ComradeSerafimovich to take part in the competition of the commission on the celebration of the 20th anniversary of 1905.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 751. On the vacation of the Museum of Revolution 2000 rubles for the publication of installation posters for 50 local exhibitions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 752. On the plans of local commissions for the organization of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the anniversary of 1905
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 753. The plan of celebration of the 20th anniversary of 1905 and about the day of celebration
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 754. Slogans for the 20th anniversary of 1905
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 755. On the plan of the celebration of 1905
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 756. On taking part in honoring the 100th anniversary of the Great Academic Theater
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 757. About the greeting of ComradeNarimanova about his 30-year literary activity
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 758. О присвоении Бакинской ж. д. больнице имени 26-ти
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 759. About the 30th anniversary of the Georgian composer Z.P. Paliashvili
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 76. Distribution of a unified monetary circulation system to the Far Eastern region and the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 760. About the 40th anniversary of the People's Teacher Alexander Bucheevich Malaladze
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 761. 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 762. USSR.CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 763. On the assignment of the Institute of Oriental Studies.T. N. N. Narimanova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 764. On the renaming of the Vachnnadziani station to the station "Shroma"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 765. О присвоении Ленинградскому институту живых восточных языков им. Енукидзе А. С.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 766. On renaming the Izyaslavl station to Belarus station
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 767. On the appropriation of the 5th anniversary of the Red Army named after Comrade Frunze
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 768. On renaming the Shukhtanovo station to the Krasny Liman station
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 769. About the name of the detachment of the pioneers of the Tatar school in Simferopol named after"Narimanova"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 77. On the rules of the bring from abroad and the export of goods to the places where there are no customs institutions and on the publication of all -union regulatory acts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 770. On renaming the Scheglovka 2 station to the Kalmius station
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 771. On the renaming of the Okhta station Murmansk.d. to the Leningrad-Tovarnaya station
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 772. On the renaming of the "Bukeevsky district" of the Ural province to "Narimanovsky"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 773. On the participation of Enukidze in the festivities in honor of the 5th anniversary of Soviet power in Dagestan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 774. О переименовании г. Царицына, губернии, уезда, волости и ж. д. станции в Сталинград
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 775. On the renaming of the Chernyaevo station and Chernyaevskaya P/T of the office to the station "Chimkent" and "Chimkent" P/T Office
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 776. On the renaming of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to the Kazakh SSR and the city of Ak-Moschi in Kzyl-Horde
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 777. On the renaming of Goryev and the county in Chapaevsk and Chapaevsky district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 778. GA RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 779. О переименовании г. Спасск Пензенской губернии в Беднодемьяновск, Спасский уезд и волость в Беднодемьяновскую
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 78. On strengthening the began revolutionary legality
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 780. On renaming Art.Shaitanka Permd. in Art.Monzino
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 781. On the renaming of the village "Burenskoye" in the village.Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 782. On renaming Voronezh training workshops for homeless children "Monument Ilyich"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 783. О наименовании школы им. Фрунзе М. В. в ауле Терекемского участка Дубетского района
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 784. On renaming Novo-Nikolaevsk to Kaliningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 785. On the renaming of the housing and construction cooperative of the t-a working village named afterFrunze
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 786. About the name of the hospital in with.Vying-debt to them.N. N. Narimanova
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 787. On renaming Art.Art."Volkonskoy", "Esipovo", Zvyagintsevo, Povorino and others Borisoglebsky g.d. node
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 788. On the renaming of the village and the Camenka platform to the Platform "Textilers"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 789. On the renaming of the Wrangel Islands on Red October
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 79. On the terms of protesting by the CECs of the Union Republics of the Decree of the Government of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 790. Invitation by the representative of the USSR CEC to the opening of the Dnipropetrovsk plant and launch blast
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 791. The petition of the Ukrainian CIK to rename the city and Kherson station in Vladimirovsk
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 792. О переименовании станции Кухеты Циви-Цхаро и Дзмоба
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 793. Invitation of ComradeKalinina M.I. To participate in the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the liberation of the BSSR from Belopolikov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 794. On the renaming of the cities and villages of the Turkmen SSR, on the renaming of the city of Poltorak in the city of Ashgabat
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 795. О переименовании станции Кауфманская в ст. имени Фрунзе
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 796. Proposal for general political amnesty
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 797. On the holding of an International Employee Day
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 798. On the emancipation of women of the East
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 799. Appeal to nationalities inhabiting the National Republics and the regions of the Soviet East
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 8. 1925
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 80. On the fulfillment by the CECs of the Union republics of directives of the supreme authorities of the USSR in the field of revolutionary legality
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 800. Предложение о строительстве Волховской гидроэлектрической силовой установки и о шлюзовании реки Волхово (Волховстрой)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 801. On the financial and control department for the audit of Volkhovstroy and on reporting forms
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 802. Material to the meeting of the Commission on the observation of Volkhovstroy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 803. Заключение Комиссии по рассмотрению сметы и финансового плана Волховского строительства на период с 1 апреля 1925 г. до конца работ
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 804. Appendix to the conclusion of the commission for the consideration of the estimate and the financial plan of the Volkhov construction for the period from April 1, 1925 to the end of the work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 805. The financial plan of the Volkhov construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 806. General estimate for the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power plant and an explanatory note to the estimate
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 807. Estimate No. 1 for work on the Volkhov River
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 808. Appendix to estimate No. 1 on work on the Volkhov River
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 809. The petition of farm laborers and members of the Union of Uzbekistan Union on sending them to work
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 81. Publication of assistance in the national association of Austria with Germany
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 810. On the competition of foreign firms in the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 811. Prices for estimates No. 1 for work on the Volkhov River
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 812. Estimate No. 2 for the construction of the transmission line
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 813. Приложения "А" и "Б" к смете № 1. Ведомость металлических конструкций, механического и электрического оборудования силовой станции
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 814. Rates to estimate No. 2 for the construction of the transmission line
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 815. Appendix to estimate No. 2 for the construction of the transmission line
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 816. Estimate No. 3 for the construction of the main lowering substation in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 817. Prices for estimates No. 3 for the construction of the main lowering substation in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 818. Appendix to estimate No. 3 to the construction of the main lowering substation in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 819. Applications to the estimate "A" and "B" No. 3. The statement of the mechanical and electrical equipment of the main lowering substation in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 82. On familiarization with the institutions of the USSR of the English working party of a parliamentary group (speech by M.I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 820. Prices for estimates No. 4 for the construction of secondary substations and a cable ring in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 821. Appendix to estimate No. 4 for the construction of secondary substations and cable ring in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 822. Estimate No. 5 for work on research on the river.Volkhov
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 823. On the seizure of lands and buildings for the needs of Volkhovstroy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 824. On the agreement between Volkhovstroy and the Swedish company ASEA for the manufacture of two three -phase raising transformers
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 825. On the distribution of property and materials remaining at the end of the work of Volkhovstroy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 826. О повышении процентных начислений на накладные расходы по работе для Волховстроя
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 827. On the overspending of the estimate of 1924-25 the budget year and according to the General estimate of Volkhovstroy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 828. On the examination at the site of the managerial apparatus of Volkhovstroy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 829. On the transfer of the maintenance of the police at the place of construction work to local funds
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 83. On the ratification of prisoners in Helsingfors 18.VI-1924 between the USSR and the Finnish Republic of the Agreement on the exchange of archives and the Convention on the direct railway.D. message
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 830. On the transfer of the office of the authorized Volkhov construction in Moscow
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 831. On canceling the debt of Volkhovstroy on October 1, 1925 on insurance premiums entering medical assistance
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 832. On a change in the composition of communication districts on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR and the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 833. On a change in the composition of the composition of the Middle Siberian and East Siberian regional districts
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 834. On the release of funds for organizing an expedition led by academician Lazarev on the study of Transcaucasia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 835. Meliorative work map of Georgia with graphs
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 836. On the construction of the district hydroelectric station in Rachinsky district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 837. The protest of the NKF of the USSR for the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the construction of oil pipelines from Baku and the Terrible to the Black Sea
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 838. Приветственная телеграмма редакции газеты "Асахи" за помощь и содействие пилотам, совершившим перелет на аэропланах из Японии в Москву
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 839. On the assistance of participants in the flight Moscow - China
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 84. On the procedure for submitting international treaties and agreements concluded on behalf of the USSR, to approve and ratification of the USSR Government
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 840. Об объявлении ежегодного дня 14 июля "днем Авиационной и Химической обороны Союза ССР"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 841. Aznephti telegram about oil production
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 842. Общие начала землеустройства и землепользования СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 843. The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the provision of material and legal support to mark the 100th anniversary of the December uprising.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 844. General principles of land management and land use of the USSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 845. О снятии икон, фресок и др. предметов религиозного культа со стен и башен Кремля
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 846. On the addition and change in the provision on the Moscow Big Kremlin Palace
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 847. On the publication of literature by the central publishing house of the peoples of the USSR and on the eviction of the publishing house from the premises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 848. Protocols of the meeting of the heads of recreation homes of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 849. About the rest of ComradeFrunze M.V. in Mukhalatka
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 85. On the granting of the authority to Litvinov M. M. and Ganetsky Ya. O. for signing contracts with Germany
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 850. GA RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 851. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 852. About the report of the ACO of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee on Houses of the All -Russian Central Executive Committee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 853. Report on prices for retail premises in the House of Soviets
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 854. О передаче материалов поезда "Октябрьская Революция"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 855. On the unconstitutionality of the order of the NKPS on the establishment of a tariff for the use of the services of a telegraph network of the NKPS, which have switched to a self -reciprocalization institutions of the NKPS
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 856. On the disbandment of the campaign train named after the "October Revolution" (on p. 1st resolution M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 857. On the trade in oil products on the territory of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 858. Garf
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 859. About the development of tea business
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 86. THE USSR.CEC
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 860. Положение о производстве спирта и спиртных напитков и торговле ими
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 861. A protest on the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the transfer of the NKVTORSU of the RSFSR meat -ladder and tinning enterprises
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 862. On measures to strengthen the extraction of lead, zinc, tin, nickel and aluminum of private industry
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 863. Письмо Председателя РИК СССР тов. Нариманова всем учреждениям СССР об оказании содействия в деле распространения издания АХРР " на- ойне"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 864. The protest of the prosecutor of the Supreme Court of the USSR for the decision of the Plenum of the Verkhosud of the USSR dated 25.v 1925 by the verdict of the military transport collegium of the Verkhosud of the USSR dated 6.x-24, regarding the accused Zukkaau
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 865. On the verification of the personnel of the Arkhangelsk department "Northles" and on the competence and the limits of local verification commissions for cleaning the personnel of Soviet institutions
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 866. Complaint I.P.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 867. Letter of Mr. V.O. Radetsky about the liquidation of counter-revolutionary organizations in Ukraine
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 868. Complaint gr.der.Pushkari M.V. Bobrovsky for the wrong actions of local authorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 869. On the release of the arrest of Mr. Shabdanovs M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 87. On the ratification of the Convention between the USSR and Japan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 870. Application gr.Kulmatova U. with a complaint against local authorities in the person of Comrade.Sharifbaeva
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 871. On the provision of work of Mr. Startsev L. G. and on dismissal from the service of Gr. Tretyakova A.V.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 872. On the complaints of N. L. Abramenko and the issuance of a foreign passport
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 873. Complaint of Mr. Shvets E. and Priimak B. On the abuses of local authorities
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 874. On the revision of the case of Mr. Dudin F. L.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 875. On the land management of Russian settlers in Turkestan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 876. On the suspension of the resettlement of refugees from the ZSFSR to the borders of the North Caucasus, on returning to their homeland to Poltava province.Babina F.M. and Bondarenko P. Ya.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 877. О зачислении на службу гр. Кацман И.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 878. About testzing products from noble metals
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 879. О несогласовании Конституции ЗСФСР с Конституцией СССР и общего положения о наркоматах ЗСФСР с общими положениями о наркоматах СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 88. Convention between the USSR and the Republic of Estonia on postal relations
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 880. On changing and supplementing the Regulation on the NKPS in connection with the organization of the Central Administration of Local Transport
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 881. Regulation on the People's Commissariats of the RSFSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 882. On a change in the Regulation on the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 883. On changes in the structure of the Tax Code of the RCT
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 884. Об изменении ст. ст. 3 и 11 Положения о ВСНХ СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 885. On the formation of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign and Internal Trade of the USSR and about their reorganization in the future
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 886. On changing the provisions on the district executive committees of the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 887. Preliminary project of the Zemo-Ovchal hydroelectric station and drawings under the lit.B.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 887. Preliminary project of the Zemo-Avchal hydroelectric power station
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 888. On the creation of an independent commission for perpetuating the memory of V. I. Lenin under the CEC of the Turkmen SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 889. On the creation of a commission for perpetuating the memory of V.I. Lenin under the CEC of the BSSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 89. On the Convention to Control against Alcoholic Products and the Agreement on the Division of the Control Zones in the Gulf of Finland
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 890. On the creation of a commission for perpetuating the memory of V. I. Lenin at the CEC of the Kyrgyz SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 891. On the instructions of the political control of the OGPU on the observation of the production and distribution of sculptures and paintings
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 892. On the Allocation of State Flags and the Salyut on the Day of the Death of V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 893. On the removal of monuments to V.I. Lenin in G.G.Zlatoust and Kislovodsk due to their complete anti -artisticity
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 894. On the construction of monuments to V.I. Lenin in Samarkand
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 895. On the events of the Ivanovo-Voznesensky commission for perpetuating the memory of Comrade Frunze
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 896. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR No. 1 dated 22.v-1925 on the distribution of the fund to reduce the cost of the publication of the works of V.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 897. On the name of the peasant's house in the city of Toroptsa "House of the peasant named after V.I. Lenin"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 898. On the creation of the All -Union Committee and the Fund.V.I. Lenin to combat illiteracy
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 899. О зачислении на текущий счет Комиссии по организации и распоряжению фондом им. Ленина помощи беспризорным детям за № 6333 денег от продажи купонов от облигации 8% внутреннего займа
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 9. Congratulations to ComradeChervyakova with the 5th anniversary of the Chairman of the CIK of the BSSR.Greetings from the correspondent of Tver "Pravda" comradeLakshina.Greetings on the occasion of the opening in Samarkand V of the winnings of the peasant loan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 90. On the ratification of signed in Stockholm: 1) the World Postal Convention and the final protocol for it, including section XII
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 900. On assisting the construction of a school, nursery and hospital (there is an autograph of Krupskaya N.K.)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 901. Протест Всеукраинской Комиссии по увековечению памяти В. И. Ленина против производимого на Украине сбора пожертвований на помощь беспризорным детям в фонд РСФСР им. Ленина
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 902. On leaving the Committee for the Promotion of the Industrial and Economic Education of the Rights of the Distribution of the Fund named afterV.I. Lenin (there is an autograph of M. I. Kalinin)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 903. On the government allocation in the Foundation of V.I. Lenin, helping homeless children.There is an autograph of Comrade M.I. Kalinin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 904. Об оказании субсидии на расширение трудкоммуны малолетних преступников в совхозе Костино
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 905. On the assignment of the Institute of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR on the study of mineral raw materials for the needs of industry and p.X.Nam V.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 906. On the renaming of the assembly hall at the Yegoryevsky Electromechanical College and the Professional Technical School "Komsomolets" to the hall named afterIlyich
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 907. On the renaming of the 11 branch of the Russian Public Library "of the free and economic society in B-Ku named after Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 908. On renaming the club of workers and employees under Art.Chalia Permd. to the club to them.Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 909. On the renaming of tractor courses at the Salsky district with.X.Union in tractor courses.Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 91. On the appointment of Koppa Plenipotentiary in Japan
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 910. On renaming the orphanage in Kaluga in "Children's town named after Lenin"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 911. О переименовании Института охраны материнства и младенчества в г. Ленинграде в "Институт охраны материнства и младенчества им. В. И. Ленина"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 912. On renaming and names in the memory of V. I. Lenin, the resort "village" in the resort named afterIlyich, Rubtsovsky district of the Altai province.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 913. On the name of the newly organized factory-kitchen and the central working canteen in the city of Ivanovo-Voznesensk by the name of V.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 914. On renaming the Tula cartridge plant to the Ilyich and Chulkov factory in Ulyanovo
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 915. On the renaming of the school in the working village of Orekhovo-Zuevsky district to school.T. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 916. On the renaming of the school of the 1st stage with.Pershura, Intergin district, Votsky Aut.areas named afterV.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 917. On the renaming of the Zolotkovsky forestry in the plant.V.I. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 918. О воспрещении переименования именем В. И. Ленина городов, улиц, сооружений, учреждений и т. п. без предварительного разрешения на то Президиума ЦИК СССР
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 919. On the renaming of the 4th Separate Belarusian Intelligence Aviation Squadron in the "4th Separate Belarusian Intelligence Aviation Squadron named after V.I. Lenin"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 92. On the appointment of Lorents I. L. Poloka in Finland
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 920. On the name of the farm society newly formed by citizens of the Miloradovsky Society - "Farm of Lenin"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 921. On the renaming of the Yurinsky cooperative leather-crushed commercial artel in the artel named afterLenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 922. О переименовании с. х. кооперативной артели села Натальина Емельяновской волости Бугурусланского уезда, Самарской губ. в с. х. кооперативную артель "Мысли Ленина"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 923. On the renaming of armored train No. 8 to an armored train named after Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 924. Предложение т. Вольтера о переименовании Волховстроя в "Ленинстрой"
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 925. On the renaming of the 1st Berezhetsky reclamation t-va in the 1st Berezhetsky reclamation t-va named afterLenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 926. On renaming the Square of Freedom in Vladimir in the square named afterT. Lenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 927. On the renaming of the Balakha-Sabuchinsky district to the Leninsky district
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 928. On the renaming of the house of the peasant in the city of Veliky Ustyug, the North-Dvinsky province into the house of the peasant named afterLenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 929. On the renaming of the Beloretsky Metallurgical Plant to the Beloretsky Metallurgical Plant named afterLenin
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 93. On the appointment of Aleksandrovsky S. S. Polota in Lithuania
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 930. On renaming Kazan University
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 931. Greetings, volume I
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 932. Приветствия, том II-й
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 933. Приветствия, том III-й
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 934. Offer ComradeStalin invite A. M. Bolshakov Professor Bolshakov, who expressed a desire to work on Soviet construction
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 935. On various projects and considerations on political and economic issues (in French, no translation)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 936. Письмо на иностранном языке из Аргентины
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 937. Письмо на еврейском языке (перевода нет)
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 938. Translation of a letter from James V. Van-Kirk from the city of Jungstown, the United States about the flag of the Union of World World
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 939. Correspondence with members of the Budget Commission of the CEC of the USSR for 1925, 26 g.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 94. On the release of Yurenev K.K. from the duties of the plenipotentiary of the USSR in Italy and on the appointment of Kerzhentsev P.M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 940. On the refutation of Gr. Nunusilov N. S.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 941. On the expulsion of the executive committee and other bodies of their publications without the consent of the addressee with a via fee
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 942. About the murder of Mullah Farmanova K.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 943. GA RF
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 944. The approximate work plan of the village councils of the Tatar district for the 1925th budget year
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 945. On the coat of arms and flags of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 946. Results of cassations for re -election of village councils of the Ukrainian SSR
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 947. The petition of the Council of People's Commissars for the release of funds to restore state resorts in Georgia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 948. On the awarding of Chernyshev the Order of the Red Banner
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 949. Estimate No. 4 for the construction of secondary substations and the cable ring in Leningrad
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 95. On the appointment of Cherny A. S. Poloka in Latvia
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 950. Паритетная Комиссия по районированию
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 951. On awarding the Order of the Red Banner of Gr.V. Kletsky
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 952. About the deprivation of the Order of the Red Banner of Byazhiev.On the replacement of a temporary letter with a letter of a new model Comrade Shadrin F.I.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 96. On the release of ComradeVasilieva A. N. From the duties of the USSR envoy in Mongolia and on the appointment of the Envoy of the USSR in Mongolia, Comrade Nikiforova P. M.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 97. On the release of ComradeRakovsky Kh. G. from the duties of the USSR envoy in the UK and on the appointment of Comrade Krasin L. B.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 98. On the liberation of Comrade Krasin L. B. from the duties of the Embassy of the USSR in France and on the appointment of Comrade Rakovsky H. G. G.
ГА РФ. 3316 / 18 / 99. The authority of Comrade Kerzzhentsev P. M. for negotiating and signing all kinds of agreements between the USSR and Italy
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