Herald of law. G. 32 1902, No. 3 (March)

Journal of Law: Journal of the Legal Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University. - St. Petersburg, 1871-1906
G. 32 1902, No. 3 (March). - 1902. - Sect. pag. -
Contents: Proceedings and tasks of the St. Petersburg Juridical Society (Speech in the jubilee meeting of the society on February 23, 1902) / AF Koni. Projects of volost reform / IM Strakhovsky. Consciousness of the defendant under the current statute and under the draft of the new edition of the criminal procedure statute / P. Brunelli. Psychology of Testimony (Experimental Investigations of the Fidelity of Recollection) (ending) / Dr. V. Stern, Transl. M. S-h. Struggle against juvenile criminals under the draft of the Swiss code / GN Shtilman. Legal review. application .
1. The legal society (St. Petersburg, city). -- Periodicals. 2. Power (collection). 3. Law - Periodicals. 4. Juridical journals - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries.
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