Herald of civil law. [G. 1] 1913, No. 2

Herald of civil law. - St. Petersburg: MM Vinaver, 1913-1917
[G. 1] 1913, No. 2. - 1913. - 164 p. -
Contents: Alexander Yakovlevich Passover (Memoirs and impressions) / M.M. Vinaver. The latest novels in the charter of civil proceedings (ending) / VL Isachenko. Elimination of the heir in the testamentary order / SA Belyatskin. Preparation of the draft patrimonial statute / AL Freitag-Loringoven. Civil Chronicle / MM Vinavera. Regular questions in the literature of civil law. The question of the burden of proof / B. V. Popov. Notes: 1) Civil responsibility for the actions of troops during the uprising / VA Maklakov. 2) The simulative section / AN Butovskii. Legislative materials: History and motives of the law on April 21, 1910 on the contract of the trade commission. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Civil law - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 67.404я52
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Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher М. М. Винавер
Catalogue object