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Guchuetl, Aminat RamazanovnaThe sociocultural identity of students (for the example of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Adygea): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.06 / Guchetl Aminat Ramazanovna;[Place of protection: Adyg.state.un-t].- Maykop, 2017. -26 p.;21. -Bibliography: p.25-26 (14 names) and in the tune.Note..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Sociology of culture.4. Culture.The science.Enlightenment is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - secondary specialized education.Pedagogy of secondary specialized education - pedagogy of secondary specialized education - Russian Federation.5. Social sciences as a whole - sociology - social subsystems - social structure - age -related sociology - sociology of youth.6. Republic of Adygea (Russian Federation).BBK 74.474 (2ros. -ads) 6ya031BBK 60.543.172-456ya031Source of an electronic copy: Adyghe gu.Website
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