Law issues. [G. 3] 1912, Book. 11 (3)

Law: Journal of Scientific Jurisprudence. - Moscow: GS Feldstein, 1910-1912
[G. 3] 1912, Book. 11 (3). - 1912. - 240 s. -
Contents: Government of Australia / S. A. Korf. Judicial review of the constitutionality of the law / V. Durdenevsky. Natural law in the monuments of Hebrew literature and legislation / M. Ya. Lazerson. Trading firms of civil-law partnerships / V. A. Krasnokutsky. Thirty-first Congress of German Lawyers / IL Iv. Chistyakov. Insurance of workers in Russia. Experience in the history of workers' insurance, in connection with some other measures to ensure them. Moscow, 1912. / A. Elistratov. MI Nazarevsky. Essays on the history and theory of the collective capitalist economy. Syndicates, trusts and combined enterprises. Essays on the history of the unification of American industry. T. 1. Moscow, 1912. M. Goldstein. D. A. Drill. The doctrine of crime and measures to combat it / SA Shumakov. N. Rudin. Approved by the State Council and the State Duma and the highest approved Law on June 15, 1912 on the transformation of the local court. St. Petersburg, 1912 / SI Victorsky. - Bibliograf. in a substring. note. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Legal Sciences - Periodicals. 4. Legal journals - Russia - early. 20 in ..
ББК 67я52
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Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher Г. С. Фельдштейн
Catalogue object