Bulletin of the Russian Center for Research Forum "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation" (Russian Research Center APEC). 2012, No. ...

Newsletter of the Russian Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC research center). eng
      Russian Research Center for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum  (Moscow).
Bulletin of the Russian Center for Research Forum "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation" (Russian Center for Research APEC) / Ros. center issled. APEC, Asia-Pacific. econ. cooperation "Russia 2012". - [Moscow]: Russian Research Center for APEC, 2010 -
2012, No. 32 (March 1-16). - March 17, 2012. -
The issue contains the news of Russia's chairmanship in APEC for the period from March 1 to 16, 2012: interview of Ziyavudin Magomedov, chairman of the APEC Business Advisory Council, to Vlast magazine and the results of the summit held in Japan on women's leadership. In addition, the results of the events organized by the APEC RAC have been summed up: the round table "Preparation and organization of the Forum" Women and Economy "APEC-2012", video lectures by Igor Melamed "Russia's integration in the APR" and Leonid Sabelnikov "Russia's participation in APEC: advantages, prospects ". The release presents the announcement of APEC events scheduled for April 2012. Also published are analytical materials "APEC Services" and "APEC and the problems of women's involvement in the economy." In the section devoted to the final documents of APEC, the results of the 14th APEC Summit (Vietnam, 2006) .
1. "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation", the Forum - Periodicals. 2. Russia and the countries of the world (collection). 3. Power (collection).
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Source of electronic copy: Ros. APEC Research Center
Publisher Российский центр исследований АТЭС
Catalogue object