Author Броунштейн В. Скорняков А. А. Description Brownstein, V. "Ermak" in the ice / V. Braunstein; [Photos: AA Skornyakov]. - Leningrad: Izd-vo Glavsevmorputi, 1938. -237, [3] p. : fot .. - (Polar Library). -10000 copies. . I. Skornyakov, AA.1. "Ermak", icebreaker - Expedition - 1935. 2. Territory (collection). 3. Development of the Arctic (collection). ББК 26.89 (912) л8 Electronic copy source: PB Location on Publisher Изд-во Главсевморпути Catalogue object Страноведение. Краеведение Collections Territory of Russia → Russia – a maritime power → Development of the Arctic → Northern Sea Route