Bulletin of RDDR. 1992, No. 4 (December). Special issue

    Russian movement of democratic reforms.
Bulletin of RDDR: newsletter of the RDDR Executive Committee. - Moscow: Argus, 1992-. -
In the sub-tag: release. 3 (8) 1993 edition of the Executive Committee of the Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms .
1. The Russian movement of democratic reforms - Periodicals.
ББК 63.3 (2) 64-3я54
ББК 67.400.1я54
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
1992, No. 4 (December): Special issue / preparation: L. Baranichenko, M. Gorbunov, V. Schepkin. - [1992]. - 8, [1] c. -
Cover: Draft Constitution of the Russian Federation. Alternative? Alternative! On the title page: No. 4 Special issue, December 1992. In the final data: Publication of the Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms. Special issue of the RDDR Bulletin.
The issue chronicles the participation of the Russian movement of democratic reforms in the constitutional process (for 1992) and materials for the alternative draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation (Alexeyev-Sobchak project) developed by the Russian Movement of Democratic reforms .
1. The Russian movement of democratic reforms - Periodicals. 2. The Russian Federation. Constitution. 1993 - Projects - Periodicals. 3. Power (collection). 4. Constitution - Basic Law (collection). 5. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection).
ББК 63.3 (2) 64-3я54
ББК 67.400.1я54
Source of electronic copy: PB
Place of origin: From private collection
Publisher Аргус
Catalogue object