Military statistical survey of states and lands adjacent to the Russian Empire

Military statistical survey of states and lands adjacent to the Russian Empire. Principality of Moldavia / ed. on the Highest Command at the 1st Department of the General Staff Department. - St. Petersburg: in the printing house of the Department of the General Staff, 1853. - 244, 221, [16] f. Table. : tab. -
Compiled by reconnaissance and materials collected on the spot by officers of the General Staff: in 1828, 1829 and 1830, Colonel Dittmars; 1834 and 1835, Colonel von Ruge, Lieutenant-Colonel Bergenheim and Captain Hodzko; 1852 was supplemented and, according to the latest information, was corrected by Captain Chemerzin.
On the region. on the perimeter - an ornamental frame, inside the frame text: "In the 28th year of the reign of Nicholas I, Emperor of All Russia, 1853."
Contents: Part 1: Military statistical survey of the principality of Moldova. It includes sections: Historical view of the principality of Moldova, in the military-statistical respect, Terrain; Part 2: Military statistical survey of the Principality of Moldova. Includes sections: Climate, Residents, Industry, Education .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Russia - Moldova: to the history of relationships (collection). 3. Moldavia - Military statistical analysis - 19th century .. 4. Moldova - History.
ББК 63.3 (4Мол)
ББК 68.88 (4Мол)
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher в типографии Департамента Генерального штаба
Catalogue object