Collected works. [T.] 4. Problems of the formation of the rule of law in Russia

Sobchak, Anatoly Alexandrovich (1937-2000).    
Collected Works: 5 t. / Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak; [under the Society. Ed. LB Narusova]; S.-Petersburg. societies. Anatoly Sobchak Foundation. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Public Fund Anatoly Sobchak, 2013. - 22 cm. -
The publication was carried out with the support of DA Medvedev.
. - ISBN 978-5-91661-038-3 .
I. Narusova, Lyudmila Borisovna (1951 -). 1. Sobchak, Anatoly Alexandrovich (1937 - 2000) - Collections. 2. Power (collection). 3. USSR - Political Processes - 2nd floor. 20 cent. - Collections. 4. The Russian Federation - Political Processes - Collections.
BBK 66.1 (2) 63m44
BBK 66.1 (2) 64я44
Source of the electronic copy: St. Petersburg Societies. Anatoly Sobchak's Fund
Location on

St. Petersburg Societies. Anatoly Sobchak Fund
[T.] 4: The Problems of the Formation of the Rule of Law in Russia. - 702 p., [1] l. portraiture. -
Bibliography in the text.
. - 1600 copies. - ISBN 978-5-91661-042-0 (v. 4) .
1. Power (collection). 2. The rule of law is the Russian Federation - Collections.
ББК 67.021я44
ББК 66.1 (2) 64я44
Source of the electronic copy: St. Petersburg Societies. Anatoly Sobchak's Fund
Location on

St. Petersburg Societies. Anatoly Sobchak Fund
ISBN 978-5-91661-042-0
Publisher Санкт-Петербургский общественный фонд Анатолия Собчака
Catalogue object

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