- Population (demography, migration)
Genesis of Adyghe (Circassian) ethnopolitical space in XIII-XVI centuries: problems and prospects of research NO BOB
Genesis of Adyghe (Circassian) ethnopolitical space in XIII-XVI centuries: problems and prospects for research NO BO. 2017. - Society
Deviations of youth behavior: regional features of socio-cultural prevention (on the example of the Republic of Adygea)
Deviations of youth behavior: regional features of socio-cultural prevention (on the example of the Republic of Adygea). 2015.Sociocultural identity of students (on the example of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Adygea)
Guchuetl, Aminat Ramazanovna.Sociocultural identity of students (on the example of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Adygea).Maykop, 2017.- Social structure
On the vest of Uzden Elmurz Dokshukov with a plot of state land in the Maykop district of the Kuban region in the amount of 134 acres of 900 fathoms.N.1 June 1873 - K.19 June 1873
On the vest of Uzden Elmurz Dokshukov with a plot of state land in the Maykop district of the Kuban region in the amount of 134 acres of 900 fathoms.N.1 June, 1873 - on June 19, 18731873.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Ethnic composition
The national consciousness of the Circassians in the context of cultural and historical processes
The national consciousness of the Circassians in the context of cultural and historical processes.2015.Adygee. Society and religion
Adygee. Society and religion.Adygee. Relations with Russians
Adygee. Mutual relations with the Russians.
- Social activity
Lists and information on the organization of polling stations in the Tver, Pskov provinces, according to the Maikop department of the Kuban region, along the Bezhetsk district of the Volchanskaya village
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Lists and information on the organization of polling stations in Tver, Pskov provinces, Maikop department of the Kuban region, Bezhetsk district of Volchanskaya stanitsa. 19 -.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахInformation report on the progress of the National Discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR on the Adygea Autonomous Region
Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC CEC).Information report on the progress of the National Discussion of the draft Constitution of the USSR in the Adygea Autonomous Region.The image of the Republic of Adygea in the space of social media
The image of the Republic of Adygea in the space of social media.2021. - Science and Education
The case of the opening of women's schools in the villages of the Vorovskolesky Batalpashinsky department and the Abadzekh Maykop department
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the opening of women's schools in the villages of the Vorovskolesky Batalpashinsky department and the Abadzekh Maykop department.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn the opening in Maikop real school. 1900 year.
On the opening in Maikop real school. 1900 year.1900.Дело о преобразовании Майкопского четырехклассного городского училища в шестиклассное
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the transformation of the Maykop four -year city school into a sixth -class one.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn the opening at the lowest mechanic-technical school in the mountains. Maikop, Kuban region, the lowest craft school. 1901 year.
On the opening at the lowest mechanic-technical school in the mountains. Maikop, Kuban region, the lowest craft school. 1901 year.1901.Отчет Майкопского низшего механико-технического училища императора Александра III Кубанской области за 1902-1903 учебный и 1903 гражданский годы
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахОтчет Майкопского низшего механико-технического училища императора Александра III Кубанской области за 1904 год
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахОтчет Майкопского низшего механико-технического училища императора Александра III Кубанской области за 1904 год
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахОтчет Майкопского низшего механико-технического училища императора Александра III Кубанской области за 1905 год
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of resolving additional allocations for the maintenance of the state-owned boarders of the Maykop lower mechanical and technical school.February 21-29 December 1907
The case of resolving additional allocations for the maintenance of the state-owned boarders of the Maykop lower mechanical and technical school.February 21-29 December 1907, 1907Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe estimate for the construction of buildings for twenty -four -complex city elementary schools and the project of the building
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).An estimate for the construction of buildings for twenty -four -complex city elementary schools and the project of the building.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахMaterials of the census of elementary schools of the Maykop district of the Kuban region of the Caucasian training district
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).Materials of the census of primary schools of the Maykop district of the Kuban region of the Caucasian training district.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of allocating funds for the opening of teachers' institutes in Maykop, Sukhumi, Batumi and Grozny. February 18, 1914 - July 2, 1915
The case of allocating funds for the opening of teachers' institutes in Maykop, Sukhumi, Batumi and Grozny.
February 18, 1914 - July 2, 1915, 1914The case of the construction of the building of the Maykop city school and the Svisloch city school
Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the construction of the building of the Maykop city school and the Svisloch city school.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of the release of funds for the construction of the Maykop Women's Gymnasium. October 9, 1912 - March 29, 1913
The case of the release of funds for the construction of the Maykop Women's Gymnasium.
October 9, 1912 - March 29, 1913 1912The case of the establishment of 4 "Romanov" scholarships at educational institutions of the mountains.Maykopa Kuban regionJanuary 29 - July 5, 1915
The case of the establishment of 4 "Romanov" scholarships at educational institutions of the mountains.Maykopa Kuban regionJanuary 29 - July 5, 19151914Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of a delay on the vacation of funds for the opening of the Maykop female craft school.July 17 - November 26, 1915.
The case of a delay on the vacation of funds for the opening of the Maykop female craft school.July 17 - November 26, 1915.1915Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of granting benefits to the Maikop Technical School, which manufactured shells for bombs. October 10 - December 7, 1916.
The case of granting allowances to the Maikop Technical School that manufactured shells for bombs.
October 10 - December 7, 1916.1916The case of the release of funds for the maintenance of the state -owned pupils of the Maykop lower III Technical School.November 22-30, 1916.
The case of the release of funds for the maintenance of the state -owned pupils of the Maykop lower III Technical School.November 22-30, 1916.1916Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахReport of the trustee of the Caucasian training district, approved by the governor, on the appropriation of the Maykop teacher of an additional loan for hiring the premises.November 14, 1916.
Report of the trustee of the Caucasian training district, approved by the governor, on the appropriation of the Maykop teacher of an additional loan for hiring the premises.November 14, 1916.1916Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe case of the opening of a teacher's seminary in the city of Maikop, Kuban region. November 12, 1915 - June 4, 1916.
The case of the opening of a teacher's seminary in the city of Maikop, Kuban region.
November 12, 1915 - June 4, 1916.1915 - Culture
The specifics of the early stage of cultural generation of Abkhazo-Adygs
The specifics of the early stage of cultural generation of Abkhazo-Adygs.2022.Kuban antiquities
Felitsyn, Yevgeny Dmitrievich (1848-1903). The Kuban antiquities. Ekaterinodar: type. Kubansk. reg. 1879.Circassian diaspora folklore: Localization of traditions, functionality of texts
Circassian diaspora folklore: localization of tradition, functionality of texts.2021.Adyghe children's folklore in ritual, game and genre contexts NO BOT
Adyghe children's folklore in ritual, game and genre contexts NO BW. 2017.Systematics and archiving of Adyghe folklore: history, modern technologies, prospects
Systematics and archiving of Adyghe folklore: history, modern technologies, prospects.2022.Ethnocostyum in the modern culture of the Adygs: sociocultural aspects
Ethnocostyum in the modern culture of the Adygs: sociocultural aspects.2014.Adyghe version system: genesis and evolution
Adyghe version system: genesis and evolution.2023.The dynamics of the societal sphere of the South of Russia: the socio-cultural dimension
Dynamics of the societal sphere of the South of Russia: the socio-cultural dimension. 2016Ethnocultural and language orientations of Adyghe student youth (based on the materials of ethnosociological research 2020-2021)
Ethnocultural and language orientations of Adyghe student youth (based on the materials of ethnosociological research 2020-2021).2022.On the establishment of the post of the City Architect in Maikop of the Kuban region. H.7 January 1873 - K.24 February 1873
On the establishment of the post of the City Architect in Maikop of the Kuban region. January 7, 1873 - K.24 February 1873, 1983.Congratulatory telegram of the Adygea Regional Library of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N. K. Krupskaya in connection with the receipt of the Order of Friendship of Peoples
A congratulatory telegram from the Adygea Regional Library of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N. K. Krupskaya in connection with the receipt of the Order of Friendship of Peoples. Leningrad, May 21, 1980. - Charity
Development of public charity of minors in the North Caucasus in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries (on materials of the Republic of Adygea)
Development of public charity of minors in the North Caucasus in the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries (on the materials of the Republic of Adygea). 2011.