Lawyer's investigation in criminal proceedings

Martynchik, Evgeny Grigorievich    
Lawyer's investigation in the criminal trial: theoretical and methodological foundations of the doctrine of the lawyer's investigation: textbook: scientific specialty 12.00.11 "Judicial power, prosecutor's supervision, organization of law enforcement activities, advocacy" / Ye. G. Martynchik. - Moscow: UNITY: Law and Law, 2012. - 239 p. -
List of references: p. 224 - 237 and in the footnotes. - ISBN 978-5-238-01704-4 .
1. Right (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Lawyer in criminal proceedings - Educational publications for higher educational institutions.
ББК 67.75я73
Source of the electronic copy: National Library Resource
ISBN 978-5-238-01704-4
Publisher ЮНИТИ Закон и право
Catalogue object

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