Дирекция императорских театров (1804-1917 гг.)

Identifier 1e500ace-9463-4c53-a846-ce9b635c85e3
Title Дирекция императорских театров (1804-1917 гг.)
Dates 1802
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 497 / 18
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 1140 ед.хр.
Fonds Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1. Report to the sovereign of the chamberlain of Naryshkina on the impudent act of actress Bolina
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 10. Vedomosti on the number of performances played by artists and artists of the Moscow Drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 100. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1000. Lists of pupils of the theater school to receive a spectacular fee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 101. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1011. Lists of artists and other employees participating in the performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 102. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 103. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1037. The case with daily information about the revenue for sold tickets for performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1038. Vedomosti on theaters and a memorandum
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1039. Vedomosti on the collection from performances in favor of the institutions of Empress Maria
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 104. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1040. The case with calculations in the evening expenses for beneficial and charitable performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1041. The case of fees for subscription performances at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1042. Generations of fees from performances in the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1043. Vedomosti on charity collection from St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1044. The case of the evening expenses of theaters for charitable performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1048. The case of evening expenses for charitable performances at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 105. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1054. The case of accounting for the work of forgery workers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1055. The case of accounting for the work of forgery workers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1056. A statement of the arrival and expenditure of the amounts of the maintenance of the Italian opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1058. 1882
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 106. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1063. The case of the number of cordbale artists participating in the performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1064. The case with the information about the fees from opera performances and rehearsals
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1065. The question of the petition for the issuance of pensions to various persons and a message about the change of signature of the governing pension institution
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1069. The statement of the estimate of construction work for 1906 and repair work on the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 107. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1074. The case in relation to the authorized theaters to the Minister of the Court about new salaries of content
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1075. Correspondence on financial issues by the Ministry of Court
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1076. Reports of the heads of the department of the Directorate of Imperial theaters on the finalization, the dismissal of employees for non -fulfillment of official duties and the adoption
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1077. Reports of the heads of the department of the Directorate of Imperial theaters on the finalization, the dismissal of employees for non -fulfillment of official duties and the adoption
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1078. Decorators' reports about increasing salary to watchmen and malyars
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1079. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 108. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1080. Executive sheets of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1081. The City of Artist Kristman about holding money from him from the received content in favor of the artist-scricid Vasily Karlovich Mitch and Captain Donner
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1082. Correspondence on financial issues with the Ministry of Yard
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1083. Дело о разрешении хозяйственного отдела Кабинета его величества на уплату авторского гонорара и на единовременные, и заимообразные выдачи артистам
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1084. The case of resolving the office of His Majesty for the issuance of advances to artists and remuneration
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1085. Reports of the heads of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the finalization, dismissal of employees for non -fulfillment of official duties and on enrollment
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1086. The question of the petition from different persons about the issuance of benefits and accepting the service
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1087. Correspondence on financial issues with the Ministry of Yard
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1088. Correspondence of the return of incorrectly deducted money from Dr. Bruner and providing him with a state -owned apartment
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 109. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1090. The case of changes in the schedules of non -balance posts at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1091. The case of petitions from different persons about the issuance of benefits and accepting the service
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1092. Reports of the heads of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the finalization, dismissal of employees for non -fulfillment of official duties and on enrollment
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1093. The case of the distribution of days, distribution of maintenance to artists of St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1094. Correspondence on financial issues
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1095. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1096. Cash notebook on cash, tickets, credit institutions and other documents
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1097. Applications to the reports of the Russian drama troupe for 1865-1868 and the application of drafts to them
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1098. Report on the Russian Drama troupe for 1889
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1099. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 11. A report to the manager of the Moscow Office of the Imperial Theaters with a request to inform the Moscow mayor of information about the place of storage of monetary amounts of the Department of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 110. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1100. Sheet of deposits of the Directorate of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1103. Vedomosti on cash fluids and estimated expenses
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1104. Certificates for the payment of copyright rewards
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1105. A statement of expenses paid from the advance head of the photograph of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1106. Accounts: Academician Korovin, decorators Shiryaev, Ivanova, artist Benoit
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1107. Allegry and Lambin decorator accounts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1109. Sheet of repair work in the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 111. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1110. Estimates of income and expenses for the St. Petersburg Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1111. Extract from the approval of the estimate of the Ministry of Court in the Committee of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1112. Help of the account of the St. Petersburg Office of the Imperial Theaters on the appropriations and the remains of loans according to expenditure estimates
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1113. Estimates of the Petrograd office of imperial theaters and a list of changes in estimates
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1114. The project of set prices for places and a comparative estimate for morning performances at the Moscow State Bolshoi Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1115. The case of budgets for the maintenance of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1116. Plans and drawings of the Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1117. Plans and drawings of the building of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and the houses belonging to it
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1118. Plans and drawings of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1119. Plans of the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 112. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1120. Plans and drawings of the former Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1121. Plans and drawings (not installed) buildings, [Kamennoostrovsky Theater]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1121. Plans and drawings (not installed) buildings, [Kamennoostrovsky Theater]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1122. Drawings of the ceiling lantern of the decoration hall on Alekseevskaya Street House No. 20
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1124. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1125. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1126. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1127. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1128. The roles of different plays and roles leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1129. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 113. Correspondence of viewing plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1130. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1131. Role case and roof leaflets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1132. The case of roles and roles leaflets.Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1133. Дело о ролях и листки ролей. Программы спектаклей
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1134. Theater diary M.V.Ilyinskaya during the season of 1882-1883
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1134. Theater diary M.V.Ilyinskaya during the season of 1883-1884
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1135. Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1136. Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1137. Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1138. Programs (ten) performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1139. Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 114. Correspondence of viewing plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1140. Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1141. Programs of performances.The role of plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1142. Programs of performances.The role of plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1143. Programs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1144. Extract from Vaudeville "Album"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1145. The case of the service of the actress of the French troupe L. Volnis
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1146. Correspondence with foreign entrepreneurs, actors, singers, musicians and decorators about the conclusion and execution of contracts, paying them money, petitions for admission to service
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1147. The case of mounting operas, dramas and comedies
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1148. Orders, reports, certificates, programs and lists about the production of operas and plays in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1149. The estimate of the cost of decorations for the productions: "Beauty Livan" (La Belle du Luban), "White Lady" (La Dame Blanche), Margarita and Faust (Margarete und Faust) and others
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 115. Correspondence about the centuries of the Russian theater, on the procedure for considering works;On the revision of temporary rules for the theater-literary committee and another
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1150. Lists for the issuance of a salary by the employees of the wardrobe of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1151. Statement by P.I.Tchaikovsky on the sale of the musical publisher V. Bessel is the right to receive a spectacular fee for the presentation of the opera "Oprich", the will of M.I.Tchaikovsky and V.L.Davydova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1152. The case of real estate belonging to the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1153. Contracts concluded with Russian and French actors.Mentioned by Yu.M.Yuryev
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1154. The case of the audit of the accounting department of the office of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1155. Metric Book issued from the St. Petersburg oversized consistory parable of Troitskaya at the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Church to recording those born and dead, for 1877
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1156. The statement of the played plays and the list of personnel of the German drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1157. Lists of artists and employees for issuing a salary
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1158. Letters of the composer Scipio Chenchi [(sicinioni zenzi)] on the reference to Prince of the Volkonsky score and the Clavirals of his opera Hero of Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1159. The project of introducing new abbreviated states of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, a list of ministers and employees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 116. Correspondence on personnel;On vacations, about appointments and another
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1160. Lists of employees of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters for the issuance of award
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1161. Lists of artists of opera and dramatic troupe of Moscow Imperial Theaters for 1887-1888
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1162. The case of the production on the stage of foreign theaters of the play by L.M.Tolstoy "Power of Darkness"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1163. The case with the prologue to the opening of the Gorevoy writer P. Weinberg, with the mark of the censor about permission for execution
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1164. List of members of theater society
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1165. Report (draft) about the funeral of P.I.Tchaikovsky and petitions of institutions and private individuals to issue tickets for participation in the funeral
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1166. Granks of the article by P. Morozov about the production of hospital students of various plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1167. The case of "annual theater" theater "
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1168. The case with the conditions concluded with the authors: with Prince Baryatinsky, Asafiev, Ipolitov-Ivanov, L. Andreev, Glazunov, P. Gnedich and others for the right to produce their works on the stage of St. Petersburg imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1169. Correspondence from V.I.Nemirovich-Danchenko O (illegal) appointed deduction of money from him from the fee for the play "Gold"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 117. Correspondence on personnel;On vacations, about appointments and another
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1170. Lists for the issuance of a salary to musicians of the orchestra.Rescontro
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1171. Reports of employees of the dressing room of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1172. Lists of costumes, codes, linen and things sent from St. Petersburg to Moscow for Ballet Don Quixote and from operas: "Life for the Tsar" , "Boris Godunov" and "Faust"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1173. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1174. The case of the service of the assistant watchman at the house of the Directorate on Theater Street Friedrich-Vilgelma Valya
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1175. Lists for the issuance of a salary of carpenters of Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1176. Vedomosts of expenses for the production of operas, ballets, Russian and French dramas for the seasons of 1904-1917
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1177. Lists for the issuance of a salary [Capelders], chancellers, Swiss and watchmen of Mariinsky, Mikhailovsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1178. Correspondence with the French actress Susanna Mant about one-sided termination of the contract on her part of 1905-1906
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1179. The case of the petitions of artists, employees and ministers about the issuance of benefits
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 118. Correspondence of the Ministry of the Imperial Court with the chairman of the theater-literary committee on awards
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1180. The case of the termination of copyright for the works of the composer Richard Wagner since December 19, 1913 [January 1, 1914 new style]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1181. The case of an increase in evening expenses at the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1182. The case of the service of the watchman of the St. Petersburg office of the Imperial theaters of Vasily E. Dugina
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1183. Correspondence with the director of the French troupe at the Mikhailovsky Theater on the purchase of foreign books for the Central Library
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1184. The charter of the Petrograd Economic Society of Artists and Employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and the St. Petersburg Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1185. The estimate of expenses for the maintenance of artists of the French troupe in the Mikhailovsky Theater in 1916-1917, correspondence with artists on the implementation of contracts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1186. Vedomosti issuing permanent benefits to family members and employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for 1917
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1187. Minutes of meetings of the Central Committee of the employees of Petrograd theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1188. The statement of carpenters called up for military service, whose families are entitled to receive percentage additives
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1189. Note by P. Gnedich about his book "Reading on the History of the Russian Theater", a short formular list of P. Gnedich
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 119. Correspondence of the Ministry of the Imperial Court with the chairman of the theater-literary committee on awards
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1190. The case with fragments of plays of unidentified authors
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1191. Notes of the conductor on the script of the ballet "Awakening Flora" (Le Reveil de Flore)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1192. Rules for the collection of fines from actors for failure to fulfill their duties under the contract
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1193. Case: "In the House" (Japanese drama) with a mark of censorship (censor) about permission to produce
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1194. The case with excerpts from the memoirs of the artist E.A.Saburova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1195. The case with excerpts of black sketches on the history of music
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1196. Journal of daily fees for the performances of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1197. The case with the information about the boiler installed at the electric station of the Imperial Mikhailovsky Theater with the application of the working drawing of the station
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1198. Correspondence with the Moscow branch of the Russian Society "Shuckert and KO" regarding the operation of an electric station in the Imperial Moscow Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1199. The case of acquittal documents for the report on the arrival and expenditure of monetary sums of the house of the deceased provincial secretary Didlo, bequeathed by the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 12. CASE: The "All -LESSONE" report of the Minister of the Imperial Court on the combination of the Office of Imperial Theaters of both capitals
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 120. Composition A.M.Krasovsky "Volga prosecutors" dedicated to lovers of rarities
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1200. Journal of incoming papers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1201. Outgoing and incoming magazines not complete
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1202. Book of Cash Reporting on Educational Guide
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1203. Book of Cash Reporting on Educational Guide
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1204. Book of personal accounts with the testimony of deductions from artists and employees of the St. Petersburg Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1205. The estimated book with members by participants in the pension institution of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters (contributions, loans and interest on loans)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1206. Home Book of estimated income
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1207. The poster about the celebration of the 100th anniversary (1783-1883) of the Bolshoi Theater (Conservatory)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1208. Programs of performances of Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1209. Aleksandrinsky Theater performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 121. The case of the brief content of the drama, the works of Mr. Krylov, "against the current" approved by the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1210. Small and new theaters playing programs
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1211. Bolshoi Theater performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1212. Aphes for private theaters and circus
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1213. Posters and programs of performances, and concerts in the gardens of Petrograd
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1214. Afisha cinemas
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1215. List of artists of the orchestra and persons serving in the Central Musical Library
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1216. Programs of performances in imperial and private theaters of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1217. Programs of performances and concerts in theaters: aquarium (1905-1918), Vasileostrovsky (1915-1917), and at Villa Roda (1905-1908)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1218. Programs of performances and concerts in: The Theater "Intimate" (1905-1908), the Comedy Theater (1914-1918) and the Small Hall of the Conservatory (1905-1919)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1219. Programs of performances and concerts in theaters: Forest (1905-1915), Summer Buff (1916), Litein (1916-1918), Lin (1917), Moon Park (1915-1918)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 122. The case of the drama A. Mosolov "Around the Burning Moscow"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1220. Programs of performances and concerts in theaters: Small A.S.Suvorina (1917), musical drama (1915-1918)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1221. Programs of performances and concerts in the People’s House: Theater Hall, Opera Theater Vaudeville, Opera and Summer Mosaic Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1222. Programs of performances and concerts in the Nevsky Fars and the New Latvian Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1223. Programs of performances and concerts in the workshop of a public and mobile theater, theater and garden
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1224. Programs of performances and concerts at the Pavlovsk Theater, Palas Theater, Theaters of Putilov and Okhta Powder Plants
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1225. Programs of performances and concerts in theaters: Saburov, Trinity (Polonsky) and Estonian society and the charity of orphans
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1226. Programs of performances and concerts in various theaters and concert halls of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1227. Programs of performances and concerts in the vicinity of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1228. Programs of charitable performances and concerts in imperial theaters of St. Petersburg and Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1229. Programs of performances at the South Theater in Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 123. The report of the commission on the preparation of the draft provisions on the management of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1230. 1230
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1231. Inventory on cases related to the repertoire and the central drama library, the Petrograd office of state theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1232. The case of the alphabet of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1233. List of artists and employees of the St. Petersburg Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1234. List of artists and employees of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1235. Heralds of state theaters (orders for [personnel])
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1236. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the choristes and choines of the Russian and Italian opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1237. Demanding statements for the issuance of contents to artists, musicians and chorists of Russian dramatic, German and Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1237. Demanding statements for the issuance of contents to artists, musicians and chorists of Russian dramatic, German and Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1238. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of Russian opera and dramatic troupes, musicians and chorists of the Italian troupe and other persons who participated in the rehearsals of the performances of the Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1239. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content of the chorists who participated in the rehearsals of the performances of the Italian opera and the choristers of the Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 124. The temporary charter of the theater-literary committee and the temporary provision on the reward of the authors of dramatic works and the opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1240. Demanding statements for the issuance of spokeskeeping fees to the choristers and choines of the Russian dramatic and Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1241. Demanding statements for the issuance of spectacular fees to the choristers and civilian musicians of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1242. Demanding statements for the issuance of a spectacular fee to the choristers and choines of the Russian dramatic troupe and lists of artists of the Orchestra of the German troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1243. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance to artists, musicians and Russian chorists: opera, dramatic and ballet troupe, and French, German, and Italian
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1244. Demanding statements for the issuance of a spectacular fee and a beneficial reward to the Khorists of the Italian troupe and the Horista, who participated in the rehearsals of the performances of the Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1245. List of artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1246. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of Russian and other employees of Russians: opera, dramatic and ballet troupe, the employees of the orchestra, musicians and artists of the French, German and Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1247. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of Russian artists and other employees of Russians: opera, dramatic and ballet troupe, orchestra, and artists of the French, German and Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1248. Demanding statements for the issuance of the Italian opera and money to the Horizers for the Helpers for Hiring ARF
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1249. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 125. The draft Regulation on the remuneration of the authors of dramatic works and operas (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1250. Demanding statements for the issuance of the contents of the ballet troupe and the employee of the orchestra, and the spectacular fee to musicians
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1251. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of artists and other employees of the Russian drama and ballet troupe, and the chorists of the Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1252. A list of caplets, malears, joiners, locksmiths, plumbers, watchmen and other workers, and employees of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1253. Demanding statements for the issuance of interest on capital G. Kondratyev to the Khorists and choinist of the Russian opera and the content of the Italian opera choristers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1254. Demanding statements for the issuance of a spectacular fee to musicians and the maintenance of the Italian opera choristers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1255. Demanding statements for the issuance of spokeskeeping and beneficial money to the choristers of the Russian opera and the German troupe and the content of the Khorists of the Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1256. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of artists and employees of the French troupe and reports of the head of the orchestra on the payment of the Partoral fee to musicians
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1257. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the decorative part, watchmen and a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1258. Lists of artists of the opera troupe of imperial Moscow theaters for the season of 1892-1893, serving the mounting part and capletdines, carpenters and driver of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1259. Demanding statements for the issuance of the Italian opera and accounts for the payment of a spectacular fee to the artists of the orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 126. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1260. Additions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1261. Lists of artists and employees of the Directorate to withhold amounts of debt obligations
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1262. Lists of artists of the Moscow Drama troupe who graduated from the dramatic courses of the Imperial Theater School, indicating the time of their entry into the service of the troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1263. Lists of artists and employees of the Directorate to withhold amounts of debt obligations
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1264. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the decoration part and the fake workshop, and the liner, and the forced fees by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1265. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content to the chorist and the choinist of the Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1266. Orders for the recovery of money from artists and employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in favor of the loan and conservation cash register
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1267. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters, from the contents of which a certain amount of retirement is withheld
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1268. Magazines of orders of the Office Manager for Imperial St. Petersburg Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1269. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content by employees of the decorative part and a fake workshop, and a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 127. Проект положения о Литературном комитете при Дирекции императорских театров (не датировано)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1270. The demanding statement for the issuance of the content of the chorist and the choristers of the Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1271. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of a day -off board for a civilian worker, workers at the Directorate of Directorate, Lights and a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1272. Vedication for the issuance of a spectacular fee to artists of the orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1273. Lists of employees of imperial theaters to withhold money retirement and in favor of the Alexander Committee on the wounded
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1274. Lists of members of the cash desk of the latest assistance at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1275. Vedication for the issuance of a spent fee to the pupil of the theater school A. Chekrygin
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1276. Demanding statements for the issuance of additional money by the employees of the directorate, the maintenance of a civilian worker by a fake workshop and a lining fee for a tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1277. Lists of artists and employees of imperial Moscow theaters and joiners, and Plotnikov of the Alexandrinsky Theater for 1881-1894
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1278. Demanding statements for the issuance of daily money to the Russian opera chorists, the spokeskeeping fee to the artists of the orchestra and the report of the head of the orchestra for the issuance of money to musicians, with the application of accounts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1279. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content by employees of the decorative part and a fake workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 128. Notes on the Russian Drama Theater "On the Theater Literary Committee" (unknown author) (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1280. Demanding statements for the issuance of a day -off and forced fee by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1281. Lists of employees of the mounting and dressing rooms and a fake workshop to receive a day -off board and award money, and the reports of the wardrobemisters for the issuance of a forced board with a tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1282. Vedication for the issuance of a spectacular fee to artists of the orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1283. Lists of artists of the Russian opera, dramatic troupe and employees of the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1284. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance and award money by employees of the mounting part, a daydream and forced fees by a civilian worker by a fake workshop and a tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1285. List of employees of the theater crew to receive festive money
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1286. Demanding statement for the issuance of the maintenance to the counter and counters of the central theater cash register
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1287. Lists of artists of the Russian opera and drama, employees of both workers of the mounting part, and illuminators, carpenters and carpenters of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1288. The demanding statement for the issuance of interest from the capital of Kondratyev Khorists of the Russian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1289. WardrobMasters' reports for the issuance of a forced board by the civilian tailor of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 129. A list of plays submitted to the theater-literary committee from 1888 to 1891 and a list of plays viewed by the Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1290. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of artists and employees of the Russian opera, drama, orchestras, music library and spectacular fees to the Khorists
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1291. Demanding statements for the issuance of permanent benefits and other amounts to the former employees of the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1292. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the decorative part and the fake workshop, hairdressers, their assistants, caps, watchmen and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1293. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of dressers, costumers, their assistants and a over -board fee by freedom -tailor and disassemblers at dressing rooms
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1294. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of management employees and watchmen, couriers, Switches, joiners, janitors and malyars of St. Petersburg offices and theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1295. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance to the counters and counters of theater cash desks
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1296. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the employees of the mounting part and the fake workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1297. Demanding statements for the issuance of a loaf of a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1298. Vedication for the issuance of pensions by former employees of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1299. Demanding statement for the issuance of a spokeskening fee to the chorists of the Russian opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 13. CASE: The "All -LESSONE" report of the ministers of the Imperial Court and Popular Education and the chief of the gendarmes on the procedure for considering dramatic works intended for presentation in theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 130. A list of plays sent to the competition of dramatic works related to the election to the kingdom of M.F.Romanova and from the era of the Patriotic War of 1812 (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1300. Lists of employees of the theater crew and employees of photographs of imperial theaters for the issuance of festive money
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1301. Lists of artists of the Russian opera and employees, and workers of the mounting and dressing rooms
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1302. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the decorative part of both the Verdnaya and the Subanaries to the employee of the fake workshop, the civilian tailor and the employee of the electric station
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1303. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of costumers and their assistants and a lining fee by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1304. The demanding statement for the issuance of maintenance by employees, artists and couriers of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1305. Demanding statement for the issuance of the maintenance to the scores of theatrical cash desks
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1306. The demanding statement for the issuance of the maintenance of the directorate of the directorate (in Prison Lane) and others, and the servant of the office and theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1307. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to withhold money retirement and in favor of the Alexander Committee on the wounded
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1308. Lists of employees who received benefits for raising children
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1309. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content of a permanent, fornoye and civil servant and worker of the mounting part and a fake workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 131. Lists of plays read by the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1310. Demanding statements for the issuance of a loaf of a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1311. Lists of employees of the directorate and artists to withhold money for debt obligations
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1312. Demanding statements for the issuance of a spectacular fee and interest on capital M. Kondratyev and F. Nikolsky Horus of the Russian Opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1313. List of employees of the Directorate for withholding the amounts of retirement and in favor of the Alexander Committee on the wounded
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1314. Demanding statements for the issuance of a loaf of a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1315. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance and forced fees to the worker of the mounting part of both the civilian and the forced workers of the butofor workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1316. Lists of employees of the Directorate to withhold money for debt obligations
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1317. A list of artists and artists who took part in a subscription for military needs
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1318. Lists of members of the artel of permanent workers at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1319. Demanding statement for the issuance of a spectacular fee to the choir of the Russian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 132. Lists of plays read by the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1320. WardrobMasters' reports for the issuance of a forced board by the civilian tailor of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1321. Demanding statements for the issuance of a day -off and forced fee by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1322. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of a day -off board for a civilian worker by a fake workshop and pantries and the accounts of the Jacob decorator
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1323. Demanding statements for the issuance of daily money to candidates of the Russian opera choir, spectacular fees to artists of orchestras and civilian musicians, and maintenance to artists and employees of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1324. A detailed sheet of salaries of the content of the lower employees of the staging part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1325. Demanding statements for the issuance of a day -off and forced fee by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1326. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance to decorators and their assistants, a civilian worker of the fake workshop and the account of the Yanov decorator
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1327. Требовательные ведомости на выдачу содержания артистам русской драматической труппы и поспектакльной платы хористам и музыкантам
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1328. Lists of the Directorate of Directorate to withhold amounts to retirement and in favor of the Alexander Committee on the wounded
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1329. 1 l.
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 133. Protocol of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1330. Demanding statements for the issuance of the spokeskeeping fees to the Russian opera and accounts of the orchestra artists
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1331. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the production department and fake storerooms and the accounts of the decorators of Shervanidze, Golovin and Yanov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1332. Demanding statements for the issuance of a day -off and forced fee by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1333. Lists of musicians of anthrapeutic music, serving a staged, dressing room and other parts of the Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1334. Demanding sheet for the issuance of a day -free and forced fees by a civilian tailor and knitwear dyeing workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1335. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of forced carpenters, workers of fake pantries and accounts of Golovin decorators, Shervashidze and Yanov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1336. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content of the Russian drama troupe and the choir of the Russian opera and the additional reward to civilian musicians, artists of the court orchestra and ballet dancers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1337. The demanding statement for the issuance of remuneration to the lower employees who are maintained by polysmasters and the heads of the buildings of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1338. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of a day -off and forced fees by a civilian tailor and knitwear dyeing workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1339. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content of the forced carpenters of the Mariinsky Theater and the workers of the propulsion pantry
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 134. Протоколы заседаний съезда драматических и музыкальных писателей и материалы к ним. Бумаги бюро
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1340. Vedication for the issuance of pensions to the widow of the musician Derocound Tuturner-Drazhota
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1341. Wardrobmaster's reports and masters of a dyeing workshop on the issuance of a forced and over -board boat and knitwear with the lists of issuance for issuing
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1342. Demanding statements for the issuance of a daydream and forced fees by a civilian worker by a fake workshop and a pantry, hairdressers and forced carpenters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1343. The list of former workers of the imperial theaters, which are assigned permanent and one -time benefits
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1344. Demanding statements for the issuance of a loaf of a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1345. WardrobMasters' reports on the issuance of money by the forced civilian tailor and knitwear with a dyeing workshop with the application of demanding statements for issuing
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1346. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content of the forced carpenters of the artel at the Mariinsky Theater, an assistant to the hairdresser V. Butusova and the workers of the fake workshop and the pantry
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1347. Demanding statements for the issuance of additional money to the choir of Russian opera and civilian musicians
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1348. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to receive one -time money benefits
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1349. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance to the statists and statists of the Alexandrinsky Theater and Award Money to persons who took part in extinguishing a fire in the Mariinsky Theater on March 7, 1911
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 135. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1350. Demanding statements for the issuance of the content of the spectacular fee to artists and employees of the opera, Russian dramatic, ballet and French troupes, choristers and artists of the orchestra and employees of the Central Musical Library
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1351. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance and forced fees to assistants to costumers and tailors, and employees, and knitwear dyeing workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1352. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance and forced fees to employees and workers of the staged part, a fake workshop and a pantry, a pantry of the remains and illuminators of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1353. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the production department, hairdressers, forced carpenters and theaters' malears
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1354. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of control and theater capelders, watchmen, Swiss and wipers of the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters and the watchmen of the office
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1355. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of employees and non -class employees of the department, theater cashiers, manager, coachman and janitor of the crew of the crew
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1356. Lists of artists of opera, dramatic, ballet and French troupe of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters and employees of the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1357. Lists of employees, artists and workers of the St. Petersburg office who received benefits for raising children
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1358. Demanding statements for the issuance of a day -off and forced fee by a civilian tailor
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1359. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance and forced fees to carpenters, illuminators, assistant hairdresser V. Butusova and workers of the button workshop and the pantry
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 136. Протоколы заседаний Театрально-литературного комитета
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1360. The demanding statement for the issuance of the maintenance of artists and employees of the Russian opera troupe, the account of the musician M.M.AMMANTEK and a request from the office of the legal adviser of the Court of the Court of Cabinet on the recovery from the contents of the artist of the French troupe Mant in favor of creditors
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1361. The alphabetical list for the issuance of benefits by the employees of the imperial theaters and the pre -conducting sheets for the issuance of permanent benefits to artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1362. Magazines of orders of the Office Manager for Imperial Moscow Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1363. Требовательные ведомости на выдачу задельной и поденной платы вольнонаемным портным
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1364. Accounts for the payment of the spokeskel fees to artists of the orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1365. Demanding statements for the issuance of the forced fees by free -woven carpenters, joiners and other workers of the fake workshop and watchmen
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1366. Lists of artists of opera, dramatic, ballet and French troupes, staged, fake and dressing rooms and lists of watchmen, janitors and plumatic directors
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1367. A statement for the issuance of maintenance and other amounts to artists and workers of imperial theaters called up for military service
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1368. Statements for the issuance of benefits and pensions by the staff of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1369. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of a day -off board and a fifth worker dyeing workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 137. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1370. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of a day -free fee to the forced carpenters, butafors and workers of the fake workshop and the pantry, the hairdresser of the Alexandrinsky Theater A. Ivanova and illuminates of theaters and the theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1371. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of the statists and drovers of Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters and the guardians of the costume workshop and festive money to firefighters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1372. Demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of artists, choristers and employees of the opera and spokeskeeping fees to artists of the orchestra and artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1373. Magazines of orders for imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1374. Списки служащих Петербургской конторы, получивших пособие на воспитание детей
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1375. Lists of musicians to receive a spectacular board
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1376. Vedomosti salaries of the maintenance of artists of ballet and French troupes and employees of the staging part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1377. Vedomosti for the issuance of daily money to employees and workers of the crew and capelders, Swiss and watchmen of Mikhailovsky and Mariinsky Theaters and wipers of the premises of the directorate (on theater, Alekseevskaya and other streets of the city of Petrograd)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1378. Demanding Vedomosti for the issuance of a day -off board and forced tailor and worker dyeing workshop
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1379. Demanding statements for the issuance of daily money, maintenance and forced fees to carpenters and malyars, workers of a fake workshop and a pantry, hairdresser of the Alexandrinsky Theater A. Ivanova and theaters of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 138. Reports of the theater-literary committee and materials for them
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1380. Vedomosti for retention from employees of the amounts by subscription to a military loan
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1381. Vedomosti for the issuance of interest allowances for maintenance and one -time benefits by the employee of the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1382. A list of employees of the Petrograd office of theaters who received a benefit for raising children for the first half of 1916
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1383. Statements for the issuance of permanent benefits to former employees of the directorate and members of their families
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1384. Vedomosti for the issuance of one -time benefits to carpenters and employees of the Petrograd Office of Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1385. Demanding statements for the issuance of an additional remuneration of the forced fees and uniform money employees of the dressing room, tailor, worker dyeing workshop, hairdressers, capelders and courier I. Kozicheva
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1386. Demanding statements for the issuance of additional rewards and daily money to artists and employees of the Russian opera and French troupe, orchestra and employees of the music library
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1387. Demanding statements for the issuance of maintenance and over -board fees to the forced carpenters, joiners, malyars, workers and other employees of a fake workshop and pantry, and theaters to illuminate theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1388. Demanding statements for the issuance of additional rewards and daily money by the employees of the department, carpenters, malyars, lighters and other workers, and employees of the Petrograd office, and members of the families of employees drafted into the army
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1389. Vedomosti for the issuance of the maintenance of the theater crew and the list of servants of the premises of the Directorate on the Prison Lane and Alekseevskaya Street
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 139. Отчеты о пьесах московского отделения Театрально-литературного комитета
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1390. Rules, instructions, notifications of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, sent to the Directorate of Imperial theaters for information and leadership
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1391. Nominal decrees and "Highest Generations" on repair and construction work in the buildings of theaters, on the resolution of the representations of the French troupe, by personnel and others;Vedomosti on the arrival and expenditure of money at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1392. Notices of the duty officers of the Adjutant P.I.Tyufyakin and A.A.Maikov on permission to establish an Italian troupe in St. Petersburg, organize a charity performance with the participation of Senfelins and others
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1393. The case with the "all-queen" reports of the vice director of Tyufyakin and the theater management committee on the procedure for the appointment of pensions to foreign artists who were in the service in Russia, and the duties of the vice director of theatrical spectacles
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1394. Order P.I.Tyufyakina to the inspector of the theater school on measures to improve the discipline of pupils
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1395. The case with the proposal of A.A.Maikova Office of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the prohibition of artists to participate in performances during Great Lent
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1396. Extracts from the magazines of meetings of the Committee of Ministers on the transfer of the maintenance of the French troupe to the entrepreneurs Bris and Mezer and on the procedure for admission to the temporary service of artists-retirees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1397. The case at the orders of the office and control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court and the reports of the director of the imperial theaters to the Minister of the Court on the structure of charitable performances, the awarding of artists, the conclusion of contracts with them, on the issuance of pensions and poster
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1398. Extracts from books of the highest commands on the resolution of performances, on the appointment of pensions to artists and on other issues related to the activities of imperial theaters;The project of the temporary states, the temporary charter of the theater-literary committee (1882)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1399. Essay on an unidentified person on the history of imperial theaters and the St. Petersburg Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 14. Report of the chief architect of the theater directorate Benz on the restructuring of the Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg, with the application of the plan of the city;Report of the director of imperial theaters on the restructuring of the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 140. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 140. Records of meetings of the theater-literary committee (draft) from March 1, 1858 to March 14, 1859 No. 39-87
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1400. Telegram Nemirovich-Danchenko V.P.Pogozhev with a request to issue an advance payment for the production of a play in Moscow (the name is not indicated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1401. The report of the chief director of the Imperial Russian Opera G. Kondratiev to the director of the imperial theaters on the approval of the constant existence of a choral class under the Russian Opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1402. Letters of Helmersen Sergey Mikhailovich Volkonsky with a request to submit to the drama committee of the play "Susanna Martini" to staging it on stage
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1403. The case with notifications of the economic department of the office of his Imperial Majesty about the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Court to hire an output artists for the Moscow Drama troupe instead of the Fifth Statists
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1404. Дело по отношению хозяйственного отдела Кабинета его императорского величества об увеличении жалованья неклассным служащим
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1405. Notification of the economic department of the cabinet of his Imperial Majesty of the permission of the Minister of the Imperial Court to hire musicians for Moscow theaters instead of a military orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1406. The case of the Committee of the First Literary, Dramatic and Musical Society named after A.N.Ostrovsky Minister of the Imperial Court of permission to arrange performances in the next season (1917-1918) in favor of society in the premises of the Bolshoi Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1407. Plan for the meeting of the Council for Management of State Theater on December 28 [1917?]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1408. Concerts of an unknown orchestra concerts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1409. Программа вокально-музыкально-литературного вечера в городе Череповце в пользу студентов-технологов
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 141. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1410. Concerts of regimental orchestras concerts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1411. Concert program in the Officer Assembly of the Life Guards of the 2nd Rifle Tsarskoye Selo Regiment
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1412. Программа концерта Одесского городского театра под управлением Антона Эйхенвальд
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1413. Programs of performances of the workshop of the public and mobile theater (Moscow) November 1916
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1414. Concert program in the Petrograd Zoological Garden
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1415. German theaters performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1416. The program for presenting excerpts from Moliere comedies at the Peter and Paul school [in St. Petersburg?]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1417. Notebook with information about the fees from the performances "Ruslan and Lyudmila" at the Mariinsky Theater in the seasons of 1842-1843, 1891-1892 (with breaks)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1418. The case on the petitions of different persons in the theater-literary committee on the consideration and admission to the production of the imperial theaters of the plays they composed
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1419. The case of the payment of monetary amounts to masters and trading houses in connection with the repair of the stage of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 142. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1420. The presentation program at the Bolshoi Theater on the occasion of the crown of Nicholas II (opera by M.I. Glinka "Life for the Tsar" and Ballet R. Drigo "Pearl")
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1421. The poster of the evening at the Nikolaev Cavalry School, organized by V.N.Davydov on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of a former pupil N.P.Sleptsova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1422. The case with the announcements of opening a subscription to the posters of all imperial and private theaters for 1915-1916;Advertising newspapers "Theater"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1423. The case with tickets for solemn performances at the Bolshoi Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 1424. The case with the requirements of costumers to increase the number of wage tailors for work and dressing artists in performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 143. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 144. Protocols of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg Branch)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 145. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 146. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 147. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 148. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 149. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 15. The report of the commission on the preparation of the draft provision on the management of imperial theaters on the current situation of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 150. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 151. Minutes of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 152. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg branch)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 153. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg department)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 154. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 155. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg department)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 156. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg department)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 157. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg department)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 158. The case of meetings of the theater-literary committee (St. Petersburg department)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 159. Correspondence of the sale and subscription to the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 16. Reports on the case of insulting the dresser of the Moscow Imperial Theaters of Germanovich V. Pogozhev
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 160. Correspondence with the Moscow office on the sale of the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theater"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 161. Correspondence of the Directorate with State Warsaw Theaters about the expulsion of the magazine "Yearbook"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 162. Lists of the number of issues of "annual" according to the first, second, third and fourth editions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 163. The case of sending materials for the magazine, sending out publications and paying money for "annual imperial theaters".Incoming papers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 164. Correspondence on the number of copies of the magazine "Annual of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 165. Accounts of 1899-1900, expenses for the publication of the "Yearbook" §5 of Article 2 of the Litera of
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 166. Estimates and projects of estimates for the publication of the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 167. List of drawings for the magazine "Annual of Imperial Theaters" (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 168. The case of the Yearbook of Imperial Theaters on the payment of a fee for articles, reducing prices for publications, photographs of artists for the magazine, on the sale of "annual year" in kiosks of railways and other papers (outgoing papers)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 169. The case of the permission of the Ministry of the Court on the opening of the loan of the publishing journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters" in the amount of 5336 rubles 72 kopecks and deductions from subscribers of the Directorate of Money for the journal "Yearbook"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 17. A report to the Minister of the Imperial Court on the transfer of the Italian opera to the chief director of this opera vicensh with the application of the project of the transmission conditions;At the request of the artist Paradis on the provision at his disposal of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 170. Materials of printed articles in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" in the German troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 171. Materials of articles on the Moscow Russian Drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 172. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters", according to the St. Petersburg Russian Drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 173. List of French plays on drama.Statistics of French drama
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 174. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", on the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 175. Materials of printed articles in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", on the Moscow ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 176. Materials of printed articles in the journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters" on opera, ballet, dramatic troupes, orchestra and employees of the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 177. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters", according to the opera troupes of St. Petersburg and Moscow during the season of 1892-1899
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 178. Materials of printed articles in the journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters" on the ballet troupe of Moscow theaters for the season 1913-1914
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 179. A list of artists and plays played in performances in St. Petersburg and Moscow.[Ballet.Personnel for the season of 1913-1914 (statistics)]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 18. Report of the head of the repertoire part on the participation of artists of imperial theaters in private performances and concerts in clubs
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 180. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters", according to the opera troupes of St. Petersburg and Moscow for the season of 1913-1915
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 181. List of the number of copies of the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" for the seasons of 1891-1896
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 182. List of drawings of the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", season 1891-1892
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 183. The case with the trial prints of the drawings of the magazine "Annual of Imperial Theaters", season 1891-1892
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 184. The case with the trial prints of the drawings of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", season 1892-1893
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 185. The case with the trial prints of the drawings of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", season 1895-1896
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 186. The case with the trial prints of the drawings of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", season 1896-1897
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 187. The case with the trial prints of the drawings of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters", season 1897-1898
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 188. The case with the trial prints of the drawings of the magazine "Annual of Imperial Theaters", season 1894-1895
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 189. Journal of incoming papers on the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" for 1898
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 19. Report of the Director of the Vsevolozhsk Ministry of the Imperial Court on the first production of Gogol's comedy "Examiner"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 190. Journal of outgoing papers on the journal "Annual of Imperial Theaters" for 1899
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 191. Letters to the editor of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" Baron Drinzen (eight letters)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 192. The case of a subscription to the second issue and sale of the first issue of the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" (installments and receipt of money at the cash desk of the Ministry of the Imperial Court) from October 20, 1892 to February 1, 1894
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 193. List of performances with the participation of the artist Opera I.V.Tartakova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 194. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 195. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 196. Materials of manuscripts printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 197. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters".E. Levkeeva
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 198. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 199. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 2. The case of the highest statement of the state of imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 20. Reports to the Minister of the Imperial Court on the composition of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and on the Project of the States
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 200. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 201. Unknown manuscripts (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 202. Manuscript materials for the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters" (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 203. Materials of articles printed in the journal "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 204. The case of the authors' petitions for the consideration of their works by the Literary Theater Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 205. Correspondence with the Ministry of the Imperial Court: on the conclusion of contracts with artists and artists of imperial theaters, enrolling and dismissal of artists and employees, on awards, permission to stake performances on holidays, the provision of theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 206. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "A"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 207. The case with the alleged content of the new directorial administration
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 208. List of artists of the drama of St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 209. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "B"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 21. A report from the Valdstein accountant on the results of checking the accounting of the loan and conservation cash desk of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 210. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "B"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 211. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "G"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 212. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "D", "E", "F", "Z", "And" and "
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 213. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "K"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 214. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "L", "M"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 215. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "H", "O"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 216. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "P"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 217. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "P"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 218. Extracts from the formlar lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "C"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 219. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "T", "U", "F", "X"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 22. Reports and signature sheets about the fundraising for the education of scholarships at the theater school named after the former director of the Imperial theaters of Vsevolozhskoye
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 220. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "C", "h", "w"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 221. Extracts from the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "E", "Yu", "I"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 222. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "A"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 223. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "B", "C", "G"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 223. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "B", "C", "G"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 224. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "D", "E", "Z"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 224. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "D", "E", "Z"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 225. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "And", "K"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 226. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "L", "M", "H"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 227. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "O", "P", "P"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 228. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "C", "T"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 229. Copies of the formular lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: "U" , "F" , "X" -"H" , "Sh" , "Sh"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 23. Report of the architect Trambitsky on construction work at the box office of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 230. Regulation on public masquerades, balls and other amusements in the capitals (copy) and correspondence
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 231. Regulation on pension capital established by officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 232. The case of the rules for the sale and verification of incoming tickets to the imperial theaters, on subscriptions and duties of capeldiners
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 233. The case at the suggestion of the director of the imperial theaters on amendments to the artistic part of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 234. Metric certificate of Osia Mamoshin, son of the caretaker of the theater and ekipazh establishment B.A.Mamoshina
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 235. The case of conditions concluded with authors and publishers of music for the right to represent and acquire musical material for 1883
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 236. Certificate issued by the office of the imperial theaters of Maria Bergman, for free accommodation in Russian cities
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 237. The report of the senior butafor of the Bolshoi Theater about the loss of fake things from the stage and from the restrooms
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 238. The case of the rules of the internal schedule for artists of imperial theaters;Decoration manufacturing instructions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 239. Regulation on the Russian opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 24. Reports to the Minister of the Imperial Court: on a separate payment for the lessons of facial expressions in the St. Petersburg Theater School, the director of the dramatic troupe of Dolinov;about the reserve of musicians who would be replaced by artists of the court orchestra;About an increase in content
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 240. Lists of persons who have submitted applications for leaving seats for subscription performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 241. Correspondence of the highest command regarding changes in the libretto of the opera: "Night before Christmas" N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 242. The case of the conditions with the authors for the production of their plays on the scenes of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 243. The case of a request from a group of spectators about the production on November 26, 1895 of the Opera Seville Barber with the participation of artists Chernov and Serebryakov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 244. Outgoing book [magazine]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 245. Correspondence on the payment of money for work engineers N.V.Smirnov and Zeittel
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 246. List of plays read by the Literary and Theater Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 247. Correspondence with the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the terms of the authors for the production of plays, operas and ballets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 248. Outgoing journal of a pension institution of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 249. Correspondence of the conclusion of a contract by Mr. Paradis on the construction of German operas in the Mariinsky Theater by the Great Post of 1898
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 25. Copies of the highest commands and decrees on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 250. Lists of participating artists in operas and ballets sent to the official of special assignments under the director of imperial theaters to Baron Kusov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 251. Circulars in the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 252. The case of petitions submitted by different persons to the director of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 253. The case on the order of the Ministry of the Imperial Court to the director of the imperial theaters: on the provision of places in the Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters for security agents and palace police
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 254. Circulars of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, the Cabinet of the Emperor and the control of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 255. The case of the regulations on measures to ensure the safety of the highest stay in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 256. Instructions on duty firefighters for the descent and lifting of an iron curtain in St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 257. The case of the Regulation on the responsibilities of the Vice-Director of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 258. Work plan to update the material part of St. Petersburg theaters (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 259. A copy of the contract with the Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Artist of the Italian troupe Mr. Vizytin
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 26. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 260. Entrepreneur contract (surname is not indicated) with the Great Moscow Theater about the device of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 261. Copy of the conditions of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the Publishing House of Music in Milan Tito Giovani Rikordi, to the right to represent the opera Mephistopheles
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 262. Contract of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the opera singer E. Germany
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 263. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 264. The case with the conditions of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with dropmasters, directors, chormasters, choreographers, accompaniators and soufflers of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 265. Переписка о назначении постоянного пособия дворнику Федорову, Киселеву и другим лицам
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 266. Case with certificates issued by the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to employees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 267. The Treaty of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the German subject of von Bok for delivery to the latter of the Mikhailovsky Theater, for the construction of German performances daily in the great post
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 268. A note on the closure of the Moscow Theater School, signed by Professor Lopatin
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 269. A copy of the contract of the office of Moscow theaters with a speedy Levinson on the printing of Afish
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 27. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 270. List of contracts concluded by the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with Theater Artists
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 271. Certificates of service issued by the employee of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 272. Correspondence on the production of oil separator at the power plant of the Moscow Maly Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 273. The case under the conditions with the office of Moscow Imperial Theaters: 1) the Hussar Sumy Regiment, on the representation of the regimental orchestra, 2) V.A.Aleksandrova, Container of the Spiritual Choir, 3) L.S.Vasilieva, Container of the singing choir, 4) Fisher, photographer
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 274. Correspondence on the closure of the Moscow Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 275. Correspondence on the construction of charitable performances in the Big Moscow Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 276. Correspondence about the device of the lifting machine in the Big Moscow Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 277. A contract concluded by the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters, with the contemporary of the spiritual choir V.A.Alexandrov, on the delivery of singing boys to the directorial department of imperial Moscow theaters for Opera plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 278. Report to the Minister of Imperial Court of the Director of Imperial Theaters on the development of a new pension charter for artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 279. The plan of the troupes
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 28. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 280. The case, according to the condition concluded between the directorates of St. Petersburg theaters with Moscow on the provision of the Mikhailovsky Theater for the tour
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 281. Lists about the number of performances played by the artists of the drama of the Alexandrinsky Theater Vertyshev, Davydov, Yuryev, Pototskaya, Masalsky, Usachev, Yakovlev
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 282. Inquiries and correspondence on personnel
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 283. Correspondence about the superstructure of the fourth floor over the fake warehouse of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow for rehearsal
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 284. The case on the reporting of the Emperor’s office of the Emperor on the land plot belonging to the Moscow Little Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 285. Certificates of service issued by the employee of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 286. Evidence of the deceased employees of the directorate and their families
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 287. Copies of metric statements about the birth of A. Buzhanovskaya, Z. Ivanova, E. and G. Pashchenko
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 288. Extracts from the metric book about the dead: Nikolai Yakovlevich Zamyatin, Pavel Nikolayevich Troitsky, Vasily Yakovlevich Kruglov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 289. Inquiries and evidence of employees and artists of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 29. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 290. Inquiries and evidence of employees and artists of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 291. Service certificates of employees of the production part of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 292. Certificates issued by educational institutions and the police officers of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to receive benefits for raising children
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 293. Certificates issued by the Office of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the appointment of benefits and on the service
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 294. Health certificates issued by the employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and their families
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 295. The case of the fifty -year anniversary of Ivan Ivanovich Sosnitsky
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 296. Letters about the production of Italian opera in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 297. A copy of the gift record I.S.Turgeneva, E.I.Kuzmina for the right to receive an author's fee of dramatic works and spokeship fees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 298. The case of the construction of free performances in imperial theaters for educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 299. The case at the request of the Italian envoy of Count Nigra on the service of the artist of the Italian opera Teresa "Bello"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 3. The case by order of the director about viewing plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 30. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 300. Trust letter M.V.Winkler selling under the company "Karl Vincler", the son of V.K.Vincler and A.O.Schulz for the right to manage and manage the artistic, construction and locksmith factory and a copy of the extract from the assembly book of the spiritual testament K.L.Winkler
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 301. Extract the conditions for the sale of E.A.Saltykova A.F.Marki of all works by M.E.Saltykova and the right to receive a spectacular fee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 302. The case with the requirements of the directors of the Mariinsky Theater at the theater ballet school for sending students for performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 303. Vedomosti on full -time employees and servants of the Moscow Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 304. The case of the service of the official of special assignments under the director of the imperial theaters Mikhail Pavlovich Bobrovsky
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 305. The case with the appeal of the Ministry of the Minor on the collection of donations for the construction of the monument to Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 306. The case of the conflict of the artist Drama I.V.Lersky and another director Yu.L.Rakitin
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 307. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 308. The case of benefits and engagements of artists in the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 309. Mr. Feon notification of the refusal of the debut and the benefit of the artist, ballerinas, imperial theaters L. Mamontova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 31. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 310. Act on the opening of a non -combined cabinet belonging to the Cashcons of the Artists of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 311. Act on opening the table not appearing to work the scribe of Mironov's office
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 312. Medical act of the artist of the dramatic troupe of the imperial Moscow theaters K.N.Rybakova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 313. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 314. 1863
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 315. A report note by V. Kologriy A.M.Barkhu about the return of theaters for performances and concerts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 316. A memorandum of the director of imperial theaters on the organization of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 317. Information notes by I.A.Vsevolozhsky about the transformation of the theater school
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 318. Merchant notes on changes in the States, on enrollment, on the position of the Russian opera chorists, an explanatory note to the project of the building of the Imperial Opera Theater, on the alleged staff reduction
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 319. A memorandum of the manager of the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters about apartments for employees and on building the construction of a house in the courtyard of the office of imperial theaters for janitors and watchmen
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 32. The case of the highest commands (copies) of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 320. A report on the international theater exhibition in Vienna and the material on the exhibition
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 321. The case with the report of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the copyright reward for the presentation of French plays on imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 322. The case with reports, meetings of meetings and the correspondence of the orchestral commission to increase the salary of maintenance by artists of the orchestras of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 323. The case with the report of the artist Drama Yu.V.Krukovsky about the props
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 324. Reports, reports and projects of the commission on the preparation of the draft Regulations, on the management of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 325. Reports of the theaters of theaters about moving from a state -owned apartment, on the payment of apartment money and on the theft of state -owned shoes
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 326. A report on the development of a program of performances in the Hermitage Theater and a correspondence of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 327. Reports to the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the resolution of benefits and dismissal on vacation abroad of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 328. Reports on the failure to appear for work due to illness of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 329. Reports of the manager of the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters on admission to the service of artists and employees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 33. Copies of the highest commands at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 330. Reports on the appointment of a pension for length of service to artists of the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 331. The case with the notifications of permission to give the artist of the ballet troupe of Yulia Shidlovskaya for the Sedovoy theater one -time for three participation 225 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 332. The case of the expulsion of magazines, orders for imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 333. Journal of orders for Moscow Imperial and Moscow State Theater for 1915 No. 86, 87, 1917 No. 1
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 334. Formular list about the service of the artist, musician Julius Federganes
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 335. Correspondence of adoption urgently before the end of the war of the scribe in the counting department
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 336. The case of the post of posters and ads for charitable performances and concerts in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 337. Correspondence on the provision of the Mariinsky Theater A.I.Ziloti for symphonic concerts in the 1915-1916 season
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 338. Lists of artists of the French troupe consisting of Russian citizenship
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 339. Correspondence on the payment of the Warsaw gendarme division for police outfits at the cash desk of imperial theaters in Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 34. Copies of the highest commands on the affairs of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 340. Correspondence on the concluded contract by the Trading House "Alexander Bavastro" with the Moscow Bolshoi Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 341. The case with the alleged plan of the dramatic troupe of imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 342. The report of the manager of the Moscow Small Theater A. Yuzhin with a petition for the appointment of artists Sadovsky and Yakovlev directors
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 343. Correspondence on the provision of the Mariinsky Theater of Comrade A.I.Ziloti for the device of symphonic concerts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 344. Correspondence on the establishment of days on which performances are not allowed
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 345. CASE: Bulletin of the Chancellery of the Commander -in -Chief for State Theaters (not a complete set)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 346. Correspondence on the payment of the tour of the Honored Artist L.V.Sobinova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 347. The case with the requests of the authorized Big Moscow Theater L.V.Sobinova and answers of the main Commissioner for State Theater about the additional reward of the workers of the music library, and about the contract with the artist Freedom
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 348. A report to the authorized Big Moscow Theater: commandant of the theaters of Sterus on the theft of a karakuli coat from a hanger
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 349. Order of the head of the librarian of the manager of the office of the Directorate on the sending of copies of the plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 35. The case of the appointment of salaries of salary of the Okhensky carpenters, consisting in the service of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 350. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 351. Applications to the head of the art library of the Directorate on the sending of drawings for productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 352. Lists of books and plays on the art library
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 353. Correspondence with the heads of a musical library about the affairs of writing notes
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 354. Case: "Night in the Forest" (poem), draft sketches, notes, hand -rewritten (individual sheets) (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 355. Protocols and correspondence of the committee of employees of state theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 356. The case with the definition of the Moscow District Court on the approval of the spiritual testament of the deceased playwright I.V.Shpazhinsky, compiled on May 15, 1913
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 357. The case of relations sent by the manager of the office Vladimir Petrovich Pogozhev from different persons with a notice of receipt of copies: "Essay on the activities of the Ministry of Courtyard"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 358. The case of relations between the chief of state theaters, institutions and various persons.About free performances for organizations about the provision of a free box for performances, about publication in newspapers, on subscriptions to performances, about inviting members of the liter
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 359. The case of the Department of General Affairs of Free Tickets for Imperial Theaters for performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions ["Moscow"] of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 36. The case of prohibition of printing in Moscow police Vedomosti Reviews about performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 360. Interrogation protocols and correspondence on cases of theft of clothing for employees of the Alexandrinsky Theater (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 361. Help on pension salaries and permanent benefits assigned to artists and other persons (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 362. List of portraits placed in the lobby, artists of the Alexandrinsky Theater and a list of portraits of historical figures
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 363. List of deceased employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters since 1865 (choir)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 364. List of artists participating in the Hermitage Theater in the play "Breakfast at the leader"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 365. A list of cases intended for consideration in the Council under the Minister of the Imperial Court for Moscow Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 366. The case with the information received from the Berlin and Parisian opera theaters about the composition of their orchestras
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 367. The case with information about the number of artists in the ballet troupe of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 368. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 369. Lists of artists of the orchestra of the ballet troupe of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 37. The case of permission of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for the issuance of portioned money, firefighters and other workers under masquerades
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 370. Lists of artists of the orchestra of the Russian opera of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 371. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 372. List of employees of the Directorate of Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 373. The incoming book
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 374. General lists of musicians of all orchestras assigned for a new distribution
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 375. List of the Department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, who are appointed pensions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 376. Lists of artists of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 377. Lists of orchestras of the Russian drama troupe, French theater, German theater, Russian opera, ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 378. 1882
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 379. List of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 38. The case at the orders of the Minister of the Imperial Court on the clarification of the estimated costs of construction and spokeship payments to artists
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 380. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters: electric lighting of the dressing room, staged, hairdresser, decorative and heating
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 381. Lists of orchestras artists, opera ballet troupe and orchestras of anti -tract music in dramatic performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 382. Lists of carpenters of the Mariinsky Theater and employees of the electric station
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 383. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 384. Lists of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters who took part in preparation for coronation
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 385. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 386. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 387. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters receiving benefits and additional content
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 388. Lists of artists of the Russian drama troupe of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 389. Lists of artists of the Russian drama troupe of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 39. The case on the order of the Minister of the Imperial Court on wearing a form of retired guards lower ranks, which is at the service of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 390. Lists of artists of the opera troupe of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 391. Lists of artists of the Russian opera of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 392. Lists of persons participating in the vote;Information about the musical education of the chorists of the Russian opera of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 393. List of chorists of the Imperial Opera Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 394. List of artists of the French troupe of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 395. List of persons participating in the production of Parsifal's drama-mystery in the Hermitage Theater at the Imperial Winter Palace
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 396. List of artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 397. Lists of Fifth Porter Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 398. List of tailor imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 399. List of Fifth Porter Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 4. The case of the rights of artists of the first and second category to enter into the civil service
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 40. The case with the petition of the artist Anna Levenson on the resolution of the device on his own account of the public theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 400. List of parsing, parsing, tailors and tailors at imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 401. List of tailors and tailors, a list of faces of the staged part, qualified workers of a men's dressing room, dyeing workshop and carpenters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 402. Project on the transfer of a German troupe to a private entreprise
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 403. The project on changing tickets for tickets in St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters and a report on the collection of fees from charitable performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 404. The opinion of the chief controller on the issue of reducing expenses for the theater part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 405. The project of the journal of the meeting of the commission for revising the accounting forms of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 406. Projects of the Charter and reports of a private pension institution of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 407. The case with comments on the draft Regulation on the remuneration of the authors drawn up by V.P.Pogozhev
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 408. The draft Regulation on the Central Drama Library of Imperial Theaters and the rules for using books of the Central Drama Library.Copies
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 409. Projects and correspondence on changing the charter about pensions and one -time benefits by employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and their families
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 41. The case of permission to engage actor E. Posarti to participate in German performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 410. Correspondence on approval of the draft charter of the funeral box office on the loan-saving cash desk of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 411. Projects of changes in the charter on pensions and one -time benefits by employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 412. The draft theater reform (unknown author)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 413. Project of the Charter of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 414. The project of the Charter of the Emerital Cashier of Artists of Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 415. The project of the state change in the St. Petersburg and Moscow Imperial Theater and Directorate, and the comparative statement of class positions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 416. Draft author of the author with the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 417. Comparative statement of salaries of the maintenance of employees of the electric station of imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 418. The case with consumptions on the expenses for the annual exploitation of the Small Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 419. Case with a note on changing the rules of theatrical performances (the signature of the author is illegible)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 42. The case with the answer to the request of the office of the Ministry of the Court about the prohibition of gendarmes officers to occupy places in the aisles;Announcement of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the prohibition of artists to go more than three times to call the public
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 420. The case with notes on the closure of the Moscow Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 421. Project of a meeting magazine from the office of the Ministry of Courtyard
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 422. The case with notes on saving funds and the reasons for the deficit of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters (compiled by Kologrivov)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 423. The case of petitions for the provision of service and the issuance of benefits for 1884-1886
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 424. The case of petitions for the provision of service and the issuance of benefits for 1887-1893
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 425. The case of petitions for the provision of service and the issuance of benefits for 1895-1901
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 426. The case of petitions for the provision of service and the issuance of benefits for 1902-1914
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 427. The case of petitions to the Moscow office of imperial theaters of photographers about hiring in a photo and so on
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 428. The case of petitions to the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters and a draft contract with the photographer M.A.Sakharov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 429. The case of petitions for the provision of service and the issuance of benefits
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 43. A report note by the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on a decrease in the number of choristers of the Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 430. Correspondence of the restructuring of the Bolshoi Theater to the Conservatory and the construction of the facial outbuilding of the crew
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 431. Correspondence on the mounting part of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 432. Correspondence about the funeral of P.I.Tchaikovsky
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 433. Correspondence of the States of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 434. The case with a correspondence of the photograph of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 435. Correspondence of pensions of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 436. Correspondence of the St. Petersburg Office of Imperial Theaters with the City Council for the recovery of hospital fees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 437. Correspondence on the insurance of theater cash desks from robberies and attacks in present time, and employees from robbery on the way
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 438. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 439. Correspondence with the Department of People's Education on the provision of free performances for pupils of St. Petersburg educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 44. Correspondence on the provision of free places in imperial theaters to gendarme officers, maids of honor, artists and employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 440. Correspondence of employees in costume and fake workshops of the Directorate of Imperial Moscow Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 441. Correspondence on administrative, financial, economic issues and on the personnel of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 442. Correspondence of the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters on the appropriation of money for the purchase of medicines
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 443. Correspondence on administrative, financial, economic issues and personnel of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 444. Books of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the opera corpses: "A", "B", "C"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 445. Books of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the opera troupe: "G", "D"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 446. Books of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the opera troupe: "e", "z", "and", "to", "l"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 447. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the opera troupe: "M", "H", "O", "P"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 448. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the opera troupe: "P", "C", "T"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 449. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the opera troupe: "U" , "F" , "X" , "c" , "h" , "w" , "e" , "y"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 45. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 450. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the drama troupe: "A", "B", "C", "G"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 451. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the dramatic troupe: "F" , "and" , "K" , "L" , "M"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 452. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the drama troupe: "H", "P", "P"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 453. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the dramatic troupe: "C" , "T" , "F" , "X" , "Sh" , "Sh" , "I"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 454. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the Horists of the Opera troupe: "A", "B", "B", "G", "D", "Z", "K"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 455. Copies of the contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the Horists of the Opera troupe: "L", "M", "N", "P", "P", "C", "T", U "," F "," Ch ",""Sh"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 456. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the ballet troupe: "b", "g", "g", "k", "m"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 457. Copies of contracts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with artists of the ballet troupe: "H", "C", "T", "F", "H", "W"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 458. Applications of different persons about the provision of places for Wagnerian operas
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 459. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 46. The case of the construction of performances and concerts in favor of the fund for the construction of the monument to M.I.Glinka in Smolensk and St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 460. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 461. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 462. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 463. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 464. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 465. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 466. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 467. Applications of different persons about the recording of subscription performances of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 47. The case of the alleged distribution of classes in the office of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 475. Lists of artists of the Moscow Drama Theater, participating in performances in the season of 1898
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 476. Lists of employees and artists of imperial theaters represented for approval
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 479. Temporary schedule of the composition of artists-musicians of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 48. The case with an answer to the request of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the exclusion of artists and employees of the imperial theaters from the tax estate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 480. Vedomosti on the participation of the St. Petersburg ballet troupe in performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 481. Vedomosti on the participation of the St. Petersburg ballet troupe in performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 485. List of posts of employees of the production part, artists of the opera and drama of Moscow Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 489. Correspondence of pension rights of costumers at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 49. 1802
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 490. The circular of the primary development of the population of the Russian Empire and the request to give information about the state of students of the theater school
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 491. The case with approved plays for productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 492. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate for the season of 1868-1869
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 493. List of officials, artists for all troupes and orchestra, ministers and other persons for dressing rooms and decorative parts for 1869
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 494. List of officials, artists, ministers and other persons on the dressing room and decorative parts for 1869
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 495. List of employees on the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 496. List of orchestra artists for 1876 inclusive
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 497. Orchestral list
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 498. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the season of 1879-1880
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 499. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for 1882-1883
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 5. The case of the name of the Senate Decree on changes and additions in salaries, posts and discharges in uniforms on the Ministry of the Imperial Courtyard
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 50. Letters (fourteen) directors of Ivan Alexandrovich Vsevolozhsky Count I.I.Vorontsov-Dashkov, Count N.A.Protasov-Bakhmetev (drafts), head of the Main Directorate for Press E.M.Feoktistov (drafts)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 500. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the season of 1882-1883
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 501. Composition of employees on the decorative part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 502. Orchestral list
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 503. Списки лиц служащих при Дирекции императорских театров за 1891-1892 годы
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 504. Lists of artists and faces on the mounting part for 1891-1892
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 505. Lists of the Bolshoi Theater of Capeldiners
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 506. Lists of caplets, artists and employees at the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 507. Alphabetical pointer of persons receiving one -time benefits from the office of his Imperial Majesty
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 508. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the season of 1893-1894
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 509. List of persons provided to the allowance
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 51. Letters (sixteen) to the director of imperial theaters Ivan Alexandrovich Vsevolozhsky from Count Alexei Ignatiev, director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory A.G.Rubinstein, Head of the Main Directorate for Press Affairs E. Feoktistov and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 511. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate for the season of 1882-1884
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 512. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate for the season of 1886
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 513. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate for the season of 1884-1885
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 514. Part of the Resincantre Book for 1886-1887
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 515. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate for the season of 1886-1887
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 516. Lists of personnel of artists of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters, 1889
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 517. Lists of personnel of artists of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters, 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 518. Lists of artists and persons on the mounting part for 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 519. The alphabetical list of persons serving at the Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters (a special stamp is imposed)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 52. Letters to the manager of the office Vladimir Petrovich Pogozhev, head of the office of the Ministry of Court of Rydzevsky, Lieutenant Colonel Savostin and others
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 520. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate for the season of 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 521. Book of issuance of loans to the employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 522. Списки личного состава служащих при Дирекции императорских театров, 1 сентября 1890 год
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 523. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the season of 1890-1891
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 524. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the season of 1894-1895
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 525. Lists of personnel of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the season of 1895-1896
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 526. List of persons employees on [dressing room]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 528. The composition of employees on the mounting part, 1902-1903
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 529. 529
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 53. Letters (fifteen) by the manager of the office Konstantin Romanovich Gershelman from the artists: Griser and Monakhov, Prince Lviv, Prince of Meshchersky, Count Tatishchev and others
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 530. List of employees on the [department] dressing unit, 1905
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 531. Alphabet No. 7 Artists and artists of the Imperial Petrograd theaters and the court orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 532. Composition of employees of the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 533. List of artists and chorists of the opera troupe of imperial Moscow theaters in 1908
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 534. List of artists of the orchestra of imperial Moscow theaters in 1908
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 535. List of artists of imperial Moscow theaters in 1908, to September 1, 1911
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 536. List of artists of the drama troupe of imperial Moscow theaters in 1908
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 537. List of employees on vacation
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 538. List of artists of the opera troupe since 1910
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 539. List of artists of the dramatic troupe since 1910
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 54. Letters (five) to the Minister of the Court, Prince S.M.Obolensky from the artist Gorlenko-Dolina, Schaefer N.A.and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 540. List of artists of the ballet troupe since 1910
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 541. The case on the theater crew (personnel).with information about the time of receipt
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 542. List of artists of the Russian and French drama troupe of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 543. Capeldiner list
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 544. List about dismissal on vacation of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 545. List of employees on the decorative part and the fake unit since 1910
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 546. List of persons of the opera troupe of imperial St. Petersburg theaters, 1910
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 547. List of artists of the dramatic troupe of imperial Moscow theaters, 1913
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 548. List of artists of the orchestra of imperial Moscow theaters, 1913
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 549. List of artists of the opera troupe of imperial Moscow theaters, 1913
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 55. Letters (seven) to the director of the Imperial theaters Vladimir Arkadyevich Telyakovsky: Prince Gagarin, head of the office of the Ministry of Imperial Court of Mosolov, Senator, Hoffmeister D.B.Neidgart, head of the court orchestra of Baron Stacelberg and
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 550. List of artists of the ballet troupe of imperial Moscow theaters, 1913
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 551. Lists of employees of the orchestra of imperial theaters for 1914
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 554. The case with the alphabet at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 555. The case with the alphabet (documents) about the costs of the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 556. The case with the alphabet at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 559. The journal of the management of the Emerital Cashier for the analysis of the petition of the widow of the college assessor N.V.Kobylin about the issuance of a pension for her for the service in the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 56. Instructions to the Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow Theater Schools
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 560. Journals of meetings of the Commission of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the Development of New Rules on the Cashier and the Wardrobe Part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 561. The case with assumptions on the establishment of a journal of orders at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 562. The journal of the meeting on the issue of the arrangement of opera performances at the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 563. Journals of meetings of the Commission of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on Fire Protection Events
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 564. Journal of the meeting of the Commission on the implementation of measures developed by the Commission of the Actual State Advisor Lukashevich to ensure in fire
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 565. Journals of meetings of the commission for the revision of the States and develop the draft new pension charter for artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 566. Incoming magazine
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 567. Incoming magazine at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 568. Outgoing magazine
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 569. Outgoing magazine for 1889
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 57. The request of the architect A. Brutkel with the plan and the description of the visual theater hall sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 570. Outgoing magazine, 1894
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 571. Outgoing magazine, 1895
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 572. Outgoing magazine, 1896
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 573. The outgoing journal of the private pension institution of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for 1897
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 574. Outgoing magazine, 1898
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 575. Outgoing magazine, 1897
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 576. Card Journal "Moscow", 1912
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 58. The situation on the regulation of the repertoire meeting under the director of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 588. Journal of orders
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 59. The case of permission to issue Countess S. Tolstoy fee in the amount of 10% from the gross fee for the presentation of the drama of Count L.N.Tolstoy "Power of Darkness"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 596. Journal of orders of St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 597. The case of the cost of setting the ballet "Marble beauty"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 598. Memorial note on meetings of the Committee for Considering the Players Following the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 599. The repertoires of the performances of theaters.Supporting part, 1857
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 6. The case of the permission of the Ministry of the Court of the Director of theaters about the abandonment of the German troupe in Moscow until August 1855
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 60. Lists of employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters who have received the highest awards
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 600. The repertoires of the performances of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 601. The repertoires of the performances of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 602. The repertoires of the performances of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 603. The repertoires of the performances of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 604. The case of permission for the production of the opera "Coopets Kalashnikov" in Imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 605. List of artists participating in the ballet "Vain precaution"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 606. The case of a mount of the comedy "Faustin"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 607. The case of mounting scenes "Secret"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 608. The case of the mounting of the plays: "Fashion Fairy Tale", "In the Name of Morality", "Second Wife", "Second Youth", "Above the crowd"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 609. Plan for distribution of productions for the season of 1887-1888
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 61. The case of leasing the Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the House, Theater in Moscow, owned by Princess Shakhovskaya-Glebova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 610. The case of the installation of the plays: "Tsar Boris" (1889), "Vasilisa Melentyeva" (1890), Ballet "Gracialla" (1900), "Higher School" (1903), "Blessed of mankind" (1904),"Caucasian captive" (1907) and "royal bride"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 611. The case of mounting ballets: Katarina, Kamargo, Fairy of the Puppet, Ferammors, Esmeralda, Night in Egypt, Mlade
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 612. The case of the mounts of the plays: according to the drama "Lawyer-Patel", "Antigon", "The Dowry", "Pious Marta", "Brigadier", "Vasilisa Melentyev", "Wolves and Sheep", "Gamlet", "Thunderstorm", ""Business, "two brothers", "Donjuan", "Why go - then you will find", "Green Ring"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 613. The case of the mounting of the plays: "Without love" , "Biron" , "Brilliant career" , "Big people" , "Boille"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 614. The case with a simplification of the description of notes on the basics of modern musical alphabet, compiled by I.A.Bryzgalov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 615. An alphabetical list of materials in the mounting warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and a detailed sample from a general journal of material reception
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 616. The case of the mounting of the plays: the ballet "Magic Mirror", the ballet "Coppelia", the opera "Prince Igor", "Marriage"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 617. The case of the mound of the tragedy "Tsar Boris"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 618. The case of a mount of the drama "Inexorable court"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 619. The case of the mounting of the plays: "Solovushka", "Happy", "Solomonia and Elena", "At the Old Mill"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 62. 1895
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 620. Correspondence with the literary theater committee (Moscow branch) on the consideration of the play "Orgy" and "Simple Conscience"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 621. The case of the comedy "Bachelor"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 622. The case of a mount of the play "The denouement of the auditor"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 623. The case of the mounting of plays in the drama theater: "Polar" , "You can’t turn the water spilled" , "Pskovite" , "Way to Glory" , "Mozart and Salieri" , "Stone Guest" , "The Scanty Knight" , "Feast during the Plague"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 624. The case of a mount of the plays "Lonely", "Othello"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 625. The case of the ballet mount "Dupports Dupra"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 626. The case of mounting the play "History of one hobby"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 627. The case of the mounting of the comic ballet "Marcomb"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 628. The case with the plays: "Don Pistro Caruso" and "Two Fates", "Ninth Val" and "Friends"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 629. The case of the mounting of the plays: "Galeotto", "Deaf Wall"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 63. A note on the need to abolish theatrical censorship (unknown author), [after 1905]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 630. The case of the ballet "Corsair" (fixed and supplemented)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 631. The case of the ballet "Sylvia"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 632. The case of a mount of the opera "Tristan and Isolda"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 633. The case of a mount of the opera "Dalibor"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 634. The case of a mount of the opera "Saracens"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 635. The case of the installation of the plays: Opera Ermak, Opera LoEngrin, Opera Nizhny Novgorod, Voevoda Shadow, Harold, Bayadel in love, Ammalat Beck, Blue Georgin
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 636. The case of a mount for the production of the opera "Mazepa"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 637. Дело о монтировке опер "Актея", "Богема", "Венецианский купец", "Галька", "Гензель и Гретель", "Дон Кихот", "Измаил", "Лакме"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 637. The case of mounts of scenes plans: the ballets "Zhizel", "Coppelia", "Swan Lake", "futile precaution", operas "Huguenots", "Faust", "Yudif"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 638. The case of a mount of the operas: "Prince Silver", "To the events of 1613", "Stone Guest", "MegaE", "Tales of the Hoffmann", "The Legend of the City of Kitezh"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 639. The case of the mounting of the ballets: "Scarlet Flower", "Bayadere", "Magic Mirror", "Daughter of the Pharaoh"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 64. The case of the debut of the dramatic artist M.A.Yuryeva
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 640. The case of the setting of the opera R. Strauss "Electra"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 641. The case of the cost of performances for opera, ballet and drama
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 642. Album of drawings, costumes, swords and other
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 643. The case of the opera’s mount: "Snow Maiden" , "Messenian bride" , "Mignon" , "Nyurenburg masters of singing" , "Orestey" , "Tsarist bride"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 644. The case of the mounting of the plays (according to the drama): "First steps" , "scolded" , "fruits of education" , "romance" , "Romeo and Juliet" , "Figaro's Wedding" , "Snow Maiden"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 645. The case of the mounting of the plays (according to the drama): "Happiness" , "Persistent Prince" , ["Summer of the Summer Night" ], "Wedding of Krechinsky" , "Sisters of the Kedrov" , "Persistent Prince" , "Death of Talerykin" , "Saracens" , "The Death of Talelkin" "Servia", "Death of John the Terrible", "Shadows", "The one who receives slap in the face", "Flavi
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 646. The case of the mounting of plays on the drama: "Mother" ("Bright Love" ), "Masquerade" , "Lovely Ghosts" , "Month in the village" , "Metel" , "Messian bride" , "Flaps" , "Bride" , "" Night fog "," cliff "
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 647. 647
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 648. The case on the staged part for 1864.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 649. List of operas and ballets in the staging season
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 65. The case with an excerpt from the protocol about closed debuts in the Imperial Maly Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 650. The case on the staged part for 1865.The repertoires of the performances of theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 651. The case of permission by the Main Directorate for Press Affairs to Setting Play
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 652. The case on the staged part for 1866.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 653. The case on the staged part for 1867.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 654. The case on the staged part for 1868.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 655. The case on the staged part for 1869.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 656. The case on the staged part for 1870.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 657. The case on the staged part for 1871.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 658. The case of the staged part for 1872.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 659. The case on the staged part for 1873.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 66. The circular of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court on the deprivation of the title of supplier of the highest court - enterprises belonging to the German and Austro -Hungarian subjects
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 660. The case of the staged part for 1874.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 661. The case on the staged part for 1875.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 662. The case on the staged part for 1876.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 663. The case on the staged part for 1877.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 664. The case on the staged part for 1878.Repertoirs of performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 665. Lists of artists and the number of performances they played
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 666. Programs of solemn performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 667. Repertoirs of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 668. The case of a mount on the opera "Sadko"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 669. The case with the plays: "In the Labyrinth" , "Apostle of Pravda" , "After us" , "Woman" (trilogy), "Comical Opera" , "OREVEY"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 67. A letter of the captain of the South-Western Front of the Dagomister Count Ignatiev, who was seconded to the intelligence department of the army headquarters, with a request to give the ensign 1 of the Dagestan regiment B.A.Mezentsev is a certificate that he is listed as an artist of imperial theaters;REP
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 670. The Case of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 671. A statement about the participation of artists of the ballet troupe in performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 672. List of performances for Moscow Opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 673. Daily reports on the Russian opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 674. Demanding statements for the distribution of the employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 675. List of operas executed in the 1912-1913 season
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 676. List of plays staged in Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 677. List of plays staged in the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 678. List of plays performed by the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 679. Demanding statements for the distribution of the employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 68. Case with the rules of the Foundation of Artists of the Imperial Petrograd Opera
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 680. Demanding statements for the distribution of the employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 681. The repertoire of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 682. The case of the alleged repertoire on the Russian drama troupe in the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 683. The case of the repertoire of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 684. The repertoire of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 685. The repertoire of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 686. The repertoire of the performances of theaters on the opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 687. The play about the play from the roses "
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 688. A list of plays of the current repertoire, which require paid statists and musicians for playing the piano, guitar, harmony, and so on
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 689. Inventory of the scenery and wipes of the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 69. A report note, reporting report by the manager of the Moscow Small Theater A. Yuzhin on the work of the theater for 1909-1915
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 690. List of assigned rehearsals in the Alexandrinsky Theater from September 3 to 7
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 691. List of ballets staged in the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 692. Lists of names of plays and surnames of authors
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 693. Lists of roles distribution in different plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 694. The case with separate leaflets of plays
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 695. Plans for ballet divers: "Swan Lake", "Awakening of the Flora", "Hang Cavalry"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 696. Details for plays, operas and ballets
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 697. List of things for the production of "Death of John the Terrible", memos on the change of ramp, acquiring a device for will on stage
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 698. Treaty M.I.Ogarova with the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the delivery of the house of the crew at Voznesenskaya Street
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 699. The case in relation to the military engineer of the Winter Palace on the unloading of the pantries of the theater building of the Winter Palace from the scenery
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 7. Report to the Minister of the Imperial Court of the Director of Theaters on the resolution of an increase in salary to teachers of the ballet school
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 70. A note by the official of the Tyufyaev’s special instructions on the author’s law of foreigners [after 1912]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 700. Correspondence on the reception of decorative things from the Hermitage Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 701. The case on the proposals of foreign firms of materials for the staged part of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 702. Contract of conclusions between K.A.Wagenheim with a pensioner of the Imperial theaters of Bryanskaya for renting an apartment
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 703. Correspondence on the receipt of materials from London for electric lighting theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 704. Inventory of the inventory property of Mikhailovsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 705. The case at the suggestion of the director of the imperial theaters to revise the inventory of the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 706. Case with information about the state of the theater crew and correspondence
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 707. Contracts of individuals concluded with the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, on the hiring of trading premises: "B"-"F"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 708. Order Journal from January 1 to December 31, 1885
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 709. Reports on the arrival and consumption of materials in the warehouse of dressing materials
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 71. Анонимное письмо директору императорских театров о неправильной продаже мест и абонементов
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 710. The case with a description of the new scene in the Munich Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 711. Drafts of reports of the material warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 712. Draft of the draft commission on the repair of the Small Moscow Theater [1890]
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 713. Reports on the arrival and consumption of materials in the warehouse of mounting materials
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 714. Reports on the arrival and consumption of materials in the warehouse of mounting materials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 715. Correspondence of the repair of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 716. Acts of examination of electric lighting at the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 717. Reports on the arrival and consumption of materials at the mounting warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 718. Protocols of the meeting of the Capital Repair Commission of the Mariinsky Theater, with applications
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 719. A list of books purchased for the Central Library of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters from B.D.Koveyakina
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 72. The case of the appointment of Prince A.I.Sumbatova-Yuzhin to the post of authorized public theaters and correspondence about the theater K. Net Zlobin, and a letter to A. Zagarov
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 720. Correspondence on the provision of St. Petersburg theaters for touring performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 721. Reports on the arrival and consumption of materials at the mounting warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 722. The case of a detailed sample from the journal of the leave of materials of the mounting warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to Decorators
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 723. Correspondence of the Odessa mayor with the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on vacation for free costumes for the Odessa Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 724. Protocols of the meeting of the commission on the acceptance of the building for the scenery on Alekseevskaya Street
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 725. Extracts from the minutes of the meetings of the economic committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 726. Protocols of the Executive Commission for Capital Repair of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 727. The case with the information about the performances and participating in them in the Big Moscow Theater from January to April 1906 and for November 1916
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 728. Programs of different performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 729. Correspondence on the pantry of the remains: on the acquisition of materials, on raising prices, on the reckoning of the service and another
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 73. List of persons elected to the self -government bodies of the State Petrograd ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 730. Correspondence for the testing of reinforced concrete structures arranged in the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 731. Correspondence on the statement of the former mechanical driver of the Alexandrinsky Theater A. Petrov on the issuance of his belongings
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 732. The case of information about the dance shoes received in the material warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and the issuance for performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 733. Act on the sample of various materials processed by the Flame -Basy fire detective
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 734. The case of the prices for repair work on the buildings of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 735. Directorate for the delivery of electricity
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 736. Project on the installation of an electric station of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 737. Vedication of the number of electric lamps in the building of the Directorate's houses
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 738. The case with the information on the crew at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 739. Treaty of the Electromechanical Plant "Br. Ganterte" in Moscow with the Commission for the Observation of the Work on St. Petersburg Theaters and the installation of iron curtains
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 74. Charter of the Directorate Directorate of the Russian Drama troupe (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 740. Calendar indicating the days on which there are no performances in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 741. Correspondence with the former cabinet and the former ministry of the court on the internal restructuring of the theaters in fire.
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 742. Correspondence of alteration of heating at the Big Moscow Theater and Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 743. Reports of the private pension institution of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters and the Rules for the production of repair work on theaters and buildings of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 744. A report with the appendix of the decorator and the driver of the Roller to remake and correct the scene of the Bolshoi Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 745. Reports of the heads of departments on diseases of employees and bruises during work
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 746. The estimates of the San Galli plant for the installation of a steam boiler and a steam pipeline under the room of the scene of the Big St. Petersburg Theater and an institution for gas and water pipelines F.I.Pankova
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 747. Reports of Maryinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters about increasing the time to arrange the decorations for the production of new performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 748. Decorators' reports on the sending of an assistant for the work of the material and another
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 749. The case with samples from the book of workshops for the released material from the warehouse of dressing rooms for operas and ballet
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 75. Memorial note A. Grace Count I.M.Vorontsov-Dashkov on the opening of the Central Bureau for the sale of tickets for theatrical performances (not dated)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 750. Report to the head of orchestras about the necessary repair of musical instruments
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 751. The estimates of engineer N.V.Smirnova on the stage of the stage and on the extension of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 752. Reconstruction estimates at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 753. The statement of additional construction work at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 754. Vedication-Credit on the Building of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 755. Report to the dressers of the Mariinsky Theater Ivanova about theft of shoes
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 756. Estimates for work on the buildings of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 757. Reports of the head of the costume workshop on permission to hire forced workers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 758. The estimate of the factory F. San Galli for the installation of an iron barn in the courtyard of the Mariinsky Theater (with the project application)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 759. The case with the requirements of the dressing rooms for sending tailors for dressing artists
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 76. The project of the Charter of the Society of Artists of the Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater and the Correspondence of the Project
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 760. Estimates for the arrangement of fencing iron grilles on the roof of the main building of the theater crew and on the upper roof of the Mariinsky Theater (with the application of plans)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 761. An estimate for the device of a light lamp in the attic of the decoration hall on Alekseevskaya Street
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 762. Empty work on the buildings of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 763. Vedomosti cash turnover on construction loans
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 764. Vedomosti and correspondence on the transfer of materials by the stratifular workshop Popov, Evseev
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 765. Lists of posts in buildings and theaters and qualified machine-decorating malygs, painters, electro-lights
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 766. Sheet of materials spent at the house of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 767. Vedomosti of materials spent on Alexandrinsky, Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 768. Report of the manager of the office of St. Petersburg on the provision of apartments by the employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 769. Estimates of the Siemens and Galsk joint -stock company on a regulator and replacing rheostats to cover the scene of the Alexandrinsky Theater and a new wire network
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 77. Correspondence of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with the St. Petersburg Conservatory on the vacation of musical scores, on the orchestral parties of the operas
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 770. The case of the alleged consumption for the maintenance of opera and ballet troupes in 1915-1916
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 771. Tabel work on costume workshops at the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 772. Economic part, business department
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 773. Vedomosti on the consumption of firewood by the directorate buildings
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 774. A statement of expected electricity receipts
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 775. Estimate for the maintenance of employees in the technical part for qualified workers
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 776. Estimates for electrical lighting at the Mariinsky Theater and Mikhailovsky
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 777. Note by V.V.Protopopov on the presentation of theatrical entrepreneurs are the right to stand performances in all days of the year
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 778. Appendix to the estimate of electric lighting and heating, a list of telephones of the directorate employees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 779. Decisions of the economic committee (on the economic department)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 78. Correspondence of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first presentation of the comedy Fonvizin "Undergrowth" and the anniversary of the artist Samarin
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 780. Decisions of the Economic Committee (on the department of productions)
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 781. A statement of consumer products for employees on the technical devices of the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 782. The sheet of salaries of the maintenance of employees at the electric stations of the imperial theaters and the statement of the designed content to the illuminates of the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 783. Reports of doctors of Moscow theaters for paying money for trips to patients
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 784. Notes on the training camp of St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 79. Correspondence of charitable performances in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 795. The case of the costs of the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 796. The case of the costs of the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 797. The case of the costs of the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 798. Correspondence of costs in the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 799. The case of the costs of the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 8. The case of the request of the architect of the highest court about the awarding of the first guild of the merchant Konstantin Pleske with a gold medal for the manufacture of a bronze chandelier for the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 80. Correspondence of Rubinstein’s opera Rubinstein Rubinstein, removed from the repertoire and renewal
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 800. Correspondence of costs in the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 801. The case of the costs of the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 802. Отчеты по русской драматической труппе
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 803. Correspondence of costs in the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 807. Correspondence of costs in the Literary Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 808. Book of the parish and consumption of copies of the magazine "Yearbook of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 809. The case of collecting donations (through the head of the Central Library of Imperial Theaters K.A. Petrov) for the preparation of capital and the construction of the statue of the composer P.I.Tchaikovsky
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 81. Correspondence on the transfer of the Central Cash desk of the Alexandrinsky Theater to the premises of the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 810. Correspondence on costs from the theater-literary committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 811. Case of conditions with authors
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 813. The case of calculations and remuneration to members of the Literary and Theater Committee
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 818. A comparative table of the currently existing and developed salaries of the maintenance department of the production department of the production department of the imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 82. Correspondence of a wreath subscription to Emperor Alexander III
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 820. The case with a report for the expulsion for three years ten percent of the gross fee from the acts of the operator of the composer Glinka for the construction of a monument to him in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 821. The case with paid coupons for appropriations from the accounting of the control of the Ministry of Court
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 826. The case of reducing the costs of maintaining artistic personnel in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 83. Correspondence with Russian theater society and lists of those who want to join the Society
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 830. Accounts for the correspondence of notes for the Central Musical Library
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 831. Vedication on the fees in the Imperial Moscow Theaters for three years
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 84. Correspondence of the second edition of the play N.A.Grigoryeva-Histomin "Sisters of the Kedrov"
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 85. Correspondence on request I.F.Tokmakova about the service of artist D. Falcon
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 857. Accounts for dressing rooms for the payment of money called soldiers for dressing chorists for performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 859. Accounts for dressing rooms for the payment of money called soldiers for dressing chorists for performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 86. Correspondence on the procedure for the payment of contracts with artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 87. Correspondence of the restructuring of state and salaries of maintenance at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 88. Correspondence of awards of artists and employees
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 89. Correspondence of charitable performances in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 9. Reports on the Russian opera of imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 90. Correspondence of an anonymous letter about the surrender at the Moscow Bolshoi Theater of the curtain under advertising
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 91. Correspondence on increasing content to artists and employees of the Directorate of State Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 92. Correspondence of the movement of class officials of Helmersen and Knyazev and about the salaries of their maintenance
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 93. Correspondence on the holidays of artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 94. Correspondence of dismissal on vacation of artists and employees of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 95. Correspondence on financial issues: on the payment of musicians, about new salaries and renegotiation of contracts, about the increase in the salary, about advances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 96. Letters sent to the director, different persons
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 965. List for payment of the lower ranks of the naval crew called for performances
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 97. Correspondence on financial issues: on payment for the work done;About fines, about the addition of payment, on payment for ballet shoes and another
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 976. The case in relation to the head of the staged part of the payment of the caused soldiers for dressing chorists for the performance
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 98. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 984. The case of the composition of employees in the Policesiste part of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 99. Correspondence of viewing plays and permission to productions
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 993. 993
РГИА. 497 / 18 / 996. The case of the composition of the performances of the Alexandrinsky Theater with an indication of the amount of the collection
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