Description |
Demidov Lyceum
Temporary of the Demidov legal lyceum: book. 1-103. - Yaroslavl, 1872-1910 |
Book. 55. - 1892. - Sect. pag. - Publishing house: Typographic lithography of G. V. Falk. At the end of the table of contents: LV book was published on January 7, 1892; 30 sheets in it. Contents: Report on the state of the Lyceum for 1890, with annexes (pp. 1-33). Magazines of the Council of the Lyceum of meetings on February 16 and March 20, 1891 (pp. 34-50). Chronicle of the Lyceum for 1890/91 school. year: annexes to it (pp. 1-8, I-L). The creative power of custom in the criminal law of LS Belogrits-Kotlyarevsky (pp. 1-33). The course of church law. T. II. Ord. Professor NS Suvorov (continued) (pp. 313-384). The State Council in Russia. T. 1. VG Shcheglova (S.I-LIX, 1-128). The city of Uglich in the XVII century. (continued) MI Lipinsky (pp. 33-48). Legal Bibliography No. 21-th (pp. 1-51). ads
1. Demidov legal lyceum (Yaroslavl, city) - Collections. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. Law - History - Russia - Collections. 5. Law - Teaching methodology - Compilations. 6. Uglich, city (Yaroslavl region) - History - Collections. 7. Legal journals. |
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