Believe in hope

  Yerger, Vladimir Eduardovich  (1939 -).    
Believe in hope / Vladimir Yerger. - Ed. 2-edop. and pererab. - [Gelsenkirchen]: Edita Gelsen e.V., 2012. - 194 c. : ill. ; 20. -
Bibliography: p. 190-193. - ISBN 978-3-942855-66-2 .
1. Kruzenstern, Ivan Fedorovich (1770 - 1846). 2. Rezanov, Nikolai Petrovich (1764 - 1807). 3. Lisyansky, Yuri Fedorovich (1773 - 1837). 4. Russian round-the-world expedition. Krusenstern and Yu.F. Lisyan (1; 1803 - 1806) .. 5. The people (the collection). 6. Round-the-world voyages Russian - 19 in ..
ББК 63.3 (2) 52-8
ББК 26.8г
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location on map of the original: From private collection
ISBN 978-3-942855-66-2
Publisher Edita Gelsen e.V.
Catalogue object