Pokrovskaya Uezd Zemstvo Board
Reports of the Pokrovskaya Uyezd Zemstvo Board to the next district zemstvo assembly .... - Vladimir on Klyazma: Typo-lithography of the provincial zemstvo council, 1875-1916 |
Attachments to the reports of the Pokrovskaya County Zemstvo Board to the next county zemstvo assembly in 1913. - 1913. - 30 seconds. : tab. ; 26th
1. Pokrovskaya uyezd zemstvo administration - Activities - Documents and materials. 2. Power (collection). 3. Territory of Russia (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. Zemstvo - Vladimir province - Documents and materials. 6. Pokrov, city (Vladimir region) - History - Documents and materials. |
BBK 63.3 (28-8Vla) 5-334y52 BBK 63.3 (28-8Vla) 53-334y52 BBK 63.3 (28-8Bla) 533-334y52
The source of electronic copy: Vladimir OUNB The original storage: Владимирская ОУНБ