State Policy and Communication and Innovation Technologies in the System of Prevention and Counteraction to the manifestations o...

Tamayko, Leonid Leonidovich (candidate of political sciences).    
State Policy and Communication-Innovative Technologies in the System of Prevention and Counteraction to the manifestations of Terrorism and Extremism in Contemporary Russia: Thesis for the Candidate Degree in Political Science: specialty 23.00.02 : 23.03 .2009 / Tamayko Leonid Leonidovich; Federal Agency for Education, Nizhny Novgorod State University named after NI Lobachevsky. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2009. - 242 p. : tab. -
List of references: p. 209-227 and in footnotes .
1. Power (collection). 2. Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies. 3. Terrorism international - Fighting it - The Russian Federation - Theses. 4. National Security - The Russian Federation - Theses.
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