Strelnikov, Vladilen Vladimirovich (Candidate of Legal Sciences).
Administrative and legal regulation of service in the bodies and institutions of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation: a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Juridical Sciences: specialty 12.00.14 : protected 29.04.2008 / Strelnikov Vladilen Vladimirovich; Federal state educational institution of higher professional education "Povolzhskaya Academy of Public Service named after PA Stolypin". - Saratov, 2008. - 221 p. : ill. - List of references: p. 190-210 and in footnotes
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1. Right (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. The people (the collection). 4. Administrative Law, Financial Law, Information Law. 5. The Prosecutor's Office - Personnel - Labor - Legal Regulation - The Russian Federation - Theses. |
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