The administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons in the Russian Federation

  Yuritsin, Andrei Evgenevich      
The administrative and legal status of refugees and internally displaced persons in the Russian Federation: the dissertation ... The master of laws: 12.00.14 / Yuritsin Andrey Evgenievich; Omsk. acad. Ministry of the Interior. - Omsk, 2005. - 208 p. : ill. -
Bibliography: p. 174-208 and in a footnote. note. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Administrative Law, Financial Law, Information Law. 4. Refugees - Administrative and legal status - Russian Federation - Theses. 5. Resettlement forced - Administrative and legal status - The Russian Federation - Theses.
ББК 67.910.22я031
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