[Reports ...]. [4]. On measures to develop the productive forces of Russia

    Congress of representatives of industry and trade (9, Petersburg, 1915).
[Reports ...]. - Petrograd, 1915. - 26 centimeters .
I. Council of Congresses of representatives of industry and trade (St. Petersburg) .1. Congress of representatives of industry and trade (9, Petersburg, city, 1915) - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. The First World War (collection). 4. Russia - Economic situation - 1914 - 1918 - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 534-2я431
ББК 65.03 (2) 53я431
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
[4]: On measures to develop the productive forces of Russia: the report of the Council of Congresses. - Printing house of P. P. Gershunin, 1915. - 424 p. .
1. Congress of representatives of industry and trade (9, Petersburg, city, 1915) - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. The First World War (collection). 4. Productive forces - Accommodation - Russia - Documents and materials.
BBC 63.3 (2) 534-2я431
ББК 65.03 (2) 53я431
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher Типография П. П. Гершунина
Catalogue object