Data of the All-Russia population census of August 28, 1920. Issue. 2. Nationality, gender, literacy

Data of the All-Russia Demographic Population Census on August 28, 1920: Pskov Province / RSFSR, Center. stat. Exercise. ; Pskov. lips. stat. bureau, section of demography. - Pskov: 1st State Printing House, 1921-1923
Issue. 2: Nationality, gender, literacy. - Pskov alarm, 1923. - IV, 58 p. Table. .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Population - Censuses - Pskov province - 1920 - Statistical materials.
ББК 60.721.1ю13
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Пск) 612-1ю13
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location on the book: RCP
Publisher Псковский набат
Catalogue object