The bicentenary of Vyborg

  Borodkin, Mikhail Mikhailovich  (1852-1919).    
The bicentenary of the capture of Vyborg: [East. essay] / M. Borodkin. - Санкт-Петербург: Гос. type., 1910. - 28 p., 4 liters. ill., maps. : ill. ; 27 cm. -
Extract. from "History of Finland. Time of Peter the Great." St. Petersburg., 1910. Op. Borodkina .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Vyborg, city (Leningrad region) - History.
BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Len-2Syborg) 511
E-copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher Гос. тип.
Catalogue object