Appeal of the German Civil Administration in the territory of the left bank of the Vistula to the inhabitants of this region abo...

Identifier 5639acf1-562a-427d-8336-09619e1d9861
Title Appeal of the German Civil Administration in the territory of the left bank of the Vistula to the inhabitants of this region about their immediate return to their place of residence
Dates 1915

На немецком языке

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Text language Немецкий
Level Case
Call number ГА РФ. 690 / 1 / 91
Cataloguing source GA_RF
Series 1869-1916
Extent 3 листа
Fonds Dymsh Lubomir Kleofasovich, a lawyer, a privat-docent of the St. Petersburg University, a member of the III and IV State Duma, a Polish colo, a member of the training committee and an official of special assignments of His Imperial Majesty's Own Office, t
Summary I. Документальные материалы Дымши Любомира Клеофасовича; 3. Документальные материалы, относящиеся к общественной деятельности Дымши Л. К. (в качестве члена Петербургской городской думы и Государственной думы)
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