Law enforcement agencies

Law enforcement agencies

A note of the "Maikop resident" about the resistance rendered by the population of Maikop to the veterinary examination of livestock in connection with the plague epidemic, the shooting of the unarmed population, the arrests and the entry of the execution battalion on the orders of General Yatskevich

Pobedonostsev Konstantin Petrovich (1827-1907).
A note of the "Maikop resident" about the resistance rendered by the population of Maykop to the veterinary examination of livestock in connection with the plague epidemic, the shooting of the unarmed population, the arrests and the entry of the execution battalion on the orders of General Yatskevich.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"

On taking measures against robberies and robberies in the Caucasus, in connection with the attack of robbers in English industrialists in the Maykop district of the Kuban region.On Russian engineers in the English district of the Dagestan region.April 22, 1911.-25 June 1912

On taking measures against robberies and robberies in the Caucasus, in connection with the attack of robbers in English industrialists in the Maykop district of the Kuban region.On Russian engineers in the English district of the Dagestan region.April 22, 1911.-25 June 19121911
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A letter from the Caucasian governor to the Minister of Internal Affairs with a motion for awarding the Sergeyev spouses, who issued the authorities who robbed mail near the mountains.Maykop August 21, 1911 on September 6 - September 18, 1912

A letter from the Caucasian governor to the Minister of Internal Affairs with a motion for awarding the Sergeyev spouses, who issued the authorities who robbed mail near the mountains.Maykopa August 21, 1911September 6 - September 18, 19121912
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