Vinokurova, Tatyana Vladimirovna (Candidate of Legal Sciences).
State legal regulation of financial management in the Russian Empire from XIX to early XX centuries. : (historico-legal aspect): the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of juridical science: specialty 12.00.01 / Vinokurova Tatyana Vladimirovna; [; St. Petersburg. state. engineer-econ. un-t]. - St. Petersburg, 2007. - 22 p. ; 21 cm .. -
). - Location of protection: Ros. state. ped. un-t them. AI Herzen. - Bibliography: p. 22 (4 items). . - 100 copies.
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1. Power (collection). 2. Theory and history of law and state; the history of the doctrines of law and the state. 3. Finance - Management - Russia - 18 - 20 centuries. - Abstracts of Dissertations. |
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