Journal of civil and criminal law. G. 4 1874, book. 5 (Sept.-Oct.)

Journal of civil and criminal law. - G. [1] -36. - St. Petersburg, 1873-1894. -
In 1876 there was only the book. 1. From 1877 to 1893, the journal was not published.
Закл: 1871-1872 Journal of Civil and Commercial Law; 1873-1894 kn. 1 Journal of Civil and Criminal Law; 1894 b. 2 - 1898 Journal of the Law Society at the Imperial St. Petersburg University; 1899-1906 The Journal of Law.
Publishing House: 1871-1872 Journal of Civil and Commercial Law; 1873-1872 b. 4 A. Knirim and N. Tour; 1872 books. 5-6 A. Knorim; 1873-1878 A. Knerym and N. Tagantsev; 1879-1894 kn. 1 St. Petersburg Juridical Society .
1. Law - Periodicals. 2. Juridical journals - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries.
ББК 67я52
G. 4 1874, book. 5 (Sep-Oct). - 1874. - XXVII, 273, [1] p. -
Publishing house: Printing house of AM Kotomin.
Contents: Legislation and orders of the government (S. I-XXVII). On legal assumptions and their significance (ending) / I. Orshansky (pp. 1-73). Possession and his defense under Russian civil law (ending) / A. Popov (p. 74-132). The right to reconsider the jury's indictment on the charter angle. court. / I. Soboleva (p. 133-159). Necessity of reforming the decisions of the Russian criminal law on the issue of deprivation of rights / I. Foinitsky (pp. 160-194). The legal bibliography: 1. The course of civil proceedings, the essay / K. Malysheva, P. Mullov 2. Contract law on decisions of the cassation senate / P. Mullov 3. Laws and life. Results of the study of peasant courts / MI Zarudny, S. Platonov (S. 195-273). Judicial practice in insolvency cases: opinions of the state council and decisions of the government Senate, the judiciary, district and commercial courts and world institutions / T. Andreeva .. - Ex. SPbSU is defective. There is no article: Judicial practice in insolvency cases: the views of the State Council and the decisions of the government Senate, the Chambers, district and commercial courts and world institutions T. Andreeva. .
1. Power (collection). 2. Law - Periodicals. 3. Juridical journals - Russia - 19 - 20 centuries.
ББК 67я52
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