Recollection of the feast of August 30, 1834

Zhukovsky, Vasily Andreevich (poet, 1783-1852).    
Recollection of the celebration on August 30, 1834 / [V. A. Zhukovsky]. - St. Petersburg: in the printing house of N. Grech, [1834]. - 16 sec. ; 22 cm. -
The author is installed according to the publication: Masanov IF. Dictionary of pseudonyms ... M., 1956. T. 1. P. 373.
At the end of the text: J. .
I. J. (1783-1852) .1. Alexander Column (St. Petersburg, city). Monferan, Auguste (1786 - 1858). 2. Alexander Column: To the 180th anniversary of the creation (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, city (collection). 5. St. Petersburg: pages of history (collection). 6. Dvortsovaya Embankment (St. Petersburg, city) - History.
BBC 63.3 (2) 521.2
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher в типографии Н. Греча
Catalogue object