Infanticide ...

Bobrov, Boris Pavlovich (1913-1964).    
Infanticide ... [Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [poster] / Fig. B. Bobrova. - Electronic data (2 files: 72.9 MB). - (St. Petersburg: Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2015). - (Agit-window of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Saratov City Committee of the CPSU (B.), No. 63). -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin.
The title from the screen.
On the front side in the lower right corner is the signature: Fig. B. Bobrova. On the front side of the text: January 9, 1942 SS'ovtsy / soldiers of the fascist guard detachments / shortly before his retreat under the blows of the Red Army ... / From VM Molotov's note of April 27, 1942 / .
Electronic poster reproduction: Infanticide ... [Izomaterial]: / Fig. B. Bobrova. Saratov: Ed. Propaganda and Propaganda Department of Sar. city ​​committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), 1942. (Edition of the Typical Literary Worker of Transport). 1 sheet (9 lines): color lithography; 64х76 cm. Edition of 200 copies. KG 198890. Location: Russian Academy of Arts. Scientific library.
Copying by users is not allowed.
I. VKP (b). Saratov city committee. Propaganda and agitation department. The people (the collection). 2. Memory of the Great Victory (collection). 3. The Great Patriotic War - Soviet propaganda and propaganda - 1941 - 1945 - Posters. 4. The Great Patriotic War - The atrocities of German fascist invaders over children - 1941 - 1945 - Posters. 5. Posters - the USSR - 1941 - 1945.
ББК 63.3 (2) 622я61
Electronic copy: PB
Location on the book: Russian Academy of Arts. Scientific. b-ka
Publisher Изд. отдела пропаганды и агитации Сар. горкома ВКП(б)
Catalogue object
из 2