Herald of civil law. - St. Petersburg: MM Vinaver, 1913-1917 |
G. 4 1916, No. 6. - 1916. - 152, [2] p. - Soderzhan: In memory of VD Spasovich (on the tenth anniversary of his death) / MM Vinaver. The nature of the contract of sale by definition of modern legislation and the draft civil code / PN Gussakovskiy. From the practice of alimony cases / D. D. Chernov. The principle of good conscience in the draft civil code / IB Novitsky. Civil chronicle / DA Levin. Regular questions in the literature of civil law. War and the rights of private individuals / AGGoykhbarg. Notes: 1) On the limits of application Art. 1295 ver. c. court. / NM Mezenkampf. 2) Cassation complaints of third parties (regarding the cash register of 1915 decree No. 24) / ML Kantor
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Civil law - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in .. |
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