City Council with a central telegraph on the tower. Plans, facades, sections. 1838, 1842

City Council with a central telegraph on the tower. Plans, facades, sections. 1838, 1842 [The Case]. - 1838-1842. - 7 sheets. - (Fund Plans and drawings of civil architecture (collection), Inventory No. 3). -
Handwritten text. Paper. Ink, ink, watercolor.
Original title: St. Petersburg. City Duma. 1) Facade with a tower, a superstructure of the 4th floor and a stone gallery and sections. 2) Plan of the premises of the Deputy Assembly. 3) The plan of 2 floors. 4) Plan of the premises of the Orphan's Court. 5) Central Telegraph on the tower of St. Petersburg City Duma: 1838, 1842.
On the cover the name of the fund and inventory: Architectural buildings. St. Petersburg - St. Petersburg Gubernia.
Individual sheets in the case are physically damaged.
The file contains, among others: The facade of the house occupied by the City Duma with the indication of the fourth floor that is supposed to be added to the superstructure and a stone gallery for communication. The plan of the Deputy Assembly in the house of the City Duma with the indication of the redistribution of their rooms thereof. A drawing of the Central Telegraph on the tower of the house of the City Duma in 1842. The scale is different .
I. Petersburg City Duma. Territory (collection). 2. St. Petersburg, city - Buildings and buildings - 19th century. - Plans.
ББК 63.3 (2-2Saint Petersburg) 521.2ю11я67
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1488. Op. 3. D. 369.
Catalogue object