Herald of civil law. [G. 1] 1913, No. 8

Herald of civil law. - St. Petersburg: MM Vinaver, 1913-1917
[G. 1] 1913, No. 8. - 1913. - 158 p. + adj. (Pp. 40-80). -
Contents: Petr Pavlovich Tsitovich / A. Kh. Gol'mesten. Claims for the protection of the right to participate / VL Isachenko. Two new laws on illegitimate children / AE Nolde. Transfer of mortgage fortresses / IS Vol'man. Rent for 99 years / PM Mints. Civil Chronicle / MM Vinavera. Regular questions in the literature of civil law. To the doctrine of labor contracts / VM Gordon. Notes: 1) The unreliability of the alienation of the hereditary estate / A. N. Butovskogo. 2) On the consequences of recognizing an attorney who does not have the authority to conduct a case. (Clause 4, Article 584 of the Civil Court) / NM Mensenkampf. Index of the Bulletin of Civil Law for 1913 Announcements. Ad. : Civil Code. Book 5. Obligatory right (draft, introduced October 16, 1913 by the Minister of Justice in the State Duma) .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Civil law - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 67.404я52
E-copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher М. М. Винавер
Catalogue object