Sociocultural identity of students (on the example of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Adygea)

Guchuetl, Aminat RamazanovnaThe sociocultural identity of students (for the example of secondary vocational education of the Republic of Adygea): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.06 / Guchetl Aminat Ramazanovna;[Place of protection: Adyg.state.un-t].- Maykop, 2017. -26 p.;21. -Bibliography: p.25-26 (14 names) and in the tune.Note..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Sociology of culture.4. Culture.The science.Enlightenment is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - secondary specialized education.Pedagogy of secondary specialized education - pedagogy of secondary specialized education - Russian Federation.5. Social sciences as a whole - sociology - social subsystems - social structure - age -related sociology - sociology of youth.6. Republic of Adygea (Russian Federation).BBK 74.474 (2ros. -ads) 6ya031BBK 60.543.172-456ya031Source of an electronic copy: Adyghe gu.Website
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