Herald of law. G. 31, 1901, No. 3 (March)

Journal of Law: Journal of the Legal Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University. - St. Petersburg, 1871-1906
G. 31, 1901, No. 3 (March). - 1901. - Div. pag. -
Contents: How the peasant volost was created (materials of editorial commissions) / IM Strakhovsky. Commercial Court in Russia until 1832 (Historical Background) / GA Nemirova. Turkish State Council / AN Mandelstam. Practical notes on the functions of the Trial Chamber in civil proceedings / A. Krayevsky. The concept of crime / Priv.-Assoc. IK Mikhailovsky. International Prison Congress in Brussels in 1900 / Priv.-Assoc. AA Zhizhilenko. Legal review. Application. ads .
1. Legal Society (St. Petersburg, city) - Periodicals. 2. Power (collection). 3. Law - Periodicals. 4. Juridical journals - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries.
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