Gratitude to the corporal Uvarov Mikhail Grigoryevich for excellent actions in the battles around the encirclement and destructi...

Gratitude to the corporal Uvarov Mikhail Grigorievich for excellent actions in the battles surrounding and destroying the Bobruisk group of German troops and for the liberation of the city of Bobruisk. - [1944]. - 1 sheet: ill. -
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In accordance with the Order of Comrade Stalin, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Marshal of the Soviet Union, on June 29, 1944, corporal Uvarov Mikhail Grigorievich was thanked for his excellent actions in the encirclement and destruction of the Bobruisk Group of German Forces and for the liberation of the city of Bobruisk. Gratitude is a form made by printing. The name of corporal Uvarov Mikhail Grigorievich is written by hand, in ink. At the end of the text - the autograph signature of the unit commander (Major Gubenko), there is a seal: The military unit is field post No. 02944 .
I. Uvarov, Mikhail Grigorievich (1900-1984) .1. Uvarov, Mikhail Grigorievich (1900-1984) - Documents and materials. 2. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 3. Bobruisk operation - 1944 - Documents and materials.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622ю1
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
Catalogue object