Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic: essays and reports. 1923-1924: [collection]. - Verkhneudinsk: Gosplan edition of B.-MASSR, 1925. - 379 p. : tab. ; 26. - Contents: A brief historical essay on the formation of the Buryat-Mongolian Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic / MN Erbanov (pp. 1-18); Naturally-geographical and economic essay of the Burrespublik / N. Kozmin (pp. 19-49); State structure of the BMSSR and the bodies of the Administration / V. Golovachev (pp. 50-66); Gosplan and economic-planned work (pp. 67-82); Finance (pp. 83-136); Agriculture and forestry (pp. 137-172); Industry (pp. 173-183); Mining ; Domestic trade (pp. 189-210); Municipal economy of the BMSSR (pp. 211-216); Verkhneudinsk Branch of the State Bank (p. 217-219); V.-Udinsk Branch of the Far-East Bank (pp. 220-221); Agricultural and Commercial Credit (pp. 222-234); Bourstrakh (pp. 235-238); Customs (pp. 239-240); Local routes of communication (pp. 241-245); Labor and the Organization of Labor (pp. 246-259); Professional organizations (pp. 260-267); Public education (pp. 268-292); Health care (pp. 293-317); The court and the prosecutor's office (pp. 318-326); Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection (pp. 327-333); Administrative Administration and Militia (pp. 334-342); Central Archival Administration (pp. 343-345); State Statistics (pp. 346-353); Cooperation in the Republic of Burundi (pp. 354-379)
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Buryat-Mongolian ASSR - Politics and management - Documents and materials. 4. Buryat-Mongolian ASSR - Social and economic development - 1920 - 1930s. - Documents and materials. |
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Source of electronic copy: NB Rep. Buryatia Location on bulletins: НБ Респ. Buryatia