The workers of the suburban Ukraine of the last century

The people of suburban Ukraine of the last century / [A. Sh.]. - [Kiev: Type. G. T. Korchak-Novitsky, cit. 1891]. -23 sec. ; 24 cm. -
Auto. indicated at the end of the text: A. Sh.
Ott. from the journal. "Kiev, the Old City". 1891, Vol. 33, No. 6. - Without the tit. l. and region
I. A. Sh..1. Territory (collection). 2. Russia - History - Figures. 3. Ukraine - History - Figures.
BBC 63.3 (4Ukr) 5-8
BBK 63.3 (2) 5-8
Source of electronic copy: РГБ
Location on

Publisher Тип. Г. Т. Корчак-Новицкого
Catalogue object