Speech by Elena Georgievna Avakyan, Head of the Control and Analytical Directorate of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russi...

    "Law and information: theory and practice questions", international scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg, 2014).
Speech by Elena Georgievna Avakyan, Head of the Control and Analytical Directorate of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation "The Role of Information Technologies in Providing Courchet Openness and Unhindered Access to Justice: The Experience of Russia's Arbitration System" [Video]: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Law and Information: Issues of Theory and Practice ", April 10-11, 2014, the Presidential Library named after. Boris N. Yeltsin, St. Petersburg / [Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, Scientific Department]. - Electronic data (1 video file). - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2014. -
The title of the accompanying document.
Duration: 20 min. 24 s., Tsv., Sound
In the speech of the Head of the Control and Analytical Department of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation Elena Georgievna Avakyan speaks about the system of electronic justice of the Supreme Arbitration Court, the system of files of arbitration cases, search possibilities, as well as administration and reading documents for employees of the Supreme Arbitration Court .
I. Avakyan, Elena Georgievna. II. Presidential Library. B. N. Yeltsin. Scientific department (St. Petersburg) .1. "Law and information: theory and practice questions", international scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg, 2014) - Multimedia publications. 2. Presidential Library. Boris N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg, city) - Events - 2014 - Multimedia publications. 3. The Russian Federation. Supreme Arbitration Court - Judicial practice - Multimedia publications. 4. Power (collection). 5. The people (the collection). 6. Justice - Accessibility - Russian Federation - Multimedia publications.
ББК 67.711.2я611я04
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location of original retention: ПБ
Publisher Президентская библиотека
Catalogue object