The case of the continuation of the European tariff, published for 1811

      Russia. Department of State Economy.
The case of the continuation of the European tariff, published in 1811 [The case]: started November 13, 1811: The highest manifesto January 21, 1812 - 1811. - 31 sheet. - (Fund of the Department of State Economy of the State Council, Inventory No. 1. 1811). -
Original title of the case: The case of the continuation of the European tariff for 1811, published with some additions to it: the Supreme Manifesto of January 21, 1812 was held in this case.
Handwritten text. Ink.
The case contains documents related to the continuation of the European tariff of 1811 with some changes: the attitude and note of the Minister of Finance DA Guriev; painting of goods, which are supposed to allow Black Sea and Azov ports from 1812; the attitude of the state controller B. B. Campenhausen, the Highest Manifesto of Alexander I, additional painting of goods .
I. Alexander I (Russian Emperor, 1777-1825). II. Guryev, Dmitry Alexandrovich (1751 - 1825). III. Russia. The Emperor (1801-1825, Alexander I). IV. Department of State Economy of the State Council. 1. Development of foreign trade in Russia: history and current status (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. Customs policy - Russia - 1801-1825 - Documents and materials. 4. Customs Tariffs - Russia - Documents and Materials. 5. Russia - Foreign trade - European countries - 19th century. - Documents and materials. 6. European countries - Foreign trade - Russia - 19th century. - Documents and materials. 7. The highest manifests.
BBC 63.3 (2) 521.1-6y11
ББК 65.428-18 (2) ю1
Source of electronic copy: РГИА
Location on the secret of the original: РГИА. F. 1152. Op. 1. 1811. D. 161.
Catalogue object