Yakushkin, Evgeny Ivanovich (1826-1905).
Volost courts in the Yaroslavl province / [E. Yakushkin]. - [Moscow: at the University Printing Office (Katkov and Co.), qualification. 1872]. - 12 seconds. ; 23 cm. - The author is listed at the end of the text. Print from the "Legal Gazette" 1872, No. 3. - Without title page and cover
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1. Power (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Yaroslavl Region (collection). 4. Yaroslavl region: pages of history (collection). 5. Volost courts - Yaroslavl Province. |
BBK 67.711.13 (28-8Jar) -1 BBK 67.3 (28-8 Yar) 52 BBK 63.3 (28-8 Yar) 522-36
An electronic copy source: RSL Location of original copy: РГБ |