Childhood, upbringing and the summer of the youth of the Russian emperors

Bozheryanov, Ivan Nikolayevich (writer, 1852-1919).    
Childhood, upbringing and summers of the youth of the Russian emperors: published by the tenth anniversary of the birth of His Imperial Highness the Heir of the Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Aleksei Nikolaevich / composed I. N. Bozheryanov; [the publication of the Society for the Care of Homeless Children, for the strengthening of charity funds in the institutions of the Shelter of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, children of reserve soldiers, designed to protect the Motherland]. - S.-Petersburg: Typography A. Benke, [1915]. - [4], IV, 128 sec., 2 liters. portraiture. : ill. ; 36 cm. -
In part of the circulation in the sub-book .: Published in memory of the decade ...
On the back cover of the ex-libris: Exlibris Josephi Pergamenti Jvris Consvlti .
I. Society for the care of homeless children (St. Petersburg) .1. House of the Romanovs (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. The emperors are Russia. 4. Russia - History - 17-19 centuries.
ББК 63.3 (2) 5-8Romanov
Source of electronic copy: ПБ
Location of original retention: ПБ
Publisher Типография А. Бенке
Catalogue object