Journal of Law: Journal of the Legal Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University. - St. Petersburg, 1871-1906 |
G. 29/1899, No. 9 (Nov.). - 1899. - Div. pag. - Content: Compensation for harm and its decomposition / Prof. IA Pokrovsky. On compulsory education / Priv.-Assoc. VM Gessen. The right of free confession / prof. M. A. Reisner. On the issue of the consent of the victim / Priv.-dots. N. N. Rozina. Work contract / IM Kulisher. Legal review. Literary Review. The monument of AD Gradovsky / G. Sliozberg. Applications. Ads. - Copy of SPbU defective: absent from. 161-192 The 2nd Pag. (Annexes) and with. I-XIV (Announcements)
1. Legal Society (St. Petersburg, city) - Periodicals. 2. Power (collection). 3. Law - Periodicals. 4. Juridical journals - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries. |
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