Civil law. Workshop

Civil law. Workshop: a textbook for students of higher education institutions studying in specialty 030501 "Jurisprudence" / [S. G. Abramov and others]; under the editorship of the candidate of legal sciences, Professor PV Alexy, Doctor of Law, Professor AN Kuzbagarov. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2012. - 223 p. : tab. ; 21 cm. -
The authors are listed on the 3rd p. text.
Bibliography: with. 209-219. ISBN 978-5-238-01386-2 .
I. Abramov, Sergei Gennadievich (Candidate of Law, 1974-). II. Astashkin, A. V. .. III. Gatsky, M. A. .. IV. Golyshev, V.G. V. Alexy, Peter Vasilievich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). VI. Kuzbagarov, Askhat Nazargaliyevich (Doctor of Law) .1. Right (collection). 2. Civil law - Russian Federation - Educational editions for higher educational institutions.
ББК 67.404я73
Source of the electronic copy: National Library Resource
ISBN 978-5-238-01386-2
Publisher ЮНИТИ-ДАНА Закон и право
Catalogue object

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